The Somali Society Feudal Triangle

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The Prodigy

1. King/Queen = Ugaas/ Ugaasad
2. Merchants = Gurgurahii
3. Soliders (Vanguard) = Waranle/Ilaalo
4.Tradesman/Skilled Artisans = Tuumasha
5.Geeljire/Nomad ( 50% of Somali society, and most of your ancestry) = Reer Badiye/Reer Geeljire, contributed virtually nothing to Somali society apart from FGM,Famine,child abuse.

Farmers/Coastal fisherman etc put them above the Geeljire :lolbron:

I for one descend from a mix of Merhcants/City Dwellers/Farmers/Soliders/Fisherman.

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The Prodigy
How about religious figures such as an imam. Where would they be on the list?

They come under the King/Queen, most did not have political power, but rather spiritual power, the only figure I can think of that did exert political power was Shaykh Yusuf Al Kownayn, whose kids established a dynasty.

The priestly class were called Wadaado, and lived among all sections of society.


The Prodigy
My Merchant/Trader side used to sail along the Gulf of Djibouti to the Red Sea up to Egypt and Turkey, also down to the Indian ocean all the way to India/Sri Lanka for goods and wealth.

My Farming side were the first Somali farmers in the Horn of Africa

My Solider side helped conquer and capture Ethiopia and kill Vasco de Gama's son, and redistribute wealth that the Ethiopians took from us.

My Wadaad side were the first people in Africa to accept Islam in Zayla centures before..

My Artisan side help create all the wonderful dances/paintings/literature/pottery/tools/languages our society needed to flourish into an empire.

Inshallah I meet my ancestors in heaven. :friendhug:


Nomad here
Yep my ancestors did not contribute much to Somali history apart from commit treason against Somalia by supporting Britain against darawiish :bell:sorry guys
Interesting. Both sides of my family are city dwellers/merchants with a few artisans here and there and we literally cannot trace a recent single nomadic ancestor for a long while (thank goodness :icon eek:). We must’ve settled on the coastal cities very early in history.
That doesn't make any sense since some clans were mostly nomadic while others were mostly traders e.g. Sacad Muuse traders and Ogaden Geeljires.

Somalis aren't feudal.
Interesting. Both sides of my family are city dwellers/merchants with a few artisans here and there and we literally cannot trace a recent single nomadic ancestor for a long while (thank goodness :icon eek:). We must’ve settled on the coastal cities very early in history.
I can trace nomadism in 2 generations on one side and 4 on the other.
People are really in here ka faanin nomads and pastoralism like the culture, clothing, geeljire/somali name doesn't come from that. Cajiib. Guaranteed yall had some nomadic pastoralists in your family.

1. King/Queen = Ugaas/ Ugaasad
2. Merchants = Gurgurahii
3. Soliders (Vanguard) = Waranle/Ilaalo
4.Tradesman/Skilled Artisans = Tuumasha
5.Geeljire/Nomad ( 50% of Somali society, and most of your ancestry) = Reer Badiye/Reer Geeljire, contributed virtually nothing to Somali society apart from FGM,Famine,child abuse.

Farmers/Coastal fisherman etc put them above the Geeljire :lolbron:

I for one descend from a mix of Merhcants/City Dwellers/Farmers/Soliders/Fisherman.

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Soldier = geeljire though... they're the ones fighting over dusty tuulos and water wells.
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