Toxic Somali Women

Ok yeah that definitely makes sense! It’s no wonder I have a visceral reaction to them because it’s novel yet disturbing/pathetic. It’s gross seeing guys behave like that. Tbh a lot of the younger generation of our men are like this, even the western born ones but the fobs are worse.

I've always found it feminine. Sitting around discussing women and to think these men will end up being fathers with grown kids and grandfathers calling women for not conforming to their standards. Aaf xaar. It isn't dignified whatsoever, at least older odeys simply discuss politics and faadi ku dir rather than what hablaayo is doing.
I’m glad I didn’t waste my time explaining what those terms are for you, since you lack the empathy to consider other people’s situations and feelings.

Good riddance.
Sxb random Twitter trolls are nothing, but I agree that some Somali men are trash

when @Angelina said micromanaging and policing somali women, I thought she meant Somali men IRL harassing Somali women over clothing, going out etc, not some random trolls online

sorry if you took that the wrong way
Attacking everything a Somali girl does they don't agree with. Its pathetic as there are millions of us, so there are bound to be Somali girls that go off the rails, similar to the way there are bound to be Somali guys that are messing up as well.
Oh ok, would you say their are people who are toxic and micromanaging on both sides? Or is it just from men?
Notice the same complaints with Habesha teen/youth.

It doesn't effect me though every habaryar wants to hook me up with her daughter so they're super friendly and shower me with praise on every occasion lol

Their life do revolves around their families and often times have this annoying bi weekly visits straight up without invitation talking about latest updates and gossiping.

It's like when their kids become adults they have nothing else to do with their life shaqola'animo 101
Sxb random Twitter trolls are nothing, but I agree that some Somali men are trash

when @Angelina said micromanaging and policing somali women, I thought she meant Somali men IRL harassing Somali women over clothing, going out etc, not some random trolls online

sorry if you took that the wrong way

Hey, this thread isn't an attack on Somali men or women. We've highlighted the problem with women and men. It isn't a gender war and I feel both the men and women on this thread have been pretty respectful. I'm not upset about some of the guys assessment of some Somali women being toxic because some can be. It is what it is.
This is a problem. We’re the only people who do that. Why? A girl doesn’t have to cover until she’s reached puberty.

I've always wondered why we're the only community who will encourage a 4 year old to wear a jilbab which isn't exactly a smart move as they're young and prone to tripping. Other communities don't do this and their girls turn out just as modest MashaAllah.

