The Great Real Estate Exodus

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I am waiting for Somalis to get into meat and fish processing to export directly to Asia. I know of one fish factory that is supposed to open soon but I don't know why this hasn't happened sooner.
I am waiting for Somalis to get into meat and fish processing to export directly to Asia. I know of one fish factory that is supposed to open soon but I don't know why this hasn't happened sooner.

The whole region is an "Infant Market" every industry you can think of is under developed. But believe it or not, the best consumer of Somali Fish is ethiopia.

The new train lines from Djibouti are going to create the most eqic opportunities in whole sale finished Agro products. Ethiopian Coffee leaves Mombasa. I met an Oromo coffee supplier in HK, the guy has to go through Djibouti, send it to a roster in Cali and repack it back to HK.

His biggest strength is his passport. He's from the states and can travel anywhere. Unlike the crooked brokers who can't get passed Dubais ports.
I am waiting for Somalis to get into meat and fish processing to export directly to Asia. I know of one fish factory that is supposed to open soon but I don't know why this hasn't happened sooner.
Check out Pontus Marine. They process fish and export all over the world.
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