The Legacy of Madaxweyne Muj. Ahmed Maxamed Maxmuud Siilaanyo

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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Qayb ka mid ah wax-qabadkii Siilaanyo - You can add anything that you remember(Credits to Kingwaslawi):

Aan ku horrayno balanqaadkii xukuumada Kulmiye kusoo gashay ololaha wax yaabihii qabsoomay:

1. Wax barashada dugsiyada oo bilaash laga dhigay, dusgi dhexe ilaa dugsi sare

2. Badalaada lacagtii giimbaarta ahayd ee gobolada bariga

3. Kordhinta Mushaharka shaqaalaha dawladda

4. Kordhinta mushaharka ciidanka sida, Booliska, Military-ga, ciidanka wadooyinka, ciidanka badda,

5. Hir gelinta iyo furida xisbiyo cusub oo siyaasadeed

7. Qabashada doorashada gola-yaasha deegaanka

8. Darajo u samaynta ciidamada qaranka markii u horaysay tan iyo intii la aas aasay

9. Samaynta guddi madax banaan oo la dagaalanta musuq maasuqa

10. Dhaqaalaha miisaaniyada oo ay la wareegtay isagoo $40 million ah halka ay kor usoo qaaday oo uu maanta caga cagaynayo $350 million

Arrimaha kale ee ay Xukuumadda Kulmiye qabatay waxa ka mid ah:

- Isku xidhka shirkadaha is gaadhsiinta

- Baabi'inta kootadii shirkadda shidaalka keenta ee TOTAL

- Horu-marinta iyo balaadhinta TV-ga qaranka oo laga daawado maanta dunida oo dhan

- Hir gelinta tartan sanadle ah oo musaaqabada quraanka ah, jaa'iso fiicana lagu helo.

Xagga wax ka qabashada baahiyaha aasaasiga ah:

- Dib u dhiska madaarada dalka, sida Berbera, Hargeisa, Burco iyo Borama

- Qodista ceelal cusub oo loo hir geliyay tuulooyinka hoos yimaada gobolada dalka:

Horrumarinta iyo dhismaha wasaaraddaha Somaliland

- Wasaaradda Qorshaynta Qaranka
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-Wasaaradda Macdanta Biyaha iyo Tammarta
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- Wasaaradda Caddaaladda Somaliland
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-Wasaaradda Duulista Hawada
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- Wasaaradda Laanta Socdaalka

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- Wasaaradda ciyaaraha
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- Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga
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- Wasaaradda caafimaadka
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- Wasaaradda Kalluumaysiga iyo khayraadka badda
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
- Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda
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- Wasaaradda Xannaanada xoolaha
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Dhisidda Xarunta guud ee ciidanka Booliska Somaliland
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Samaynta iyo hir-gelinta ciidanka la daggaalanka dabka (Dab-demiska)

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Horu-marinta waddooyina:

- Dib u dayactirka waddooyinka hal bawlaha u ah qaranka sida, Wadada isku xidha Hargeisa iyo Berbera iyo Berbera ilaa Burco

- Dhismaha wadada isku xidhaysa Burco ilaa Ceerigaabo

- Hir gelinta waddo laami ah Kalabaydh ilaa Wajaale

- Hir gelinta waddo laami ah Borama ilaa Dilla

- Hir gelinta waddo laami ah Gabiley ilaa Dilla

- Hirgelinta waddo laami ah Borama ilaa Lawya-caddo ''dhismihii wuu socdaa''

Dhismaha iyo balaadhinta airport-ka Hargeysa

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- Dhismaha Garoonka diyaaradaha Berbera

- Dhismaha Garoonka diyaaradha Burco - still on going

Dib u habeynta iyo tayeynta Jaamacaddaha

University of Hargeisa
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Dhallin yarada iyo ciyaaraha Dib u dhiska iyo tayaynta garoomada

- Hargeisa stadium
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- Burco
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Investments of Berbera the finicialhub of Somaliland

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Humbaweyne Dam

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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Kulmiiye over the passed 7 years has laid a good foundation for SL to build on. All the political institutions were well invested in & the public enjoys things like free education. The next President will have to put SL in full swing for economical development. I look forward to the DP world continuing investments in Berbera & the seismic survey results for oodweyne oil block :eating:


Your superior
amiir siilanyo has laid the important foundations for economic development, its up to the next amiir to get that development underway

amiir siilanyo will go down as the amiir who started development


I don't know who this person is, but I always enjoy reading about people accomplishing great things, thank you for sharing with us. I appreciate those who work tirelessly to better the lives of others :)
Mujahid Madaxweyne has built the foundations for growth. Now it's the time for the next president to expand development.
There was a thread made by @Foreman that detailed the ammount of wells built during Silanyo's administration. It showed that he built more wells in his term than the period between independence (1960) - Rayaale's term (2010).

It is sad how much criticism (some justified) he gained during the devastating drought(s) when he done far more than the last president. If the roles were reversed, It may be plausible to assume that more nomads would had died if Rayaale was our current president.

P.S. not hating on Rayaale btw. He was the president of consolidation (hero of Las Anod), whilst Silanyo is the president of development.
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
This was probably the best program SL initiated. It was a TV Series titled Hanka Qaranka that played for years. It was after the oil companies came in 2013 and left due to disputes with locals. They made this program as a wacyi gelin to educate Landers on the benefits of extracting our resources. Singers, politicians, journalists, actors, elders & poets were all used to teach the people about these benefits. They'd make small skits, songs, poems & general talks. As you can see in 2017 it payed off by officially completing the first seismic testing in the country.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In sha Allah muuse bixi will kill millions of red stained tooth whether he wins or not he will be the president of Isaac who ever opposes him will get killed bring on the genocide mujahideen muuse bixi let’s see the bloodshed and anarchy destruction :lawd:


Your superior
In sha Allah muuse bixi will kill millions of red stained tooth whether he wins or not he will be the president of Isaac who ever opposes him will get killed bring on the genocide mujahideen muuse bixi let’s see the bloodshed and anarchy destruction :lawd:
he will kill darod isis terrorists from puntland


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
he will kill darod isis terrorists from puntland
In sha Allah tomorrow will be a blessed day and the day after I will have my popcorn ready may the brown tooth nation totally obliterate eachother ha iis guuban if I was a prominent leader of Puntland I would arm muuse bixi to the teeth so he may slay :rejoice:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Illahayo adiga ba ah weyn oo waxid ah hasten the destruction of somaliland yaa Allah may they tear eachother up from limpb to limb I want to see blood flowing through the streets of fucking street:lawd:

I will be praying tonight that Allah decimates Isaac I pray for a war to break out that will make the Hutu and Tutsi seem like child’s play.
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Your superior
In sha Allah tomorrow will be a blessed day and the day after I will have my popcorn ready may the brown tooth nation totally obliterate eachother ha iis guuban if I was a prominent leader of Puntland I would arm muuse bixi to the teeth so he may slay :rejoice:

imam biixi will certainly bbq censored isis terrorists in gobolka puntland, he has vowed to combat darod terrorists


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
imam biixi will certainly bbq tarud isis terrorists in gobolka puntland, he has vowed to combat darod terrorists
His challenger isn’t darood it’s other Isaac he will light them up just like a blunt I will support him in his jihad against other brown tooth mofo war illahay hadu ku roon yahay meesha will become a burning inferno


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
War don't post this fob ass english in my thread. Boowe what the fok is tier eachother limp to limp:wtf:. making the english language limp sidu qorayo:mjkkk:
You get the gist:comeon:

I pray for war to break out I pray for total anarchy to ensue I pray for the total destruction of fucking street and all the prostitutes residing there.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
You get the gist:comeon:

I pray for war to break out I pray for total anarchy to ensue I pray for the total destruction of fucking street and all the prostitutes residing there.

Ina douglas you're projecting. Isis is already in galgala, dantiina ogaada ee askarta mushaarkooda hala bixiyo :pachah1:
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