The US Supreme Court Will Most Likely Overturn Abortion Rights, Draft Opinion Shows!

If only the right showed this same level of interest towards Climate change.

We're regressing as a society. America is about to become Gilead.

handmaids tale no GIF by Videoland


Minister of Propaganda
The problem with banning abortion is that it doesn’t solve the problem.

It won’t reduce pre-marital sex or pre-marital pregnancies.

In fact, it will increase the amount of women that die from getting dodgy abortions.

It will also increase the amount of unwanted kids born placed into foster homes or orphanages. It will increase the amount of kids that grow up in homes in which they’re neglected due to being unwanted, which is a pipeline to crime, esp in lower income communities.

I do not support abortion but I do not think a government has any say in what a woman can or cannot do, esp a secular one.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The problem with banning abortion is that it doesn’t solve the problem.

It won’t reduce pre-marital sex or pre-marital pregnancies.

In fact, it will increase the amount of women that die from getting dodgy abortions.

It will also increase the amount of unwanted kids born placed into foster homes or orphanages. It will increase the amount of kids that grow up in homes in which they’re neglected due to being unwanted, which is a pipeline to crime, esp in lower income communities.

I do not support abortion but I do not think a government has any say in what a woman can or cannot do, esp a secular one.

I am kinda conflicted.

My liberal side wants to say-- keep abortion, pro-choice.

My conservative side wants to stop abortion, and make it illegal. Its un-Godly to kill babies.

However, @Periplus u r right- banning abortions is not going to solve the immorality of the whole picture.

So i guess....i am left with an option of I DONT FREAKING CARE!

its not my world. Allaah swt is in control. Periodt.


Minister of Propaganda
Abortion doing a number on the Blacks, I support this.

It’s gonna increase crime tbh. No stable two parent household with a decent income aborts their child. Those that do it, mostly do it out of desperation.

That means kids growing up in shitty households, being neglected and ending up with shitty futures.


Minister of Propaganda
On the other hand, the Supreme Court just won the Dems the midterms and won Biden the 2024 election.

The Democrats just need to campaign on the fact that gay marriage and interracial marriage is next to go.

Even the moderate Republican voters will jump ship. Ain’t no way they’re gonna stomach a Trump or Trump-esque candidate and the possibility of rights being restricted.


It’s gonna increase crime tbh. No stable two parent household with a decent income aborts their child. Those that do it, mostly do it out of desperation.

That means kids growing up in shitty households, being neglected and ending up with shitty futures.
It's a 1st world nation, being anti-natalist in a 1st world nation is retarded even if you're dirt poor.

Every negro in America should have 3-6 kids, boost your electorate numbers at all cost.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
On the other hand, the Supreme Court just won the Dems the midterms and won Biden the 2024 election.

The Democrats just need to campaign on the fact that gay marriage and interracial marriage is next to go.

Even the moderate Republican voters will jump ship. Ain’t no way they’re gonna stomach a Trump or Trump-esque candidate and the possibility of rights being restricted.

Aaaahh republican don't care about gay marriage and blacks marrying whites. loooooool

but the youth will come to dems in droves lol


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Yup. Heard it all.

Joe Biden was asked about it today and he goes “I can’t speak about that rn homie”
I thought it would only be women who would be mostly upset, but to my not so surprise Black men are having a seizure and are suddenly pro womens rights and feminism


thats how you have america turn more liberal. keep enforcing more of these laws and even conservatives will start disagreeing(especially the women)
I'm not pro abortion in the slightest.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I heard rape victims will also not be eligible for abortions?

What about women with health issues who will be at risk if they give birth. Will they still be eligible?

Also, I heard that they'll try and prosecute women who miscarry and don't have proof it was a miscarriage. Now that is insane as miscarriages can happen any time, at home, work ect. If that is the case, every woman needs to be concerned.

I find the Christian attitudes to abortions extreme. Islam doesn't agree with abortions, however in certain circumstances it is allowed like rape and threat to mother's life and it is believed that before the 120 days mark, the fetus has no soul.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm not pro abortion in the slightest.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I heard rape victims will also not be eligible for abortions?

What about women with health issues who will be at risk if they give birth. Will they still be eligible?

Also, I heard that they'll try and prosecute women who miscarry and don't have proof it was a miscarriage. Now that is insane as miscarriages can happen any time, at home, work ect. If that is the case, every woman needs to be concerned.

I find the Christian attitudes to abortions extreme. Islam doesn't agree with abortions, however in certain circumstances it is allowed like rape and threat to mother's life and it is believed that before the 120 days mark, the fetus has no soul.

What is your sources that Islam has exception for abortion?

Also, the rape and birth defect is a weak argument for abortion. The mother can have the child full term, birth it, and give it up for adoption. If she is ready to kill the fetus, she is ready to carry the pregnancy and give it up for foster family.