tired of seeing salafi al shabab stuff on here

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Wahabbi idealogy must be banned and completely eradicated from our nation. It is a plague and a cancer of sunni


How would you know that ?
how would you know hes worshipping the grave do you have proof and dont say visiting the graves of the sahaba and scholars is kuffur when i myself have visisted the grave of the prophets uncle in uhud
the only kuffur here is salafis who liken allah to a human form
when allah himself can never be in any form


But didn't you just takfir all salafis:ayaanswag:

becosue they declared takfir on good innocent muslims, they are kuffars who have killed hundreds of innocent muslims killing muslims is forbidden in islam they also followers of ibn wahab

so yes they are takfiri kuffars


Take the Poo to the loo
how would you know hes worshipping the grave do you have proof and dont say visiting the graves of the sahaba and scholars is kuffur when i myself have visisted the grave of the prophets uncle in uhud
the only kuffur here is salafis who liken allah to a human form
when allah himself can never be in any form

becosue they declared takfir on good innocent muslims, they are kuffars who have killed hundreds of innocent muslims killing muslims is forbidden in islam they also followers of ibn wahab

so yes they are takfiri kuffars

Because he claimed he visits the shrine EVERY morning, afternoon and evening isn't that obvious.



يا نبي سلام عليك
Sxb i dislike the khawaarij rats too but this journalist could be rafidi too pretending to be sunni.
And he doesn't mention this narration from imam shafi'i:icon lol:

“Yusuf ibn Yahya al-Buwayti said, ‘I asked al-Shaf’i (may Allah have mercy on him), ‘Can I pray behind a Rafidhi?’ He said, ‘Do not pray behind the Rafidhi, nor the Qadari, nor the Murjiyi’. I said, ‘describe them to me.’ He said, `The one who says that Iman is statement [only], then he is Murjiyi`. And whosoever says that Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) are not the two imams, then he is a Rafidhi. And whosoever places the Will for himself, he is Qadari.”

(Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’, 10:31)


Take the Poo to the loo
And he doesn't mention this narration from imam shafi'i:icon lol:

“Yusuf ibn Yahya al-Buwayti said, ‘I asked al-Shaf’i (may Allah have mercy on him), ‘Can I pray behind a Rafidhi?’ He said, ‘Do not pray behind the Rafidhi, nor the Qadari, nor the Murjiyi’. I said, ‘describe them to me.’ He said, `The one who says that Iman is statement [only], then he is Murjiyi`. And whosoever says that Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) are not the two imams, then he is a Rafidhi. And whosoever places the Will for himself, he is Qadari.”

(Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’, 10:31)

You see, i was about to post that :mjlol:


Because he claimed he visits the shrine EVERY morning, afternoon and evening isn't that obvious.

maybe the prophets daughter is close to him for me yusuf ibn al kawneyn is close to me i wish to visit his grave in somaliland inshallah
may allah bless the noble schollars ameen
Haha these kids here gone straight, kulaha all salafis are Gaalos. @geeljire madaxweyne you are an extremist who splits the muslims, stop talking so much shit. I will show that you are from a sect, that is more dangerous than salafis.

I ask you only one question at first. Answer it and miss me with this childish labelling. Answer straight forward.

The prophet SCW said, that only one group is on his right path and the rest is in hellfire. My question to you is, what is the definition of a Muslim, who is from the right group ?


Take the Poo to the loo
maybe the prophets daughter is close to him for me yusuf ibn al kawneyn is close to me i wish to visit his grave in somaliland inshallah
may allah bless the noble schollars ameen

Bro i don't have a problem visiting a grave and making due for dead, but visiting 3 time a days everyday that is another level.


يا نبي سلام عليك
Bro i don't have a problem visiting a grave and making due for dead, but visiting 3 time a days everyday that is another level.
Plus most of the people visiting her shrine are shias and the prayers are lead by a shi'i. Theres no problem visiting there and making dua for her but does he pray behind a shi'i imam? Very odd
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they talk about the graves of the scholars sahabas and the prophets family suggesting ig you visit them you area comitting shirk , they later went on to destroy all the graves belonging to the sahabas
destroying the house of khadija

yet the salafis commit shirk

Reading from the wahhabi book named “Fath al-Majid”authored by ^Abdur-Rahman the son of Hasan the son of Muhammad the son of ^Abdul-Wahhab page
The Wahhabiyys liken Allah to the humans and animals. They say: Allah sits on the kursiyy.
Allah said in Surat ash-Shura Ayah 11:

It means: “Nothing resembles Allah in anyway whatsoever and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight.”
Allah does not sit neither on the Throne nor on the Kursiyy for these are the attributes of the humans
Clearing Allah from the attribute of sitting

Have you ever seen in the Quran where Allah is said to be sitting? To deny an attribute of God, it has to exist first somewhere in the Quran and Sunnah. Same way that To clear someone of a false charge, the charge/accusation has to exist before hand. I am curious where you saw in Islam that Allah is sitting?

Provide the evidence in some book starting with the Quran then let me read please.
completely unrelated but memri tv is so funny, they host a bunch of debates like this one but most end up in spitting matches
nayyef is a boy but let us imagine he is the wife.png
memri_30 shoes.png


Have you ever seen in the Quran where Allah is said to be sitting? To deny an attribute of God, it has to exist first somewhere in the Quran and Sunnah. Same way that To clear someone of a false charge, the charge/accusation has to exist before hand. I am curious where you saw in Islam that Allah is sitting?

Provide the evidence in some book starting with the Quran then let me read please.
Sahib Allah does not come in human form that's shirk
How many muslim lives are lost every day due to this shit ideology.

The ideology preys on people who think they are victims. To get someone to blow themselves up and their relatives, you don't teach them Allah's book and the Sunnah of the prophet. You teach them propaganda cloaked as Islam. You play to their fears and paranoia.
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