The Pope caught liking naked pictures

Nafiso Qalanjo

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Fat L for the Cathloic community. They were suppose to be the most conservative out of all the Christans. :mjlol::banderas:

I cant imagine a well known and highly respected shiekh doing the same. :noneck:

Nafiso Qalanjo

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The replies are killing me :drakelaugh::russ::lolbron::deadmanny:


Make Hobyo Great Again
Fat L for the Cathloic community. They were suppose to be the most conservative out of all the Christans. :mjlol::banderas:

I cant imagine a well known and highly respected shiekh doing the same. :noneck:
This is actually a W for them. I bet Catholics are super relieved that the pope was caught liking pictures of an adult woman instead of a little boy.


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