To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
The best way for the TPLF is to make the process of secession as bloody as possible and invite international mediation, presenting themselves as the victims of the central government's slaughter. This way they can fast-track the recognition. These motherfuckers are crafty.Was just mentioning that the other day, what do you reckon happens to them after they secede? (assuming they do)
The best way for Addis Ababa is not to over-react and slowly destabilize Tigray from within creating unpleasant facts on the ground about Tigray in the eyes of the International Community. And then Ethiopian federal government can swoop in and restore the order, thus, ending Tigray's independence. If Addis Ababa is smart they will start destabilization covert operations in Tigray now. This might be already happening since Amharas pulling the strings in Addis Ababa. Amharas are as crafty as Tigrayans.
Only Habashi can upend another Habashi in Ethiopia. Oromos and Somalis are the dreaded sideshow that needs to be played in order to maintain the facade of one Ethiopia.