The jewish factor

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Ok were gonna have to speak the truth about this and it might not sound good and yes some people have actually turned brutal like hitler, queen of spain, pharoah, dark ages, and god knows who else that isn't found or documented.

There is a Jewish dilemma but I always weigh up the other side, maybe lots in the past didn't as they saw it as a urgent matter. I can see from non jew side also, listen this is a cancer and a promise all in one sort of deal and minimized so small you all just get distracted from it onto other daily survival which is also a face of satan or whatever u wanna call it.

It's just a curse and a promise at the same time and that's the dilemma and the curse is winning by the looks of it and the blessing side is very minimal hence they always said just don't kill them all, there is still good people in there. The question is you just need to let them decide and take it their backyard that's it, it isn't our problem, we should just surrender nothing else and don't get funny ideas like doubt cause that can go half way also cause the battle is on at each level. Arrogance is the worst thing, it's the guy saying keep running chase that rope come on boys and u know its going nowhere,

He made some deal with them I promise u this and you do this sort of thing and the architecture is rule based or it gets messy again. Just don't violate the freedom rule cause the world is based on free will niyahow, that is basically the whol test without it, rules violated and it can get messy again and we know what that look like. Anyways they got a deal we give you israel and you return something maybe the law or something like that, cause it was a very ancient time sxb you have to remember the mind wasn't like this, god talks at your level but your value measured. Anyways the problem is see you might kill some jews who do have hope in god and not this jewish body which is the other side of the curse which some believe and it's breaking the deal. Just don't break fuckin deals sxb or don't go at all. Remember satan was told you wanna play are u sure, he said yes alright we gonna play.

I thought it wud less risky taking long time and try to help the curse which is arrogance, it's the worst once and started all there, arrogance is you wanna play, alright we play. Anyways once freedom is done and then they are given peace, it's time to work the last card JESUS cause love breaks arrogance and then the last one the muslims come and break the final one LOVE. It's all over, now it sounds easy, it isn't and its gonna take a lot of faces, capabilities, edge, hope, anything break the other one so we can all get out.

That's why they all lost to the jews, they react and god knows their heart was clean and wanted to help the rest of us but who knows it could've been a dirty heart nobody can know that, that's where he measures cause over there no more games. The heart is the most brutal face of satan and saying im still here they want something else and then comes submission and it's all over, that's all you do and u look fuckin board and it was a massacre and I assume all generation will be relatively measured from their origin point to their result and the difference but it's not about giving anything, it's just like your report card but that's only if you submit cause you wont even see a report card.

We might just go in for a big dark hole and that's if u broke even and submitted then your measurement will be seen if used everything u had or did he break u down somewhere. That's where the race is. We are looking at very road map here, it's not over night even if the conditions are good, it's all gradual to challenge them and stuff and they need to hold the bargain of the deal of israel but they went to far that's problem.

I can see it from their side also. If u dont keep your part of the deal with russian mafia it's all one and it can scale any direction. Listen this is rational and in the world, this is about the architecture, it's not about preaching cause u will be there all day and it's not your trait. It's waste of time for ppl who don't have the trait to be patience with arrogance, you work somewhere else. We all arrogant it's not just jews there are probably millions worse, it's not a jewish problem so to speak, its about getting jerusalem and the road there and the conditions and timing and all the factors and the ones u missed as you trial here and there and patterns.

The conditions like human rights today with a bit russian mafia on the side. Any dog acts on either side looks like it come with enforcement, you know start weighing up all your options and scaling. Enforcement is on both side for dog acts, u lost and u wanna and snitch or kill, then the rules are set your gonna lose a general and capacity for 20 years. he cant stop u doing your freedom and you cant stop him either but u can make it hard for him whatever it is, it's just band aid fixes the question is how long it lasts.
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Chinese are makers in all respect, i'll look at that gun powder and if it looks like it's to good there is fuckin problem, just a maker he picked up the spark somewhere else. Whites in all honesty sxb are good makers, they put shit together well if u give em the instructions though, u noticed how they always question how do i do this and how do i that, that's a maker. Second level, support are at the bottom, you keep the chinese and russians in this area to protect the planners.

Just protect the planners at all cost cause the makers sxb have nothing work with or add too and it's dark ages shit happening as the other vices start growing again and we go into another quantum loop and it just gets harder with time. I am not even spark person myself, I will try walking around on my own like ancients did and see if I see something but I came from background of reading history that's a head start, so it's a bit less compared to the spark, thats ground zero, you gotta find him or her.


Good start is art galleries, if u see something, talk to him. The phases are clear, spark person(gets confused and shit, maybe mental illness, talking wild shit, may respond good may respond bad, you gotta find the spark, im lookin patterns for them. The spark person collapses as he can't put it all together strategically as he needs a planner by his side to make sense of the fuckin wild shit and he may be spiritual he may be not who knows it can happen anywhere, then you fuckin slam into plan, strategy, value adds, road maps, timed the shit, review, where did it fail, and u look at all and that's it. That's why sparks people need someone to put it into coherent sense which can be nightmare and sometimes some very disturbing things because thats how u translate it and planners need someone cause they dont like making its not their strength their putting shit together like robot and feel its a waste of time why cant we just do this shit once and go home, whites and asians are great here, russians are a spark and planners and makers and support or they might steal the spark from anywhere, aboriginal settlements im checking it out lol.
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U need the spark at all times or nothing starts and u remain BAU and defence not edge. Not everyone can translate that wild shit as you need imagination across the architecture and all conditions and factors and everything and where fits in. Mentally ill prime no 1 targets, second spiritual people regardless what they are their seeing vision and then we take the vision and execute it for value. There is two level of imagination one where you break out of the plantation thats architects, strategists, etc. Then there is another level which is totally dark for me, so u need the sparks ppl adding into field for me.

Mental health units around the world a big chunk of the time cause u do go insane just seeing yourself in the plantation let alone seeing beyond it which is psychosis when I even think about it cause i can look at the architecture and see where it can go but there is HELPER to confirm it. I can say ive gone one level and im always going back to mental health unit, if he is gone above, thats crazy and unimaginable.


The voice type ones are good also, its being rung from that black area for me and it might be good and it might be bad and it can get worse hallucinations and more and feeling tinkly your body getting cold like ur in antartica cause u never this crap your life. Sometimes u cant get out sxb of the shit and some freeze cold maybe god helped and said thats enough.

I know how far mine can go and it's always changing so it's unreliable but it gets not easier but not as bad. U see ppl stop frozen and shit and ur looking wtf gonna on here. Thats why i think we can time and freeze them, do a job, and get out and they dont know what they dont know wont hurt them trust me its the best way who their gonna blame noone and thats how it should be.

Today I saw an aboriginal man just yelling and voices and shit, its how u approach these ppl not fuel their shit and go back n forth. U start with a cigarette, maybe a drink, calm down, work him up into comfort now your in the comfort zone if i knew little bit of aboriginal it may have helped a bit more. Then u head another phase you know u warm him up and now his warm for example you know anything, u guys should be getting black tax on all the fuckin land here and everything on it, these fuckwits robbed u and just gave you a sorry.

How would trump respond with turnbull not only throwing pennies at him from australian wallets but then kicks him in the teeth with 1000 refugees and his whole platform was anti refugees, and imagine turnbull adds a fuckin sorry, then u get a hung up. Turnbull should taken the cost for 8 years rather then harming a relationship that is protecting his ass, no innovation in australia, you see the work its all makers at all levels from paper work to furniture to everything.

If he focussed on wearing the cost for 8 years trump would spend all his time on these high stake shit and forget about his issue as it's less important. Sometimes its best to wait, i was seeing aboriginal guy and if i just looked at the best time, its better strike rate. U can learn alot from the 1% at the top cause they got something to lose, something gonna happen or the 1% at the bottom cause they might not make it, it's about decision then and scanning.

The aboriginal guy was screaming, I know him from my teens, his battered up looks like just voices only though, it can get worse but everyone has threshold and its not the same for each person, the voices cud be the end point for one, where as someone else can keep going further and he may get stuck in there and say alright ill end it myself. That's the problem when something to starts, the limit is unpredictable cause it's just keep going, may have break, and then its on again. Its revenge now for the last loss and its continues and if u lose again u take up a notch. That's why its good have early agreements and conditions. It's like a rope once it starts the end can't be told, he will hit it where he things he gets a gain, u will go higher why? so he doesnt try again. So they can hold peace look anwar and israel but it can be a war to tit for tat and it happens across that whole red sea cause trust broke down.
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Trust is the main factor around those sorts of countries, it must come with serious clauses of breaches or else they will just see a loophole and that snake behavior begins cause someone wants to get an edge. It can happen with guns, talks, relationships, whatever it's not a nice place. Russians its all about loyalty and east asians, it's different from a different point of view but it also come with enforcement. So u will find those snake types and russians having huge conflicts cause they can't change their nature. The snake types arent bad their just like a viper they wont risk themselves but strike when u dont see it coming cause they afraid you will do something and what will happen to them. Or at the very least the strike ready at all times and holding due to the peace or whatever they signed. Their not fearful ppl but a worry type of people, waxay ku jiran heegaan mar walbo. Where-as russians are more like russian roulette they take the bullets and say what his crime worth, they want fairness and justice not to much and to little. Where-as the snake will just go big bite when he the clearing cause he dont want to come back.
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Were gonna find time in about 50 years give or take, it's finding the spark and god know where it is. Noone but appropriate partners in the network are gonna have access and I dont know what the experience by then will add to the factor. By then u got control of all factors on the board, no more guess work untill a jew finds out. Its going to the muslim world around somalia and ethiopia not so much ethiopia cause of the christians who may be fooled into attacking kaaba by a jew and may be done and the jew can come in many faces and even hearts or values or even among yourselves.

Stand by work there we cant allow anyone in arabia to ever know they are penetrated hard by jews. If we dont take it we bury it and its back to the race again and u may wait melleania where-as you had a chance now. Notice their behaviors same as the jew but he is near the kaaba and its the deception to fool people. Nobody knows who has it, it cud be in australia, america, europe, arabia, somalia, it can be buried anywhere.

These edges are distributed equitably with responses later on if their is dog act that happens and hence it has to be clean, freedom, sanctify of life, you just make him decide. U cant control free will but u can influence it thru a number of tactics right now its just body to body, tommorow it will someone planting ideas in your head from somalia for their interests and u wont know it. The head area seems ok, u cant f*ck with the hearts thats hope if its there or not is not your decision. Wat happens is when u get influenced regardless how it happens u still make a choice and u still got your values.

It will get really extreme later and they will hold for a long long time till the jerusalem project is done but not the violence all that, its all about phases and opportunities and freedom and safety. No force if it happens we are comprised dont take the risk. There is rigid rules here at every level and some severe like at jerusalem and they just keep going down like the treaties, how long they last, russian mafia loyalty, etc. Dont f*ck around your comprising yourself.

There is always gonna be one maker or supporter or some clown thru corruption or family or watever will make a bad move and think he won and he just opened it up for the world to respond now and satan starts throwing his dices. Thats how it is on the architecture and their fighting at each level but its a big one in jerusalem but it may go back out again and further away or it could be done.
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Once the clear rule is broken is gone even we are under these rules it just severe for jews, but we have rules also. U cant keep defending cause u only have one trait the snake. That time will be a celebration of century but it wont be on tv, this shit can stay inside or outside. The real innovators hide their shit, the west and china the makers just try to steal it cuz the trait aint there, they have another trait they can use on ya and make it a knock out.

The shit can go anywhere once time is gone to the smallest vein in ur body to your head but not your choices, that's the battle free will. Ive responded badly to all of it but sometime u dont and it dont matter cause its about the field. Their all looking for the blessings to get out everyone and im sorry i dont have it either.

Most ppl just wanna get outta here and thats honest it doesnt really matter who it is. If it means russian mafia and it adds to gettting out here, it dont matter. Getting out is the most important not the method. Most ppl except the plantation wanna get out and the plantation are lucky they probably got easier and distracted. But wallahi from every religious circle, russian mafias, politicians, empires, any group even some in the plantation and u see that hope regardless of the trait but it has to be genuine, its a heart that says im out

I am serious the hero option is just getting niyahow but u didnt set the rules so u just need to have hope and disregard all on the field. Everything can go anyway thats why your advantage then u lose it and u cud lose for long time. They gave putin the russians again they were under es in DC and it was penetrated. They cant have a there its their biggest strength that's a big hit lagu samayay from DC.
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Wallahi jabka loo gaystay russianki caadi ma ahayn niyahow, imagine you strip of your snake abilities.


The russians come first run ahanti in all aspects for us. were snakes we need beef and we need those chechens shared muslim link to open it all up. These guys are brutal sxb and I dont even know about them but I can see on the architecture then moving thru places. We cant talk to makers in the west who just steal shit and hold the fame in society and white pride crap to confuse ppl and kill hope. Their killing themselves as they get stuck with makers.

The stakes have gone high niyahow for checnya we might trade the time for it. Their capacity is the russian mafia it aint the kgb thats face oo halka loo dhigay cadowkooga. Iyaga uu sheega dawladooda halkee laga hawlgala oo loyaltyka jebiyay iyo see loo kala sareeya ganaxa.

Forget the italian shit waa makers rome was all copied cause u dont see mistakes, meel kale ayaa uu keenay f*ck em, they have the same genes of europeans except mayba kuwa anaga naga tagay oo dhex galay the spark can happen. Sxb when u talk to ppl do u talk to the store? u got to the supply and then u look further for the edge cause it break down till noone is there and u put your ass and money in. Retail is a battle between plantation to keep them working and busy on each other and not looking anywhere else for hope.
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ma jirto good and bad sxb on the architecture one swallows the other and ur just back into another loop and it extends all over again. U cant play by the book, its gotta go, its all about value towards getting out anything can happen. If we just want to sit there on hollywood and play a face? ur still here and missed the objective, to fight to get out.

Nimankasi dhinac kale ayaa jirta loo galo oo loola hadlo si ay dawladooda uu sheegan. U dont sleep without their approval, look at the whole fuckin board their covered in blood. Their doing a good job sxb cause it's their trait illahi ba sa ka dhigay its just to confuse board into competition i dont see a competition i see how we do we all get out cause thats what the board wants to stay in.

Wax kasto dhiig ku saabsan go to moscow dhiiga keliya ma aha bodies they f*ck u in the mind too sxb and conquer it thats the worst. Maskaxda marki laga xaado you become a slave on this field. They try different things iyagu in their field they dont sit there playin book the book is to long and the world is changing. Sxb on the architecture anyways these guys try everything wallahi they even try breed the right type of human in a cage and shit and never expose it to the plantation. Its all experiments sxb

Thats the problem with russians even if we end up trading time for beef, none of this administration shit and clauses for breaches that we have to work out so noone escapes we all fuckin lie in the field for it. Can u guarantee your side will hold it and when I look back snakes can incompetent and makers also and could be like african americans iyo bantuga iska jecela bal ii arka wa sida cadanka they like being seen. If something breaks that jew is built like a beast all attributes its gonna be a massacre on us like abraha.

They have our dna for the brain stuff, they have the russian mixing from the old days u see the violence they do, they the hope in some areas of the heart and a fuckin arrogance that is never seen before look at history till now can everyone be wrong. But what is scary is they also got arabs in there and other attributes and then indians its crazy niyahow. This is like puntland talking washington and moscow 100 times over and winning.
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Time is capability given to brain, but the stomach is something else, and the body something else, and even brain breaks down into different areas of sparks. We will just ability to perform snake actions with the right tools and they won't know what u dont know dont hurt u and continue the break down. But we cant break these guys in the world, we need to combine in some way and it cant happen thru shock tommorow sort of thing humans dont change that quick on the board it takes a long time as they head to pit, i can see the pit and its fuckin bad and we werent even in there that long the jews were.

Once u knock capability of the jew u get easy path to jerusalem to set up shop on judaism but freedom cuz its all about choice then slowly breed that shit out so submission in the end to his own shit is possible but that love snake is the door before and ppl kill each other of that. If we dont get thru the love door quickly, swiftly regardless how long it takes we back on the field again. The rules in architecture dont change for nothing in there be a saint or mobsters or workers or animals or anything.

We need to help the jews destrip him of all the filth and slam inside with god and then its a gamble again. But he could be among us as sleepers not the jewish ppl but the trait like anger or watever it is. It's anything if u dont know how to say alright im out, it goes back again. But its possible it can end their is mercy and all the things religion teach but they forget one thing all the times, ITS GURANTEED

It will be interesting if we ever get out cause thats the lesson learned and u look over the architecture and possibly so many more that we dont have anymore or the different cycles it went thru, what u think deja vu is. The worlds can be different thats all i know but it may not be but we know maths and 1 can mean anything, 1 room, 1 house, 1 earth, but that can break down into so many parts but god keeps his word.
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Time part is the big one once we get it the rest is just making sure still on the board thats where we fucked up in somalia we removed ourselves of the board, thats the worst hit like russians got cause they come running at you all the traits and begin operations to kill you out. The humanity ppl they love killing out threats, snakes dont we steal em. Its cause we are so worried that we are exposed that we plan for that most the long term hits and ana guulaystay shit no u didnt the russians did for 30 years.

That's why I am telling we need to talk to russians, cause everything on the board is linked to moscow for security and he standing there and we all gonna feel it and we gonna be on floors. What killed moscow wasnt the genes it was them playin without the extra traits and they probably filled up with makers and shit like most people eventually do cause u gotta fuckin set up the plantation on needs or we eating each other.

Thats what happen u play your trait and forget security its always first no matter what trait. U gambled ama russian roulette waxaa ku samaysay snake trait vs security.


Moscow waa meesha keliya hadi wada hadalku jabo in lagu qorto dasturka weliga haka bixin hadusan faraxsanayn, he tells you the truth waxani ima deeqo iyo hadu ka kaco meesha oo aadan ku soo celin miska oo ku heeshiso at least we talk again, lets keep the agreement. The russians wait they dont move untill u do and then massacre u wont get up thats rule. So u want us to change them? and waste time which is the problem. Only snake we cant do is moscow waa dad kula dhimanayo hadad la heeshid not the others.


marka waa in la samaya f*ck the new world shit iyo maker things agreements iyo step step this is not needed. Make it clear no nacas oo doqon can ever change the policy either side, we cant expose to any risk because we can have nacas on either side as times go or other hands playin against us maybe the jews saying break the brain away from security.

The democracy card and all this is just games to fool u from where ur interests are as u look the media and the brainwashing and the schools and all this so u forget. Its a fuckin snake. Waxan ku jirna hada wa stick n dones even nukes are nothing if u have time you know where it is.

Time isla marki ma soo boodayo it starts small u wont just it working automatically, waa maskax u have understand how it all operates. Can u imagine russians just putting pause on america side of the map and then linking thru from moscow? or sending a bird even because u start combining as you move it over to each other. Its mix n match it will be easy this stage.
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Sxb we have to be real careful this will be massive project but we must pause ourselves and has to be done delicately lots of theory. We must tell the russian dont make it messy cause your shit all over the board and someone can collect it to the top and send to cia and shit to take u out with big capacity not your little runners, the shit u die for another 20 years cause u get a clown.

I dont know from russian side what the rules are but there is two key rules no force or there is no choice u make the decision and then we play based on that decision and it can go anywhere from small all the way to big. Eventually if we can do the earth it will link time to universe so we can have back up base as we switch around the things human needs on other planets. But we cant massacre the world u got a beast there in jerusalem.


That's what happening on the architecture u got the jews with every trait but their small population and then u got the rest of the world with one trait here and some socialization occurred and then mixed up and confused u know where u go home and they say dont lie but u see everyone lying and u know dont believe it but u have to keep socialization. U just dont lie around areas that are gonna kill u thats it so thats moscow. so no games, genuine shit the longer he happy the longer we can keep adding traits.

Then we need to back him with some traits also cause if he falls we fall. Then we can get someone big gut like china he has phased out into maker now maybe in the past but socialization that what it does. We have supply points on him at all times and we can use him to fatten up areas that we need to add traits.

The problem could be religion so we may need to just the chechenyans but we all re-interpret all that they always did for their time period to assist in their projects. We need to bring the jews down to mcdonald brains and makers thru the USA. Everywhere is fair game the body, mind, the environment, the animals u can even combine animals traits and pass em over to yourself. Thats what the bible is talking about u wont see a big lion face u will see the trait in a human

All the animals are not there for nothing they just waiting for capabilities. As long as its head to jerusalem and gets there, what happens after its not our problem, u can see the line on the board. The question only is the road and time it will take. God shows mercy, cause its not good in there i think as the intention will get lost with time and they become animals again and they will actually have it this time its not about messy it is, its how strategic it is and the goal.

Its not my trait anyways god stopped it there i think but everything else u gotta work your ass off for. I cant see whats happening once it gets there on the board it can any arrow, a quick swift bite or a real messy chechenyan dog breeds. There is a few more doors after that, thats like the clearance only nothing else its the last two doors and then who knows Who knows we could all betting after death watching on from somewhere
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Jerusalem boys need to be planned for so it's clean as much as possible, it's high stake now. your actually in the arena. U might get stuck somewhere if u make a wrong move and head into a pit for a while as he restablishes. This just a little jihad. Its the one at the love door thats billions are gonna fall on the cross as they want love and this world its satan again he has last lot and the i give up u decide is where the hope is islam.

What a clean hit would be making the jew keep his promise, ISRAEL while taking out the cancer for him so he can actually go down to yes or no not this and that and that or whatever it is but it starts there its end there, its all rule based very strict. If its not done right it could go back for another and the longer were out here the more hope we keep losing, we need to end it quick.

Just becareful cause the billion in love door and satan last little trap before the you wanna do it again question if the jew does surrender, its coming back out again to the field and its gonna expand again. We are all one here, its we all ride or die.


Thank god we are not jews its gonne be rough they have the hardest cause it strict the rules in that arena, we just have to submit cause it didnt start with us. I wouldnt wanna be there myself and submitting is pretty easy cause most ppl give up after a while

Its like all the negiotations mankind has ever had 1000 times over on such a simple question are u done yet or u got funny ideas. Simplest thing can u imagine that harder then every complex crap that mankind has ever come up with. U gonna have to get jewish bioengineered slave qualities entering that door we dont want any funny business just leave the heart though its all free will there and huge violations.

U cant get this sort of architecture by itself, it's all designed but hidden thru different means of the day you know ppl losing hope turning to shit more vices and all that, secularism, etc etc. Secularism always existed in the jungle, they didnt pray when they saw lion. Its nothing separating ur physical body and your spiritual one. Ur physical body needs something go get it, the mind, body, stomach, and keep that hope going cause conditions change.
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ppl mistake literal translations but ppl spoke on their time period just like i am now and wont be understood later on cause they become vices again. Its just hope u put back in his court to decide, dont tell him what the quran says, dont tell him bible, your still telling and arrogant it last fight. All religion is just a transition adjusted for the time period and conditions so u dont just die on the field and u hold hope when things go wrong, that's it.

U wont need much in the world anyways as your physical body can handle it its just when it cant you only get one thing left dont u. Your still addicted to the book of the world, u wanna tell him something u got an opinion back u go again.

Noone can know what is gonna happen u can see scenario thats it and it not guaranteed cause the conditions and the limitless of the world. But three 3 states need to be eliminated the most. Fear(most muslims will fall this) its a satan tool u relying on what is on the earth, love(bigger one), then arrogance thats what i see anyways but its simple stuff that have the largest impact and its hardest to hit.

Then u got the normal ppl fall on the materials, food, and all that. U can do all that, just have hope. The reason poor get in is cause of the conditions not cause their good, they have to rely on hope, and even the rich rely on it as they got something to lose, its the middle area that is a problem.

But u know there is always mercy noone knows but u cant rely on it but u can hope for it. Religion whole purpose is to transition to give up, you can see the path from idols which is put there so u remember god as hope, then u get carried away, then its ok lets go next round, many gods he isnt gonna punish u for that based on ur time period u have capacity.
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