The War Against the Arabic Language


Bah Qabiil Fluid
So much waffling holy crap 13 mins before he says anything ,he's complaining about Smart people choosing to go into careers such as Medicine rather than Islamic Studies is somehow orchestrated by the west. The reason is simple people want to earn money and Islamic or Shariah positions don't pay anything.

This isn't a war on Arabic but rather on ALL languages due to English being seen as the language of the world. It's not conspiracy from non-muslims it's the byproduct of colonialism . He claims Arabs in the gulf states can't speak or write properly that is nonsense man. Louis Awad is one person, plus even he admits that his plan didn't go through so clearly this war isn't working. He hasn't given a single example of one of their plans we have "fallen" for ,

Most muslims live in the West it's not our fault we know more about life here than the middle east. He just accuses us of copying non-muslims and that we a inferiority complex. Like really? 47 mins to explain five points poorly I want my time back akhi.

