the new jubbaland policy

as i have already said on the thread

The somali government has a new strategy for jubbaland starting with Gedo

Today the gedo mayors drove from luuq to doolow and told the people of doolow that janaan is to be released soon, he has agreed with the government and other mayors in gedo and the governor to work together and to be on board with the new objective. janaan was the district commissioner of gedo and a minister for ahmed madoobe, janaan was the most powerful man in gedo.

the very same day they drove to beled xaawo and met up with beled xaawo locals.

So to summarise the agreement between the government and Gedo leaders, we can divide it into three points.

1) economy and infrastructure
2) politics (jubbaland elections)
3) fight against al shabaab.

For the first point the following will be done:
  • Paved roads all over gedo
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Bridge rebuilding at luuq and baardheere
  • Dolow custom border will be established

Now politics the following will be done:
  • New elections will take place
  • Ahmed madoobe and his ilk will be removed
  • Jubbaland will be aligned with the government
  • An army that is being trained in Eritrea and turkey will take over and push towards middle jubba
  • Janaan will be released and will meet with the mayors and governor of gedo in garbaharay

For the fight against al shabaab.

  • The conditions For the road construction is that gedo must be 100 percent shabaab free. Especially in garbaharay as the road from luuq to dolow and dolow to beledxaawo is shabaab free.
Dowladnimo jir iyo joog. All district commissioners coming together and going from Degmada Luuq to Beledxaawo to Doolow has shown the populace their leadership is on the same page. Hopefully Janan has finally came to the dowlads viewpoint and will be at the frontlines formulating strategies. Here are the DC's of the Degmos and the Governor of the region.
Wararkii ugu dambeeyey xiisada gobolka Gedo ee DF iyo Jubaland oo ka dartay

Baardheere (Caasimada Online) – Magaalada Baardheere ee gobalka Gedo ayaa muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyey waxaa ka jiray isbadbadallo dhanka maamulka, dowaladda federaalka ah ayaa badashay ama magacawday maamul ka duwan midkii Jubbaland taasi oo keentay xiisad iyo colaad u dhaxeysa dadka deegaanka dhexdooda gaar ahaan gudaha beesha Mareexaan.

Maanta waxaa la sheegayaa in uu dhaqdhaaq cusub jiro, gaar ahaan xarunta degmada Baardheere, waxaana la wareegay Cismaaciil Sheekh Cabdi Qorax oo ah maamulka uu magacaabay Axmed Madoobe iyada oo ciidamo taageersanaa dowladda la sheegayo in qaarkood ay kala jabeen oo beelaha ku kala biireen.

Suldaan Hiiroow Cismaan oo ka mid suldaamada gobalka Gedo oo la hadlay idaacadda Goobjoog ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in isbadalka dhanka maamulka ah uu dib u dhigay magaalada Baardheere hormarkeedii, isaga oo yiri “ Magaalada Baardheere waxaa ka jira maamul hore ay soo magacowday dowlad goboleedka Jubbland iyo mid horay u jiray oo dowladda federaalka ah ay soocelisay hadda”, Suldaanka waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in labada maamul ee ay kala magacaabeen DF iyo Jubbaland ay is horfadhiyaan.

Suldaanka oo hadalkiisa siiwato ayaa ku eedeeyey dowladda federaalka ah soo celinta maamulkii hore diidmo ay diidan tahay dowlad gobaleedka Jubbaland, waxaana uu xusay in la doonayo in dadka degmada la iska horkeeno.

“Waxaa ay leedahay dowladda federaalka ah Axmed Madoobe wax taageersan marabno, qaab nuuaas ah ayeey u soo celisay, labadii maamul ee lasoo magaaabey oo mid ka mid ah uusan sharci aheyn iyo midkii oo la doonaayo in degmada la iskaga horkeeno ayaa hadda halkaan ka jira” ayuu yiri Suldaan Hiiroow

Dhanka kale Suldaan Hiiroow ayaa xusay in wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha aysan xaq u laheyn maamul degmo ama mid gobal in ay soo magacowdo, waxaana uu sheegay in arrintaas ay leedahay dowlad gobaleedka maadaama dalka uu yahay federal.

“ Wadanku waa nidaam federal ah nidaamkaas federalka ah wixii degmo ah iyo gobal ah magacaabistiisa dowlad gobaleedka ayaa iska leh, dowladda federal ama wasaaradda arrimaha ma soo magacaabi karto guddoomiye oo dowlad gobaleed ah ma soo magacaabi karto, ayadoo u jeedadu tahay Axmed Madoobe ayaan la dagaalameynaa ayey dowladdu waxaan sharci aheyn ku qasabtay meeshaan ayuu yiri”

Ugu dambeyn Suldaan Hiiroow Cismaan ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda federal ah in faregalinta ay ka deyso degmada Baardheere si horay ay ugu soco loona helo maamul u adeega dadka deegaanka.

Suldaan oo arrintaasi ka hadalaya “Waxaan leenahay halaga daayo faragelinta oo dhibaatada dowladda federaalka haka deyso dadka walaalaha ah ee degan degmadaan , Baardheere waa degmo barwaaqo ah oo beero iyo xoolalo leh oo waxaa ay ka mid tahay meelaha ugu barwaaqada badan dalka, dowladdu dadkaas waxna ma ay tarin mashaariicna kama aay fulin haddii aysan wax tareen haka deyso faragelinta ayuu yiri Suldaanka”.

Dowladda federaalka ah oo dagaal kula jirta maamulka Jubbaland ayaa la sheegayaa iney hub iyo ciidan geysay Gedo, taasi oo dadka ka dhexabuurtay kalsooni-darro iyo cabsi laga qabo iskudhac beesha Mareexaan dhexdeeda ah.

Wararkii ugu dambeeyey xiisada gobolka Gedo ee DF iyo Jubaland oo ka dartay

Baardheere (Caasimada Online) – Magaalada Baardheere ee gobalka Gedo ayaa muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyey waxaa ka jiray isbadbadallo dhanka maamulka, dowaladda federaalka ah ayaa badashay ama magacawday maamul ka duwan midkii Jubbaland taasi oo keentay xiisad iyo colaad u dhaxeysa dadka deegaanka dhexdooda gaar ahaan gudaha beesha Mareexaan.

Maanta waxaa la sheegayaa in uu dhaqdhaaq cusub jiro, gaar ahaan xarunta degmada Baardheere, waxaana la wareegay Cismaaciil Sheekh Cabdi Qorax oo ah maamulka uu magacaabay Axmed Madoobe iyada oo ciidamo taageersanaa dowladda la sheegayo in qaarkood ay kala jabeen oo beelaha ku kala biireen.

Suldaan Hiiroow Cismaan oo ka mid suldaamada gobalka Gedo oo la hadlay idaacadda Goobjoog ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in isbadalka dhanka maamulka ah uu dib u dhigay magaalada Baardheere hormarkeedii, isaga oo yiri “ Magaalada Baardheere waxaa ka jira maamul hore ay soo magacowday dowlad goboleedka Jubbland iyo mid horay u jiray oo dowladda federaalka ah ay soocelisay hadda”, Suldaanka waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in labada maamul ee ay kala magacaabeen DF iyo Jubbaland ay is horfadhiyaan.

Suldaanka oo hadalkiisa siiwato ayaa ku eedeeyey dowladda federaalka ah soo celinta maamulkii hore diidmo ay diidan tahay dowlad gobaleedka Jubbaland, waxaana uu xusay in la doonayo in dadka degmada la iska horkeeno.

“Waxaa ay leedahay dowladda federaalka ah Axmed Madoobe wax taageersan marabno, qaab nuuaas ah ayeey u soo celisay, labadii maamul ee lasoo magaaabey oo mid ka mid ah uusan sharci aheyn iyo midkii oo la doonaayo in degmada la iskaga horkeeno ayaa hadda halkaan ka jira” ayuu yiri Suldaan Hiiroow

Dhanka kale Suldaan Hiiroow ayaa xusay in wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha aysan xaq u laheyn maamul degmo ama mid gobal in ay soo magacowdo, waxaana uu sheegay in arrintaas ay leedahay dowlad gobaleedka maadaama dalka uu yahay federal.

“ Wadanku waa nidaam federal ah nidaamkaas federalka ah wixii degmo ah iyo gobal ah magacaabistiisa dowlad gobaleedka ayaa iska leh, dowladda federal ama wasaaradda arrimaha ma soo magacaabi karto guddoomiye oo dowlad gobaleed ah ma soo magacaabi karto, ayadoo u jeedadu tahay Axmed Madoobe ayaan la dagaalameynaa ayey dowladdu waxaan sharci aheyn ku qasabtay meeshaan ayuu yiri”

Ugu dambeyn Suldaan Hiiroow Cismaan ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda federal ah in faregalinta ay ka deyso degmada Baardheere si horay ay ugu soco loona helo maamul u adeega dadka deegaanka.

Suldaan oo arrintaasi ka hadalaya “Waxaan leenahay halaga daayo faragelinta oo dhibaatada dowladda federaalka haka deyso dadka walaalaha ah ee degan degmadaan , Baardheere waa degmo barwaaqo ah oo beero iyo xoolalo leh oo waxaa ay ka mid tahay meelaha ugu barwaaqada badan dalka, dowladdu dadkaas waxna ma ay tarin mashaariicna kama aay fulin haddii aysan wax tareen haka deyso faragelinta ayuu yiri Suldaanka”.

Dowladda federaalka ah oo dagaal kula jirta maamulka Jubbaland ayaa la sheegayaa iney hub iyo ciidan geysay Gedo, taasi oo dadka ka dhexabuurtay kalsooni-darro iyo cabsi laga qabo iskudhac beesha Mareexaan dhexdeeda ah.

No one takes fake news cassimada seriously.
As expected that the FGS would build a parallel admin but I assumed it was going to be based out of Baule not Gedo. Unless this is part of a bigger strategy to shift the power of the state to the interior. At the moment the lack of roads hamper any real military operation in the state so using Gedo as the launchpad seems wise.
As expected that the FGS would build a parallel admin but I assumed it was going to be based out of Baule not Gedo. Unless this is part of a bigger strategy to shift the power of the state to the interior. At the moment the lack of roads hamper any real military operation in the state so using Gedo as the launchpad seems wise.
When will you capture Buale?
When will you capture Buale?
I'm not Marehan:deadmanny:

Also I have been predicting the FGS would build a parallel admin in Jubbaland since June. Madoobe has entrenched himself in Lower Jubba and even now the FGS needs Janaan's cooperation, a Madoobe ally to flip the Gedo region to their side.


I wish nothing but the best for the resilient people of GEDO, they are very fortunate to reside in such fertile and rich land. I can’t wait for the success to come to the region :)
As expected that the FGS would build a parallel admin but I assumed it was going to be based out of Baule not Gedo. Unless this is part of a bigger strategy to shift the power of the state to the interior. At the moment the lack of roads hamper any real military operation in the state so using Gedo as the launchpad seems wise.
It would be dumb not to shift the power of the state to Gedo since its the location of border trade between 3 countries. Buale is a small irrelevant village.
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as i have already said on the thread

The somali government has a new strategy for jubbaland starting with Gedo

Today the gedo mayors drove from luuq to doolow and told the people of doolow that janaan is to be released soon, he has agreed with the government and other mayors in gedo and the governor to work together and to be on board with the new objective. janaan was the district commissioner of gedo and a minister for ahmed madoobe, janaan was the most powerful man in gedo.

the very same day they drove to beled xaawo and met up with beled xaawo locals.

So to summarise the agreement between the government and Gedo leaders, we can divide it into three points.

1) economy and infrastructure
2) politics (jubbaland elections)
3) fight against al shabaab.

For the first point the following will be done:
  • Paved roads all over gedo
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Bridge rebuilding at luuq and baardheere
  • Dolow custom border will be established

Now politics the following will be done:
  • New elections will take place
  • Ahmed madoobe and his ilk will be removed
  • Jubbaland will be aligned with the government
  • An army that is being trained in Eritrea and turkey will take over and push towards middle jubba
  • Janaan will be released and will meet with the mayors and governor of gedo in garbaharay

For the fight against al shabaab.

  • The conditions For the road construction is that gedo must be 100 percent shabaab free. Especially in garbaharay as the road from luuq to dolow and dolow to beledxaawo is shabaab free.

That's what Farmajo promised to Puntland also 2 years ago, nothing has started. Infact he didn't even attend the 'garacad' self funded port out of 'anger' for local development outside his control. War adaaba calool majerten ku jire(SFG wa shirkadeena) you just a CEO for 4 years and when those pathetic shareholders are bought again like you buy company shares he will be gone.

Don't trust Farmajo, it's better of your in JL or else it looks embarassing your SFG dependency when a marehan is leading but u will leave when he is out office and Majerten will use this to 'discredit' your clan to show it's clan based to the world and not yet ready to meet with the world.
It would be dumb not to shift the power of the state to Gedo since its the location of border trade between 3 countries. Buale is a small irrelevant village.
Buale is a small irrelevant village but it being the capital allows Middle Jubba to keep pace with the wealth and development of Gedo and Lower Jubba. Its also centrally located, allows the people of the state to build it up together as well as give them a feeling of ownership and shared camaraderie. Plus I may be biased with how PL developed with picking Garowe (central location) which was overshadowed by Gaalkacyo and Bosaso.
OK you are not marexan but wadaani.
You're the first man to call me that in a long time:pachah1:. I'm just being objective and frank with my views.
You're the first man to call me that in a long time:pachah1:. I'm just being objective and frank with my views.
That is another name for Marexan bruv.

Which is all relative terms used and abused by reer Aboo.
As expected that the FGS would build a parallel admin but I assumed it was going to be based out of Baule not Gedo. Unless this is part of a bigger strategy to shift the power of the state to the interior. At the moment the lack of roads hamper any real military operation in the state so using Gedo as the launchpad seems wise.

Gedo is the most powerful gobol within jubbaland and the most sympathetic to the government, by uniting Gedo the government now controls the most powerful faction within jubbaland.

also 1/3 of middle jubba specially west of the juba river is MX land. if you look at google earth saakow and buaale are both east of the river.