They laugh at me


Hakuna matata
When I tell Somalis I’ll marry only Somali they laugh . They ask me why would you marry a Somali? There’s so many other beautiful ethnicities like Ethiopians, Eris, morrocan & Algerians etc .

They tell me keep my options open never rely on farahs. But I want to keep my culture and language strong. I don’t think they care. But I do.

mind you these are not girls born in the west, they come from Saudi Arabia, maylasia , Egypt and UAE.
Farahs to them are at the bottom of the heirachy. .
When I tell Somalis I’ll marry only Somali they laugh . They ask me why would you marry a Somali? There’s so many other beautiful ethnicities like Ethiopians, Eris, morrocan & Algerians etc .

They tell me keep my options open never rely on farahs. But I want to keep my culture and language strong. I don’t think they care. But I do.

mind you these are not girls born in the west, they come from Saudi Arabia, maylasia , Egypt and UAE.
Farahs to them are at the bottom of the heirachy. .
Yeah, unfortunately most Xalimos have become obsessed with foreign men like Abdi Irish & Abdi Tyrone, so I've just left them to it tbh.

I just wait till what happens to other Somali women who marry ajnabi men happens to them :mjlaugh: as in they usually end up with half Somali kids while being a single mother


While I believe love is love and we should marry without discrimination, I can say people that put down their own culture and praise others are only fooling themselves. At the end of the day, people are people and the grass is not always greener on the otherside of the fence. I know many from my generation and the story is always the same. Let them laugh at you now but they won't be in a decade because you made the right decisions early :)


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I agree as a Somali male there are too many flavors to choose from in America why would I limit myself to one just because of shared ethnicity?

I think u r growing up. No more ilmaa adeer? No more Toolaaahi?
Hmm, that's weird. Most Somalis from UAE, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia stick together, maybe you just happened to meet some that want to venture out to other waters. Also, Somalis from these countries are obsessed with foreign media like bollywood & Turkish dramas and think western Somalis are living it up, some of them resent us for that and think marrying a ajnabi is a way out, that goes for both genders, cause tbf Somalis are at the or near bottom of the global food chain, it is what it is.
Hmm, that's weird. Most Somalis from UAE, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia stick together, maybe you just happened to meet some that want to venture out to other waters. Also, Somalis from these countries are obsessed with foreign media like bollywood & Turkish dramas and think western Somalis are living it up, some of them resent us for that and think marrying a ajnabi is a way out, that goes for both genders, cause tbf Somalis are at the or near bottom of the global food chain, it is what it is.
Everyone should marry whomever they find attractive regardless of ethnicity. You will regret not following your heart just because there is societal pressure.
Everyone should marry whomever they find attractive regardless of ethnicity. You will regret not following your heart just because there is societal pressure.
Somalis will continue to marry Somalis sxb, the people I truly feel sorry for are Eritreans, Ethiopians (including Oromo) and North Sudanese, their girls have completely turned on their men and jumped ship, I know some married to Farahs in jail, that's how bad it is. You can add Turks, Lebanese and Iraqi to that list, whereas every week I'm hearing a new Somali engagement or upcoming wedding, the doom posting of Somalis on social media and online forums has created an echo chamber, we're doing way better than most folk out there.

The ones that want to marry out and avoid their own typically have issues, that goes for every group out there, they're doing everyone else a favour, let the trash take itself out.
Somalis will continue to marry Somalis sxb, the people I truly feel sorry for are Eritreans, Ethiopians (including Oromo) and North Sudanese, their girls have completely turned on their men and jumped ship, I know some married to Farahs in jail, that's how bad it is. You can add Turks, Lebanese and Iraqi to that list, whereas every week I'm hearing a new Somali engagement or upcoming wedding, the doom posting of Somalis on social media and online forums has created an echo chamber, we're doing way better than most folk out there.

The ones that want to marry out and avoid their own typically have issues, that goes for every group out there, they're doing everyone else a favour, let the trash take itself out.
if they want to marry outside their ethnicity, whats your problem? People make their choices, why be obsessed?
if they want to marry outside their ethnicity, whats your problem? People make their choices, why be obsessed?
So I'm guessing you're the type I'm talking about? No hard feelings, 60% of Asian women avoid their men citing multiple reasons, such as Asian misogyny (even though Asian men are the least likely to physically assault all races of women) and how they want to broaden their horizons. Of that Asian group of women, 90% choose white men as partners. Not black, not Arab, not Hispanic, but white. Sure, we can say let people make their choices, but let's not pretend that the majority of people marry out with good intentions (race fetish, self hate, low-self esteem etc.) For the most part there are underlying problems brimming beneath the surface, whether they admit it or not.

If you want to believe that most POC who marry out/actively avoid their own are fully secure with themselves and that self hatred doesn't exist, and is behaviour is normal and not deemed a problem at all, then be my guest.

Take care.
Somalis will continue to marry Somalis sxb, the people I truly feel sorry for are Eritreans, Ethiopians (including Oromo) and North Sudanese, their girls have completely turned on their men and jumped ship, I know some married to Farahs in jail, that's how bad it is. You can add Turks, Lebanese and Iraqi to that list, whereas every week I'm hearing a new Somali engagement or upcoming wedding, the doom posting of Somalis on social media and online forums has created an echo chamber, we're doing way better than most folk out there.

The ones that want to marry out and avoid their own typically have issues, that goes for every group out there, they're doing everyone else a favour, let the trash take itself out.

People here and somalis in general fearmonger this ” somalis are mixing with others” thing. The whole thing is overblown. Western born somalis are just getting started, we are soon entering a wedding boom and we will reach a point where daily somali marriages are normal just like back home. The whole ”mixing fear” is due to the fact that somalis are kind of insular group and any newcomers are talk of the town.

Some people here especially men actually want this mixing thing to be true, so they can say they will follow suit. They hiding behind the line ” xalimos are after reverts” which actually is defense mechanism to justify their desire to marry out. The lie is easy to see.

Tbh we should straight up just assimilate the muslim horner diaspora. There aint many of them unlike us, I know some and literally their only option is to marry out. I feel bad for them.
So I'm guessing you're the type I'm talking about? No hard feelings, 60% of Asian women avoid their men citing multiple reasons, such as Asian misogyny (even though Asian men are the least likely to physically assault all races of women) and how they want to broaden their horizons. Of that Asian group of women, 90% choose white men as partners. Not black, not Arab, not Hispanic, but white. Sure, we can say let people make their choices, but let's not pretend that the majority of people marry out with good intentions (race fetish, self hate, low-self esteem etc.) For the most part there are underlying problems brimming beneath the surface, whether they admit it or not.

If you want to believe that most POC who marry out/actively avoid their own are fully secure with themselves and that self hatred doesn't exist, and is behaviour is normal and not deemed a problem at all, then be my guest.

Take care.
You dont know anything about me. You are the kind of person that likes to obsess over peoples lives, maybe your life is too boring?

Whether its self-hatred or not isnt relevant, people do whatever the f*ck they want. Its impossible to tell what the inidividual is thinking so its pointless.
People here and somalis in general fearmonger this ” somalis are mixing with others” thing. The whole thing is overblown. Western born somalis are just getting started, we are soon entering a wedding boom and we will reach a point where daily somali marriages are normal just like back home. The whole ”mixing fear” is due to the fact that somalis are kind of insular group and any newcomers are talk of the town.

Some people here especially men actually want this mixing thing to be true, so they can say they will follow suit. They hiding behind the line ” xalimos are after reverts” which actually is defense mechanism to justify their desire to marry out. The lie is easy to see.

Tbh we should straight up just assimilate the muslim horner diaspora. There aint many of them unlike us, I know some and literally their only option is to marry out. I feel bad for them.

It's already happening, Horners are moving into the Somali community, at least the Muslim ones. The Christians have all jumped ship cause habesha girls have been marrying out, it is what it is.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
I think u r growing up. No more ilmaa adeer? No more Toolaaahi?
N word means Naaso btw

Hell Yeah Dancing GIF by collin
You dont know anything about me. You are the kind of person that likes to obsess over peoples lives, maybe your life is too boring?

Whether its self-hatred or not isnt relevant, people do whatever the f*ck they want. Its impossible to tell what the inidividual is thinking so its pointless.

What do you know about me? There is nothing more cringe to me than these stories of 'xalimo married x ethnicty, got divorced and now she's depressed with her ajnabi children', we shouldn't even care about that in the first place. I don't care what individuals do with their lives, observing general trends is not obsessing over peoples lives, you make it seem like I'm stalking people on social media and trolling their marriages on the comment section.

'It's impossible to tell what the individual is thinking'

There's no need, there are people out there who make it known they only date white, a lot are open with their fetish of black men and women, some get disappointed when their half white child doesn't have blue eyes etc. Muslim men prefer lighter skinned prospects with their darker skinned counterparts complaining about being ignored for marriage, even going to the mosque doesn't mitigate this, hence the increasing bleaching problem of Islamic communities in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Again, if you want to act like all this is normal then by no means feel free and go ahead.
Somalis will continue to marry Somalis sxb, the people I truly feel sorry for are Eritreans, Ethiopians (including Oromo) and North Sudanese,


I don't think they marry out all that often.

What are you basing this on?

Also, it used to be that 40% of American Asian women would marry white men... leaving the 60% with mostly Asian men; 40% is still high, but it's actually dropped to around 38% now.
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