This man is ruthless


Flying over your heads
I understand humbling a chick to teach her a lesson but this guy came with a different type of energy. I dunno whether if it is some lowkey sus rage going on or some revenge of the nerds type of rage.

100% this guy gets women solely based off his money.
The way he acts and talks lets me know, women was not looking his way until he looked like money


This guy wasn’t even giving advice, too savage. The people calling in were a bit handicapped still :hmm:
I understand humbling a chick to teach her a lesson but this guy came with a different type of energy. I dunno whether if it is some lowkey sus rage going on or some revenge of the nerds type of rage.

100% this guy gets women solely based off his money.
The way he acts and talks lets me know, women was not looking his way until he looked like money
He thinks he’s some kind of alpha male so maybe revenge of the nerds. Also yeah, the emphasis he puts on money == attractiveness kinda implies that he has nothing else going for him other than money.
I think she must have asked for a man that earns more than her which prompted his response?

"We don't care about your money, it ain't ours"

Seems like there is no pleasing some men and will literally belittle all types of women. Attractive and young women are routinely asked what do they bring to the table, and now established women are being told their money and accomplishments means nothing.

One thing some men are consistant with is putting down women.


Seems like there is no pleasing some men and will literally belittle all types of women. Attractive and young women are routinely asked what do they bring to the table, and now established women are being told their money and accomplishments means nothing.

One thing some men are consistant with is putting down women.

Fair point. Although I have to say that I do agree with him specifically on that.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
For goodness sake he's an image consultant aka personal shopper with 2-3 hr long videos.

YT is his primary shaqo. So he has no room to speak on what any woman wants or can get.


Flying over your heads
This guy wasn’t even giving advice, too savage. The people calling in were a bit handicapped still :hmm:

He thinks he’s some kind of alpha male so maybe revenge of the nerds. Also yeah, the emphasis he puts on money == attractiveness kinda implies that he has nothing else going for him other than money.
Straight up.

Tbh, this word alpha male has transformed into a cringeworthy excuse to be a dickhead and an ultramacho poser.

Either a nigga is solid or he a fucknigga
A solid nigga stands in truth. Fuckniggas always wanna prove a point.

And that nigga reeks of fucknigga.
Straight up.

Tbh, this word alpha male has transformed into a cringeworthy excuse to be a dickhead and an ultramacho poser.

Either a nigga is solid or he a fucknigga
A solid nigga stands in truth. Fuckniggas always wanna prove a point.

And that nigga reeks of fucknigga.

Blame redpill discourse.


Flying over your heads
Blame redpill discourse.
Too many people misunderstood the whole point of being redpill.
It's about curing yourself of the ignorance of male and female nature.

It's about understanding the mistakes a man has made and release yourself of the trauma but 90% of the redpill youtubers are just spreading trauma based knowledge from a place of pain.

It's one thing to understand female nature but it's another to wallow in the trauma of past fuckups.
That's what I picked up from almost everyone who stumbled upon redpill, including myself at a point.

It took a lot of selfreflection to snap outta this hypnosis called redpill.

I feel that it gave me a different perspective on how to analyze myself and that's all I needed from it. Humbled me a lot in the process.

Anything else seems redundant to me.

But to each his own still.

I would still recommend redpill for every bluepill nigga who wants to understand what's going on and is humble enough to withstand some intentional emotional pain to save himself from further ignorant pain.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
He doesn't help anyone he just makes them feel worse. He mocks the callers and makes them feel like they have no hope. What do they gain from doing that to themselves?

Well he would just be giving her false hope :francis:


jUst keeping it REAL homie
This guy wasn’t even giving advice, too savage. The people calling in were a bit handicapped still :hmm:

He thinks he’s some kind of alpha male so maybe revenge of the nerds. Also yeah, the emphasis he puts on money == attractiveness kinda implies that he has nothing else going for him other than money.
What’s the something else he should have going for himself 🤔 he doesn’t look bad on the face for a Madow(has cadaan admixture cuz he AA) and his hairline is in tact
Are you taking about the physical or something else 🤔

Mr Sufi

His mannerism seem like he has a past that was spent in a closet

Dude is in his late 40s early 50s trying to be a YouTube star no wife and no kids looks like Steve urkel and thinks he has sound advice pretty sad that a lot black American men like him on the internet it's pretty easy to get black male subscribers all you have to do is shit on black women and you will have a nice following

I wouldn't be surprised the loser pays women to call in

Smokes and mirrors is what social media really is