This is the new Senator-elect for Arizona, astronaut Mark Kelly


Bantu Liberation Movement



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I think Mccain would have loved Arizona going Blue. His widow voted for Biden. Trump really rubbed people the wrong way.

The funny thing is: Trump is the quintessential American. Really. If you want a sniped definition of an American, look at Trump.

Even how to handle election defeat, that is how Republican Americans have been acting privately for every elections they lost. The usual talk was calls for sessions. lol

Liberal Americans are not true Americans. They are a deposit from Europe.


Bantu Liberation Movement
He beat martha mccsally last week, now Arizona has 2 democrat senators. John mccain probably rolling in his grave
I have a hard time believing the maverick John McCain would roll in his grave knowing an astronaut is representing his great state of Arizona.

Anyway the point is, an astronaut Senator during a Democratic presidency we will see a push for scientific education and exploration.

Exciting times ahead.

The biggest shithole States in America are red. Who in god's name is flooding Alabama or Mississippi?
Democrat run states might have its problems but rather be in Cali or New York than Tennessee.

On the other hand though, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina are nice. And maybe better to live than Democrat states. Catch 22 type shit.


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