The lord of the rings new show chooses black actors, everyone is mad in twitter

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Was mad as hell when the made john cho character in star trek gay
It has gotten even worse since that announcement, for example in the Wheel of time tv show they made yet again one of the black guys gay. Or the eternals black gay character, which was totally unnessecary.
They Did Stannis Baratheon Wrong And Jon Snow Is Not A Confirmed Targ
I believe Stannis does not appear in the first novel, so I dunno what they changed. Yh Jon being a Targaryen has not been confirmed by Martin, lol you seem to be unhappy with the way the show turned out :lolbron:

It has gotten even worse since that announcement, for example in the Wheel of time tv show they made yet again one of the black guys gay. Or the eternals black gay character, which was totally unnessecary.
Have you seen the show? Was about to mention that, there won't be any riots lol it's common practice at this point to assume stuff which is not even implied in the source material and doesn't do anything to further the storyline.
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I believe Stannis does not appear in the first novel, so I dunno what they changed. Yh Jon being a Targaryen has not been confirmed by Martin, lol you seem to be unhappy with the way the show turned out :lolbron:

Have you seen the show? Was about to mention that, there won't be any riots lol it's common practice at this point to assume stuff which is not even implied in the source material and doesn't do anything to further the storyline.
Since Season 5 They Diverted Heavly From The Books they probably targ lovers
G.R.R. Martin's intent to subvert common fantasy tropes and employ moral ambiguity as a device worked on screen because this is what the author envisioned and it didn't feel forced in the grand scheme of things. It suits the political nature of his novels quite well.
I read halfway through the first book of ASoIaF and the tone and the storyline was similar to what D&D delivered initially.
On the other hand the bastardized screen-version of Tolkiens work, which has a clear moral compass, will be a predictable portrayal of moral relativism as a feasible end in and of itself.

I'm a relative novice to the fantasy book genre, do you have worthwhile recommendations that aren't a huge time sink? Tired of modern adaptations spoiling interesting world building and compelling writing.
G.R.R Martin said as much in a ton of interviews. I grew up on Tolkien's work, and having some coked out Holly-weird exec tear it to shreds feels like a direct attack on my childhood lol.

The last fanatasy book I read was The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolf, 10/10, and The Children of Hùrin (partly). I brought The Great Tales of Middle-earth as a wedding present for my mate's wife but got myself a set as well lol. I'd highly recommend it. The stories in the books aren't self-contained and fit into the larger universe, but they're good.

Fun fact, Tolkien and his wife's grave stones have "Beren and Luthien" written on them:stressed:
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
I'd be ok with people complaining about this, if the reverse wasn't common.

From Scarlett Johansson in 'ghost in the shell', to Jake Glyllenhaal in Prince of Persia, and John Wayne as 'Genghis khan'. They even had Brits playing ancient Egyptians in exodus lol.

And it's not just famous cadaan actors, there's unknown cadaan actors taking what should be ethnic roles.

Personally, idc as long as it doesn't mess with the plot.
Didn’t angelina jokie play a black character and Scralett johannson play an asian?? At least the random inserted black people stay black and don’t tape their eyes and darken their skin to play asian and black characters like a caricature.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
When are they gonna stop using europeans and blondes for egypt?

And they made our somali hetshepsut into this

MT Foxtrot

The only POC in middle-earth are the Easterlings or maybe the Haradrim, and they're more Arabian than sub-saharan Africans lol.

I agree with everything you wrote but there is nothing explicitly "Arabian" about the Haradrim. That is just how they were characterised in the Peter Jackson movies. If you read the books, they are repeatedly described as being "brown" or "dark":

‘More Men going to Mordor,’ he said in a low voice. ‘Dark faces. We have not seen Men like these before, no, Sméagol has not. They are fierce. They have black eyes, and long black hair, and gold rings in their ears; yes, lots of beautiful gold.
Tolkien, J. R. R.. The Lord of the Rings, Book 4 Chapter 3

For a moment he caught a glimpse of swarthy men in red running down the slope [...] His scarlet robes were tattered, his corslet of overlapping brazen plates was rent and hewn, his black plaits of hair braided with gold were drenched with blood. His brown hand still clutched the hilt of a broken sword.
Tolkien, J. R. R.. The Lord of the Rings, Book 4 Chapter 4

You could argue the "brown" described here is not "African brown" but then, just like the movie designers, it would be your interpretation of the text. Monolith Productions, the studio behind Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War games (both crap games btw), decided to portray them as Africans and it worked:


On a unrelated note: you should have seen seethe this generated in some circles on the internet whose experience with Middle Earth doesn't extend beyond the movies.


Veni Vidi Vici
It is fiction.

I only hate it when they do it to non-fiction historical documentaries and show many POCs in Roman or Medieval Europe. That shit is cringe af.


Imagine Martin Luther King portrayed as a white man, or a documentary on Aden Caade using a Indian, all in the name of "diversity"


Forza Somalia!

View attachment 214040

Imagine Martin Luther King portrayed as a white man, or a documentary on Aden Caade using a Indian, all in the name of "diversity"
t was all about this being the right person for the job, rather than what we as a society might perceive as the ‘right look’ for the job. Anne Boleyn was beautiful, witty, vibrant, intelligent and Jodie is all of those things.”

They even made her race conscious :dead:


I love it, we need more black representation in those kind of movies/shows, thank you prime :)
I say this with respect, love and affection, but why do we as black people feel this almost pathological need to be accepted by others?

I really don't want to see any of this nonsense; I cringed so hard when they had a black guy play Achilles on that horrid Netflix series Troy.

