exactly istaqfurulaah WHO makes a song about this? While White women kill their in laws to be rich or vengeance, adoon woman threatens to date her mans father 'fada', her father in law, & then call her ex 'my son"?? how twisted is this?
Where is the horse whip?
TikTok is an app for 14 year olds and FOBS. The Fobs mime cringy with hand gestures to female somali songs. Ceeeeeeb!
Eedo @Basra I did not expect this from you.
So I heard this song in Tik Tok- & I went to YouTube to listen to the song. Walaahi these Africans need to be whipped like a horse. Kulaaha 'If you break my heart I'ma date your father "fada"??????
It really should be banned forever
Yes ofcourse all the great singers and people are deadI agree 100 %
I discovered, the singer died from Car accident in 2018