The lord of the rings new show chooses black actors, everyone is mad in twitter

I don't think madow people care about being inserted into these stories. Here's a thought. Give them their own tales, stop attempting to appease everyone in every instance only to create characters that lack depth but fulfill a diversity quota. There are many exceptional black actors and actresses some that are not mainstream so there will always be a supply of talent. What's needed is decent script writing, and directing.
As a LOTR fag who read the books, knows the lore pretty well etc, I don't know where they could possibly insert POC characters into the story. The only POC in middle-earth are the Easterlings or maybe the Haradrim, and they're more Arabian than sub-saharan Africans lol.
They're doing it to placate people and to market the show to as wide an audience as possible, and I get it wallahi. There's also the added pressure on the Tolkien estate, the can't exactly say "we don't want blacks in the show" without being seen as Satan incarenate.

My predictions;
  • They're going to humanize the villians like Sauron and Morgoth (cadaan leftists can't handle the idea of some thing's are just inherently evil and irredeemable)
  • There's going to be atleast one "Good/anti-hero" Orc
  • Tons of gay Elves
  • Sex scenes (they want to recapture the whole Game of Thrones shit)
It's going to absolutely suck shit and I can't wait to laugh when this show crashes and burns.
And I say that not because of the black actors, but because having a stories where something is wholely evil is a big no-no in the current climate. "Every one and everything is deserving of compassion/understanding" blah blah fucking blah lol


Forza Somalia!
As a LOTR fag who read the books, knows the lore pretty well etc, I don't know where they could possibly insert POC characters into the story. The only POC in middle-earth are the Easterlings or maybe the Haradrim, and they're more Arabian than sub-saharan Africans lol.
They're doing it to placate people and to market the show to as wide an audience as possible, and I get it wallahi. There's also the added pressure on the Tolkien estate, the can't exactly say "we don't want blacks in the show" without being seen as Satan incarenate.

My predictions;
  • They're going to humanize the villians like Sauron and Morgoth (cadaan leftists can't handle the idea of some thing's are just inherently evil and irredeemable)
  • There's going to be atleast one "Good/anti-hero" Orc
  • Tons of gay Elves
  • Sex scenes (they want to recapture the whole Game of Thrones shit)
It's going to absolutely suck shit and I can't wait to laugh when this show crashes and burns.
And I say that not because of the black actors, but because having a stories where something is wholely evil is a big no-no in the current climate. "Every one and everything is deserving of compassion/understanding" blah blah fucking blah lol
They even inserted blacks and Asians in house of dragon. Black and Asian targeryan. But unlike LOTR it ruines many political buildups
They even inserted blacks and Asians in house of dragon. Black and Asian targeryan. But unlike LOTR it ruines many political buildups
That makes sense within the story though, because black people do exist outside of Westeros, and some characters in the books (even Valyrians) had children with them. The Asians not so much.

If they go down the "POC characters are Easterlings or Haradrim" path, then that's doubly fucked up because those two groups were historically evil fuckers who always sided with the dark lords.
They'd unintentionally assocciate all the POC characters with the two primary villians loooool
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I'd be ok with people complaining about this, if the reverse wasn't common.

From Scarlett Johansson in 'ghost in the shell', to Jake Glyllenhaal in Prince of Persia, and John Wayne as 'Genghis khan'. They even had Brits playing ancient Egyptians in exodus lol.

And it's not just famous cadaan actors, there's unknown cadaan actors taking what should be ethnic roles.

Personally, idc as long as it doesn't mess with the plot.
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I'd be ok with people complaining about this, if the reverse wasn't common.

From Scarlett Johansson in 'ghost in the shell', to Jake Glyllenhaal in Prince of Persia, and John Wayne as 'Genghis khan'. They even had Brits playing ancient Egyptians in exodus lol.

And it's not just famous cadaan actors, there's unknown cadaan actors taking what should be ethnic roles.

Personally, idc as long as it doesn't mess with the plot.
They're 100% going to mess up the plot, depending on what age (1st, 2nd or 3rd) the show is set in. Because if it's set in the 1st age, they're going to need James Camroon's Avatar levels of CGI. But I doubt they'd invest that much in a show that could flop after the first season.

Look at the list of executive producers lol, there's nearly a dozen of them and only like 3-4 of them that have worked on decent shows/movies, the rest are obsure as f*ck. Director wise, the only one I like is Wayne Yip who directed the Utopia (the 2013 UK's version, not that American shite).

It was a similar thing with Game of Thrones. D&D were relatively unknown, but they had good sorce material to work with. Soon as they didn't, the show fell off of a cliff. The source material wouldn't be an issue in this case. It'll come down to whether or not they can resist the urge of putting weird political bullshit in the show.
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They're 100% going to mess up the plot, depending on what age (1st, 2nd or 3rd) the show is set in. Because if it's set in the 1st age, they're going to need James Camroon's Avatar levels of CGI. But I doubt they'd invest that much on a show that could flop after the first season.

Look at the executive producers for the show lol, there's nearly a dozen of them and only like 3-4 of them that have worked on decent shows, the rest are obsure as f*ck. Director wise, the only one I personally like is Wayne Yip who directed the Utopia (the 2013 UK's version, not that American shite).

It was a similar thing with Game of Thrones, D&D were relatively unknown, but they had good sorce material to work with. Soon as they didn't, the show fell off of a cliff. The source material wouldn't be an issue in this case. It'll come down to whether they can resist the urge of inserting weird political bullshit in the show.
Ah man, Utopia was such a fun, well-made show. I'll rewatch at some point.

Supposedly, the LOTR show will be the most expensive show ever made, so there should be a lot of impressive world building etc (I hope). I barely know any of the producers, but I'm gonna give the show a chance. If it turns out to be anything less than excellent, it'll be a failure imo.

It would be self-defeating to include political BS, honestly, and I seriously hope the writers steer away from that. Especially when the fanbase are notorious cry babies.

No one watches fantasy and sci-fi for the political messaging lol.
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As a LOTR fag who read the books, knows the lore pretty well etc, I don't know where they could possibly insert POC characters into the story. The only POC in middle-earth are the Easterlings or maybe the Haradrim, and they're more Arabian than sub-saharan Africans lol.
They're doing it to placate people and to market the show to as wide an audience as possible, and I get it wallahi. There's also the added pressure on the Tolkien estate, the can't exactly say "we don't want blacks in the show" without being seen as Satan incarenate.

My predictions;
  • They're going to humanize the villians like Sauron and Morgoth (cadaan leftists can't handle the idea of some thing's are just inherently evil and irredeemable)
  • There's going to be atleast one "Good/anti-hero" Orc
  • Tons of gay Elves
  • Sex scenes (they want to recapture the whole Game of Thrones shit)
It's going to absolutely suck shit and I can't wait to laugh when this show crashes and burns.
And I say that not because of the black actors, but because having a stories where something is wholely evil is a big no-no in the current climate. "Every one and everything is deserving of compassion/understanding" blah blah fucking blah lol
Lol it is as if you quoted straight out of the woke directors handbook.
If you want to get a hint on how amazon is going to butcher this franchise you only have to loook at what they did last December with the Wheel of Times series. Wanted to get into the books for the longest, but not so sure if a 14 volumes commitment is warranted after that lackluster show. The die hard fans are not happy with it and complain about all the stuff you predict for the LotR adaptation. Bezos wants to land the next GoT tire show so bad that him and the showrunners will cater to the mainstream woke culture, tokenism etc. to the detriment of the authenticity of the plot and the author's vision.
Ah man, Utopia was such a fun, well-made show. I'll rewatch at some point.

Supposedly, the LOTR show will be the most expensive show ever made, so there should be a lot of impressive world building etc (I hope). I barely know any of the producers, but I'm gonna give the show a chance. If it turns out to be anything less than good, it'll be a failure imo.

It would self-defeating to include political BS, honestly, and I seriously hope the writers steer away from that. No one watches fantasy and sci-fi for the political messaging lol.
The story, cinematory and colour in that show was with:banderas::banderas::banderas:
One of the producers worked on Breaking bad and Better call Saul. Movie wise, some worked on shit like Pacifim Rim, but nothing high fantasy. I'll defientely give it a chance, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.

They can't help themselves, show writers/producers are fucking obsessed with brow-beating the audience and turning everything into a "ermm, actually, let me educate you sweety" moral lesson lol

Lol it is as if you quoted straight out of the woke directors handbook.
If you want to get a hint on how amazon is going to butcher this franchise you only have to loook at what they did last December with the Wheel of Times series. Wanted to get into the books for the longest, but not so sure if a 14 volumes commitment is warranted after that lackluster show. The die hard fans are not happy with it and complain about all the stuff you predict for the LotR adaptation. Bezos wants to land the next GoT tire show so bad that him and the showrunners will cater to the mainstream woke culture, tokenism etc. to the detriment of the authenticity of the plot and the author's vision.
Yeah, I heard the Whell of Times fans went apeshit lol. The problem is that High Fantasy and the political beliefs of the these show creators simply don't mix wallahi. Cadaan lefty types hate dealing with absolutes. Nothing can be evil for evil's sake, there always has to be some sort of underlying reason as to why evil people/creatures to what they do.

I can see this scenario playing out in some writer's room this very moment wallahi;
"But why are Orcs inherently evil? Weren't they elves that were twisted by Morgoth, surely some of them can be redeemed? And why is Morgoth even considered 'evil' anyway" loool

High fantasy is the antithesis of their political beliefs.
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the Soundtrack though:chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:

They Blocked Him

The story, cinematory and colour in that show was with:banderas::banderas::banderas:
One of the producers worked on Breaking bad and Better call Saul. Movie wise, some worked on shit like Pacifim Rim, but nothing high fantasy. I'll defientely give it a chance, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.

They can't help themselves, show writers/producers are fucking obsessed with brow-beating the audience and turning everything into a "ermm, actually, let me educate you sweety" moral lesson lol

Yeah, I heard the Whell of Times fans went apeshit lol. The problem is that High Fantasy and the political beliefs of the these show creators simply don't mix wallahi. Cadaan lefty types hate dealing with absolutes. Nothing can be evil for evil's sake, there always has to be some sort of underlying reason as to why evil people/creatures to what they do.

I can see this scenario playing out in some writer's room this very moment wallahi;
"But why are Orcs inherently evil? Weren't they elves that were twisted by Morgoth, surely some of them can be redeemed? And why is Morgoth even considered 'evil' anyway" loool

High fantasy is the antithesis of their political beliefs.
G.R.R. Martin's intent to subvert common fantasy tropes and employ moral ambiguity as a device worked on screen because this is what the author envisioned and it didn't feel forced in the grand scheme of things. It suits the political nature of his novels quite well.
I read halfway through the first book of ASoIaF and the tone and the storyline was similar to what D&D delivered initially.
On the other hand the bastardized screen-version of Tolkiens work, which has a clear moral compass, will be a predictable portrayal of moral relativism as a feasible end in and of itself.

I'm a relative novice to the fantasy book genre, do you have worthwhile recommendations that aren't a huge time sink? Tired of modern adaptations spoiling interesting world building and compelling writing.
G.R.R. Martin's intent to subvert common fantasy tropes and employ moral ambiguity as a device worked on screen because this is what the author envisioned and it didn't feel forced in the grand scheme of things. It suits the political nature of his novels quite well.
I read halfway through the first book of ASoIaF and the tone and the storyline was similar to what D&D delivered initially.
On the other hand the bastardized screen-version of Tolkiens work, which has a clear moral compass, will be a predictable portrayal of moral relativism as a feasible end in and of itself.

I'm a relative novice to the fantasy book genre, do you have worthwhile recommendations that aren't a huge time sink? Tired of modern adaptations spoiling interesting world building and compelling writing.
They Did Stannis Baratheon Wrong And Jon Snow Is Not A Confirmed Targ

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Rioting if the black actor is gay or effeminate, you can’t trust these producers to make things right.