The Refugee Dream Is OVER ! The UK Set To Pass New Asylum Bill

Lol how r u complimenting her & insulting her at the same time.
But in the eritreans defense her dad is japanese/AA so she probably didn’t have the typical eritrean upbringing.

Fun fact that's not her father but her step father her mother remarried and she uses her step father to get cool points from aa community .

Hey hey im half this half that but her real pops is back home in Eritrea .


Fun fact that's not her father but her step father her mother remarried and she uses her step father to get cool points from aa community .

Hey hey im half this half that but her real pops is back home in Eritrea .
Damn I didn’t know that, it kinda make sense since she does look fully eritrean. But its safe to assume she lost contact with her biological father.

