The Transformative Effects of Dhikr

Why did you leave out this part of the book In your Madkhali Wahabi Site @Omar del Sur ??

فتعظيم المولد ، واتخاذه موسمًا ، قد يفعله بعض الناس ، ويكون له فيه أجر عظيم لحسن قصده ، وتعظيمه لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، كما قدمته لك أنه يحسن من بعض الناس … ولهذا قيل للإمام أحمد عن بعض الأمراء : إنه أنفق على مصحف ألف دينار ، أو نحو ذلك فقال : دعهم ، فهذا أفضل ما أنفقوا فيه الذهب ، أو كما قال . مع أن مذهبه أن زخرفة المصاحف مكروهة . … إنما قصده أن هذا العمل فيه مصلحة ، وفيه أيضًا مفسدة كره لأجلها . فهؤلاء إن لم يفعلوا هذا ، وإلا اعتاضوا بفساد لا صلاح فيه ، مثل أن ينفقها في كتاب من كتب الفجور

“So to magnify the birthday of the Prophet (saas) and to take it as a seasonal celebration, as some people might do and it might be that they are rewarded greatly for their good intentions and for their exalting of the Messenger of Allah (saas), for as I have previously mentioned that some among them do so in a good way … and in this regards it has been reported that Imam Ahmad once said about one of the Muslim rulers that had reportedly spent one thousand dinaars or so for a (decorated) copy of the Qur’an, “Leave him be, for that is the best thing which gold can be spent upon”. But it is well known that the math-hab of Imam Ahmad looks upon the decoration of the Qur’an as something disliked (makruh). Yet what the Imam meant by his statement was that this act had some goodness in it and also some defect that we dislike. For if they were prevented from doing this act it may be that they will then turn to another deed which has no goodness in it whatsoever but is instead evil in its entirety like buying immoral books and so forth …”

@MuMaMe you see the deception
Wallahi fam i see it. In the name of "athar" that theyve carefully selected and narrowly interpreted, they stand in between people and khair


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Wallahi fam i see it. In the name of "athar" that theyve carefully selected and narrowly interpreted, they stand in between people and khair
They tricked me into until I learned a bit of Arabic and went straight to the source. They even edited Imam Nawawi's commentaries approving of mawlid, they know hes too big to be falsely labelled as mubtadic, the Giant of a scholar, thats why I never buy their kitaabs.
They tricked me into until I learned a bit of Arabic and went straight to the source. They even edited Imam Nawawi's commentaries approving of mawlid, they know hes too big to be falsely labelled as mubtadic, the Giant of a scholar, thats why I never buy their kitaabs.
My guess is that there will be no response to what you just pointed out.

If they are sincere, they are brainwashed and facilitating al jama'tul iblis


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
My guess is that there will be no response to what you just pointed out.

If they are sincere, they are brainwashed and facilitating al jama'tul iblis
They dont even follow a Madhab they think theu can intepret hadiths and Quran better than the giant 4 Imams. They say we follow quran and sunnah as if the madhabs dont:yloezpe:

May Allah protect us from this fitnah
In your head, you have thousands of hours of music that you cannot get out of your ahead in addition to the shaytan that accompanies you every day.

If and When Allah shows you mercy and allows you to experience the benefits of Dhikr, I hope the first thing you do is apologize to your family followed by deleting your post.
Acthally there Is no real difference between music and the Quran. You sing about cutting the hands of thiefs while I sing about sunshine and lollipops.

Shaytan doesnt exist, he Is an excuse Muslims have created to not feel too guilty.


Raw Hard Truth
I remember being a kid at some Dhikr session and a bunch of men were jumping around saying Allah Allah, and I got to play the drum :pachah1:

Omar del Sur

Why did you leave out this part of the book In your Madkhali Wahabi Site @Omar del Sur ??

فتعظيم المولد ، واتخاذه موسمًا ، قد يفعله بعض الناس ، ويكون له فيه أجر عظيم لحسن قصده ، وتعظيمه لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، كما قدمته لك أنه يحسن من بعض الناس … ولهذا قيل للإمام أحمد عن بعض الأمراء : إنه أنفق على مصحف ألف دينار ، أو نحو ذلك فقال : دعهم ، فهذا أفضل ما أنفقوا فيه الذهب ، أو كما قال . مع أن مذهبه أن زخرفة المصاحف مكروهة . … إنما قصده أن هذا العمل فيه مصلحة ، وفيه أيضًا مفسدة كره لأجلها . فهؤلاء إن لم يفعلوا هذا ، وإلا اعتاضوا بفساد لا صلاح فيه ، مثل أن ينفقها في كتاب من كتب الفجور

“So to magnify the birthday of the Prophet (saas) and to take it as a seasonal celebration, as some people might do and it might be that they are rewarded greatly for their good intentions and for their exalting of the Messenger of Allah (saas), for as I have previously mentioned that some among them do so in a good way … and in this regards it has been reported that Imam Ahmad once said about one of the Muslim rulers that had reportedly spent one thousand dinaars or so for a (decorated) copy of the Qur’an, “Leave him be, for that is the best thing which gold can be spent upon”. But it is well known that the math-hab of Imam Ahmad looks upon the decoration of the Qur’an as something disliked (makruh). Yet what the Imam meant by his statement was that this act had some goodness in it and also some defect that we dislike. For if they were prevented from doing this act it may be that they will then turn to another deed which has no goodness in it whatsoever but is instead evil in its entirety like buying immoral books and so forth …”

@MuMaMe you see the deception

First off, even if Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was in favor of Mawlid, it wouldn't change that Mawlid is a reprehensible bid'ah. Even a great scholar like Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah is not infallible. Scholars can make mistakes. The works of a scholar are not Quran and Sunnah.

So even if Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was in favor of Mawlid, it would just be mistake on the part of that scholar and it wouldn't actually change whether Mawlid is a bid'ah or not. I love the scholars but I don't worship them.

However, he considered Mawlid a bid'ah and was against it.

I would just post the entire article here insha'Allah but I don't think SSpot would let me and probably rightfully so since it would take up such a large portion of the browser.

So here's the conclusion from that article


It can be concluded from the words of Ibn Taymiyyah that he does not approve of the innovated Mawlid and the possible reward he mentioned is only for the intention of an ignorant person in loving the Prophet – and not the actual action of the Mawlid, which is sinful and therefore punishable.

Finally it is important to note, had Ibn Taymiyyah actually approved of the Mawlid, the other scholars of Ahlus Sunnah would have also disapproved of his statement as the Sunnah is more beloved to us than any individual.

I ask Allaah to guide the ignorant to the Sunnah of His Messenger (sal Allaah alayhi wa sallam). O Allaah, we ask you beneficial knowledge, righteous actions and lawful provision. May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, his family, companions and all those who follow his guidance."

readers are invited to read the whole article for themselves if they want:

