The Mad Mullah was a big player (Sland media publishes names of all his wives)

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What if only 4 were his wives and the rest were concubines from belligerent subclans :dwill:

Nah the reason is he was always on the move and never stayed in one place for long since there was fighting. So in every tuulo and region he had several wives waiting for him.


Your superior
sounds like a rapist to me, how many of these women were really 'married' to him. They were probably trophy 'wives' from the folks he terrorised :yloezpe:
What if only 4 were his wives and the rest were concubines from belligerent subclans :dwill:

I dont think its possible to have concubines from your own blood..tht is just plain wrong...i know the old timer was an outlaw and all but cottdammmit you cant do tht


Your superior
It sounds like that to me. He maybe killed the men and took the women.

i dont understand why some folks are offended by reality... either you are a king and rich af that these women will be willing to marry you (the saudi kinds for examle) or these poor women are trophy wives captured after battles


i dont understand why some folks are offended by reality... either you are a king and rich af that these women will be willing to marry you (the saudi kinds for examle) or these poor women are trophy wives captured after battles
It is called the spoils of war.


Coming from Sland media I will assume the ones with no qabil next to them are from your clan:samwelcome:

Either that or those from your subclan were his concubines :mjlol:
I think the quotations meant they were the same as the above named clan, not that it wasn’t named.


You don't marry spoils of war, they are concubine. You can have 4 wives and an unlimited number of concubines or "sex slaves" as they say
It wasn’t marriage clearly, you can’t marry more than 4 wives so I will assume they were kidnapped aka raped. Marriage is just being used for sharaf purposes here. Unless he kept divorcing every four wives and replacing them with four new wives it makes no sense.


@Gambar those women were not unknown. Bullo Cali Shire was the
sister of the Warsangeli Garaad(Mohamud Ali Shire). Likewise Xaadsan Dhoore Xassan was
the sister of Abshir Dhoore a MJ dervish himself. So definitely it wasn't rape since some of
those women were the sisters of Dervish men.

It wasn’t marriage clearly, you can’t marry more than 4 wives so I will assume they were kidnapped aka raped. Marriage is just being used for sharaf purposes here. Unless he kept divorcing every four wives and replacing them with four new wives it makes no sense.

It does makes sense he was a sufi those niggas do weird shit
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