Tiktok video highlights how many Arabic words in our language

Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
english and italian dont have the à é í ó ù so their left over typewriters didnt have them thats why we use aa ee ii oo uu instead. it was quicker to implement on a mass scale. osmanya wont become popular because of clan mentality and it resembles xabashi writing. hadaysan jirin script then i dont think somalis would be able to agree on a script let alone write a language for the 1st time without a gun to their heads like 1972.

Arabic is the only script that suits our language and would be very easy to implement right now. I would say more people can read arabic than latin and instead of learning both people would only have to learn the Arabic script so it would without a doubt improve literacy rates. Latin is ugly, awkward to use and has nothing to do with our culture and history.

