The spread of the Dumarland feminist movement

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Doubt that is what they will be advocating for when FGM is led by the women, secondly how on earth did you come to the conclusion our women contribute to Somali society then 80% of Men πŸ’€ can you bring the evidence or statistics I missed out on please.

So called Democracy and Tribalism is what governs Somalia not Islam nor Sharia.

Go to Somalia see who mostly works and who don't
Not everything has to do with nimaan. And this guy is being overly simplistic with his argument. If he thinks that encouraging financial betterment for women has anything to do with an agenda to push exogamous marriage. And that this is spearheaded by some grand cabal of disgruntled divorcees working with chubby 'naag nool' hijabis who scarily overshare their private details. Then he must be off his rocker.
You’re right, he’s argument is stupid and I don’t get the Ajnabi obsession, however this movement isn’t about encouraging financial betterment for women but instead pushing liberal hedonistic values towards Somali women which is deeply unislamic and degenerate in nature.

They want to encourage women (or at least allow women) to expose their awrah, they want women to engage in haram relationships without consequence and judgement, they want women to essentially do whatever degenerate thing they please without having the backlash that they’d normally get in the Somali community, Somali women already have financial freedom in the west, this is why they don’t get married like they used to (which is already moving away from the deen) and this movement just wants western degeneracy for Xalimos.

There’s no defending this movement, it’s the female equivalent of the surge in the Somali incel movement you see on twitter but the women are just better at hiding their xaar with a lovely coat of paint, in other words they’re much better at branding.
There’s no defending this movement, it’s the female equivalent of the surge in the Somali incel movement you see on twitter but the women are just better at hiding their xaar with a lovely coat of paint, in other words they’re much better at branding.
Then maybe more Somali men should get into the marketing & PR field, aye?
Child Smile GIF


Gabar Majeerteen πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ’š
Dumarland destroys the islamic principles of womanhood , as females we have rights in islam alhamdulliah but this westernized feminism destroys the development of our dear sisters.

Feminism is a liberal westernized ideology ka carar


I put Books to the Test of Life
Dumarland destroys the islamic principles of womanhood , as females we have rights in islam alhamdulliah but this westernized feminism destroys the development of our dear sisters.

Feminism is a liberal westernized ideology ka carar
Only Mentally Sane Halimo on this thread:salute:
Why are they branding it as some sort of new movement and ideology lol.

It's the same old text book version of western Feminism. Has no place in Muslim country like somalia and no one should entertain this kuffar ideology in somalia
Dumarland destroys the islamic principles of womanhood , as females we have rights in islam alhamdulliah but this westernized feminism destroys the development of our dear sisters.

Feminism is a liberal westernized ideology ka carar
It’s so sad to know that so many good sisters will be guided astray by those who wish to destroy their imaan and will be tricked by the shaytaan with movements like feminism especially in its modern form, there’s a reason it’s so closely associated with nakedness. I don’t want my sisters (especially the good ones) to end up in Jahannam,

It’s so easy to trick our sisters, especially in the modern day where movements that seem attractive/innocent and caring are actually recipes to brainwash you away from the deen and make you think things like protecting your awrah is oppressive, when compared to our brothers where they’re much more likely to know when they’re headed down the wrong path as it’s much more obvious for them. (that doesn’t mean brothers don’t get misguided like women do, it just happens in a different way I’ve observed). Women are much more easily swayed by the culture they’re surrounded by due to being much more emotionally aware and invested in emotions meaning they’re much more willing to fit into the culture they’re in even if that culture is degenerate, which in turn means women tend not to be as wise (I don’t mean intelligent, as that’s something else completely) as men and figure out right from wrong regardless of their surroundings. The older I become the more I realize how right Islam was on this difference between women and men.

It was reported that Ibn β€˜Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: β€œThe Dajjal will come to this pond in Marriqanat – a valley in Madinah – and most of those who go out to him will be women, until a man will come to his mother in law, his mother, his daughter, his sister and his aunt, and will tie them up strongly for fear that they will go out to him.”

It makes sense why the men have to lead in most situations and why the prophets have always been men, being in such a position requires a level of wisdom and assurance of oneself and their principles that no women could ever take on.
The mandatory military service got all their young men looking good. Somalia needs that low-key. It would get our young men in shape and would make all of them patriotic. We need to enlist the xalimos too because too many are getting fat.
Xaliimos are already going to war bro where have u been? They’ve been soldiers for centuries
Dumarland destroys the islamic principles of womanhood , as females we have rights in islam alhamdulliah but this westernized feminism destroys the development of our dear sisters.

Feminism is a liberal westernized ideology ka carar

Sis, what is Dumar Land saying, aside from telling women to be self-sufficient and not to tolerate nonsense? There are various waves of feminism, and some of the ideologies do not conflict with Islam's rlghts for women. For example, when feminists fought for the right to vote, the right for equal pay and so forth.

I personally have a big issue with the wave of feminism, that tries to brainwash women into being sex-kittens, performing for the male gaze, whilst deluding themselves into thinking they are winning something.

