The Next President of the United States Is...

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
She was asked last night as president would you impose a no fly zone and if a russian jet violates it would you shoot it down. She danced around the question but her eyes said f*ck yea! atleast trump is willing to negotiate or even talk with russia

That's because he's a Russian puppet.

Exactly!! You are spot on. Mad woman wants a no fly zone in Syria.

Everyone better start building houses back home if she wins.

Come on, you're a smart guy. She's corrupt as f*ck and a terrible person, but you know she won't do shit. She'll talk tough, she might escalate a bit but she won't go too far with Russia. She's incredibly hawkish but she's also not fucking dumb. I'm not worried about Russia, I'm worried about all the third-world countries she'll bomb and de-stabalize. But Trump worries me way more. The man is fucking dumb, doesn't know shit about politics, and if he wins he'll literally be surrounded by the worst type of scum. Literal white nationalists like Steve Bannon. He'll be George W. Bush x1000.

I still can't get over the fact that they voted for her over Bernie.

Americans are fucking retarded sheep. Historians in the future will point to this election as the start of the decline of America.

Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You heard it here first thanks to hot tub time machine.
Damn hillary used to be fiiiiiiine.
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