This Is Why Reer Gedo Want Kismayo

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blah blah blah


How do you own a city that was built by harti? when did the selling of properties occurr? that would be interesting, just claiming i own this and that anyone can say but only a few can prove it with dates and times because it never happened. Besides if you own it, you would be mayor and controlling the port, but u don't.


What suprises me most by the idiocy of marehan is, if they are the majority of kismayo, why are they always bringing troops 'outside kismaayo'? none of them are recruited from kismaayo, you would think the whole population would rise up. They don't become marehan doesn't live there, they don't have money to buy homes waryaa and displace the property owners who are harti. Plus there is no reports of looting at any time during the kismayo conflict so you couldn't acquire property the HG way in mogadishu. So where did all these duli sade sleep when in kismayo, outside in camps? f*ck outta here waryaa, Somali dhan ayaa og ninka kismayo leh oo ugu badan, waxaa keliya ka doodo nacas gedo joggo.
Tue 06 November

Spotted of the coast of El Hur, the Harti refugee voyage is in day 400 kkk


:icon e smile:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Rather then fighting over Kismayo ya duli sade, why don't you work on gedo? are you scared that we may see sade is useless on his own? duli yahow wasaqa ah, you always live on the back of majerten work. Even Majerten are all leaving Bosaso so they can build up their own unique clan district and prove to each other who is dominant, we don't sit there fighting over yaa bosaso leh like your ass does with kismayo.

Go and build your districts waryaa and show us if sade is really a power or not?

Waryaa Kismayo is our city. Sade waa qaran. Gedo is our Green Valley region. We're developing it. Sade is doing everything. And no you guys copy whatever us Sade Ugaases since we are your role models and wiser leaders. Kismayo ana leh. And Sade is a powerhouse. :icon lol:


The only way marehan can be majority of kismaayo is if they prove there is large idp camps that are the size of kismaayo outside kismaayo or anywhere within it because there is no evidence of harti losing a single property in kismaayo, so where-else could these marehan majority be sleeping but in camps in the city? that's the only logical premise unless they show proof of buying up a whole city property in a few years yeah fkn right. f*ck outta here waryaa with your mad shit.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
This is where sade lives in Kismayo


Squatter ibnul Squatter all live like that because they own no properties in the city because it's not their town waryaa.

Liar. Us Sade Ugaases live in self built Mansions. Only squatters is you Kab iyo Lax boy. We own all the properties in our city Kismayo. :ufdup:
The only way marehan can be majority of kismaayo is if they prove there is large idp camps that are the size of kismaayo outside kismaayo or anywhere within it because there is no evidence of harti losing a single property in kismaayo, so where-else could these marehan majority be sleeping but in camps in the city? that's the only logical premise unless they show proof of buying up a whole city property in a few years yeah fkn right. f*ck outta here waryaa with your mad shit.
Kismayo is Sade and Sade is Kismayo. :ahh::mjpls:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Shoo Sade, go back to gedo, stop squatting and living in filth because ninka magaalada leh ayaa guryaha leh, you fuckin squatter madafack duli



Doctor Kaniini Sade owns Gedo, Jubbada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe. Your people are inviting in wasaq people such as Oromos in Bosaso. Go exterminate that before talking about my city Kismayo. Only squatters are Kab iyo Lax. We own that. And we run that.


Markan dul udug joggi nin cusman maxamud baan ahay. Markan Waqoyi joggo, Nin harti baan ahay, markan hamar joggo nin darode baan ahay, markan kismayo joggo nin kab iyo lax baan ahay.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Waryaa you don't have a native population in kismaayo, they still live in gedo most of your people, they didn't pack up and leave the region. Just because barre hiraale came with 300 boys to control it for a few years, doesn't mean the town has changed nor can it change. You own no properties in kismaayo at all which proves your nothing but a duli squatter.

Even mogadishu didn't change much other then darod areas got taken over by habar gedir, north mogadishu is still how it always was. Just because aideed was in control for a few years doesn't mean mogadishu population dynamics changed. The only thing that changed was the darod exodus which HG used to settle it's people, ask any hawiye if you want if you don't believe me.

The same happened in Kismayo, in-fact a lot less because no looting or displacement happened in kismaayo with power changes so everything is how it is. They would come in the town and their wouldn't be much fight on either side or displacement.

Waryaa we do have a native population number in our city Kismayo. Our people mostly live in their city Kismayo. See you mentioning the landeere Barre Hiiraale. Your scared of him after all that karbashing he gave to Kab iyo Lax. And he had thousands of Militias. We own all the properties. And the only duli squatters are Kab iyo Lax.
Harti afkina ha barto(as farole wud say)
Ditoore dont you see that SL army is stationing just outside Garoowe and you are worried about Kismayo? Kab iyo lax is not even a real thing and even if it was it cannot match Sade. Even blackie is trying to appease Marehan because he knows if things turn tribal we will put a force of 20k outside our capital Kismayo. :ufdup:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I don't like these sade motherfuckers claiming my city kismaayo. It's ours and logically I examined it nothing changed in kismaayo bruv like mogadishu, the dynamics are still the same, harti own all properties still, no looting happened when power changes occurred.

He thinks he can try the HG thing like they did in mogadishu. War this is kismayo, majerten ba joggo, he ain't no nacas like abgaal.

I don't like these annoying Kab iyo Lax ciyaals claiming my city Kismayo. It's ours and has been since forever. Demographics show us Sade Ugaases are the majority in our city. Harti are extinct in my city Kismayo. They all ran away like fulays they are to the North. And all the properties belongs to us. Kismayo is ours. And MJ the natives of PL need to back off. Or they'll karbashed like before.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Kismaayo 250k, bosaso 700k, galkacyo 700k, Qardho 50k, Garowe 70k, Burtinle, 50k, Las anod 90k.

The mighty Harti. These hawiye niggas have nothing beyond mogadishu. The rest of their towns are not bigger then garowe or burtinle, their grade b towns. Harti have heaps of grade b towns, plus major capitals also. This isn't counting our nomads just half our population is being counted. U add our nomads, bisinkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa we could create 3 mogadishu by itself.

People don't know this, but mogadishu is just two bosaso duplicated. Mog aint more then 1.5 million

Kismayo is 1 million+ Marehan. Don't claim my city. Las Anod is controlled by SL. Bosaso is becoming Oromo central. Luuq is better than Burtinle. Cabudwaaq better than Galkacyo. Bardera is better than Qardho. And Balanbale is better than Garowe. Nobody can reach the mighty Sade. Now your using the Harti card.Then the MJ card. Then the Kab iyo Lax card. Waar ninyahow you ain't on Sade's level iska sooco.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
You got yuulka photo, he is pro darod, are you? even that nigga hurdaaye saacid his brother is strong darodist, my father knows him well and was upset nacaskan oo nagta cayr haysato in raisal wasaare laga dhigo. My father said saacid brother is amazing and very respected by puntites.

Saacid is noble Ugaas. And he knew you people very well.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Behave before the harti boys tell madoobe, just remove gedo from the constitution and let it be swallowed up by the rahanwayn state next to you, JL will still be eligible as a federal region with 2 states juba hoose/juba dhexe. Behave waryaa and bow your master kab iyo lax

You behave before the Sade Ugaases get their weapons and start karbashing you futile irrelevant Harti boys. Gedo is the Green Valley of Jubaland. JL is ours. Jubbada Hoose, and Jubbada Dhexe is ours. You is illahi waryaa kiss the ring of Sade you lil Kab iyo Lax imbecile.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
The future of sade in kismaayo. Haloo dhiibo madaxwaynaha kooxda jubaland ee 'bambayda' as he welcomes consequtively kab iyo lax presidents.

The future of Sade in our city Kismayo. Only people gonna play the bambayda is you Kab iyo Lax imbeciles when us Sade country and mammul Presidents come in.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Mx are coastless which is why they claim kismayo like african american claims whats not theirs

Us MX Ugaases are not ''coastless'' we have Kismayo our city. And no fam lol your the ones claiming my city out of cuqdad for your Superiors wise leaders which are MX.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I am the only somali clan who owns islands, proper islands. Kudhaa and Hafun. There is no other islands in Somalia. Those issa clans own a little island but it's tiny, nothing like hafun and it's huge size or ku dhaa.

We own the Bajuni Islands.


There is this race for everyone to build their own 'clan district' and stop competing in Bosaso. Ali Saleban have left, Osman Mahmoud are focussed heavily on Qardho, Dashishe is doing 'waciye', even then warsangeli niggas have left to badhan to build that up. In Bari them niggas don't sit there 20 years arguing ana leh meeshani iyo adaa leh, ask @Reer-Bari all of them are pissing off to their own clan towns and building that up because that sends a message who is 'dominant' in the region by seeing his 'deegaan' or district where he is majority, rather then sponging off bosaso which was built by all clans. But this sade nigga is sitting there arguing 'ana leh kismayo' war orodo gedo tag oo wax uu gabo markas waxad tahay ayaa soo baxayo iyo hadu awood'ba lee yahay.
kismaayo was built by harti. during the late 1800s british explorers visited kismaayo and called it a harti land because they build a lot of business and dominated the bussiness industry. thats one of the reasons ogadan joined the hawiya and decided to slaughter our most educated and rich business men. in puntland towns are sprouting out of no where. the newest town was created 11 months ago. there was not one house there and now there is about 100. its called wardheere barri. it was given to ismail saleebaan after the tribal war between them and deeshishe
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