Throwback: Dutch National Documentary exposing Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

The story of Ayaan Hirsi Ali for many starts in her big break in the west by spilling Islamophobic filth. Truely, it starts way earlier, she was dutch MP who got kicked out for falsyfing her live story and outright lying. There was a documentary made, that never found it's way to the english speaking internet, above I've shared the link.


There's something deeply wrong with this woman. If she left the deen and simply became a kafir then I'd have no problem but she actively aided in the hate of Muslims in the 2000s. Her lust for fame is probably what drove her but since she had neither knowledge or talents she focused on being a coon. Coons are always raised by the establishment because it validates their sick ideas by having them come from the mouth of the minority they want to oppress.

