The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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They do know. There is nothing wrong with respectful criticism such as you should have referrenced the deen a bit more ect. But calling them #Filthysisterhood says it all tbh and coming for the episode about the Somali mother who committed suicide really shows how nefarious these people are.

They literally pick and analyze everything women do. We have to be perfect and even innocent comments are twisted and reframed if they don’t like the sound of it or if they feel a comment doesn’t benefit their sexist world view. They’ll throw the Hadith about women being the majority in hell and make degrading comments about women and try to justify. Whilst the men on the other hand can say the most vile of comments with regards to race, sex and gender. They’ll always be given the benefit of the doubt.

It’s unsettling tbh and this is simply going to create a big divide in the Muslim community. The men are trying to weaponize the deen and treating women as a whole like they’re Kufr and as though they have more rights to the religion than women.

The agenda here is becoming more and more clear.

That hashtag and the whole discussion was most likely started by trolls who literally troll as a profession. It's nefarious because they don't seem to have a conscience and nothing is off limits to them. There's no point engaging them, they want the chaos and all types of social "wars" taking place.

Then there are the brothers who agree/partially agree with them due to their bias/prejudice against women. They're sharing their actual views and not trolling.

At least this is how I see it play out.
Sister these men are not free to say whatever idk what you got that into your mind. but i understand

Majority get refuted
In an ideal world yes, but I’ve seen far to many examples. The troll leading this whole witch hunt is known to say the craziest of things, yet everyone is rallying behind him. This is straight up insanity. People haven’t even proper listened to the podcast and are coming up with the worst conclusions.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Tired Golden Girls GIF

Aside from you triple confirming your low IQ, what makes you believe this? Islam is very open about sex and it’s clear that SEX is not only equal but equitable. What makes the man the “owner” of sex? What did you do to own “sex”?

I know you didn’t just compare it to customer and owner.

@Keep it a boqol 💯 @Periplus @Angelina @citrus_samurai @Siren95 @senor chang
Come look at this shit

References to “owner” and “customer” aside, let’s use this example.

What kind of restaurant customer is there that has no idea about what kind of food they like or don’t like?

You may not be a chef but you know that you don’t like sushi because you looked at the recipe have seen that it contains fish?

Same with sex, women can study similar to men about these practices so that they know what they do or don’t like when they get married.

He actually scored an own goal with that example.

In an ideal world yes, but I’ve seen far to many examples. The troll leading this whole witch hunt is known to say the craziest of things, yet everyone is rallying behind him. This is straight up insanity. People haven’t even proper listened to the podcast and are coming up with the worst conclusions.

Ive listened to you and your right the males leading the charge are doing it in a horrible manner and creating hate.

No doubt the podcast may have good intentions and ive seen many sisters say they have benefitted from it. But i cant ignore what that one episode was and it very much shown their flaws and where the podcast goes wrong even if it was 1 in million.
That hashtag and the whole discussion was most likely started by trolls who literally troll as a profession. It's nefarious because they don't seem to have a conscience and nothing is off limits to them. There's no point engaging them, they want the chaos and all types of social "wars" taking place.

Then there are the brothers who agree/partially agree with them due to their bias/prejudice against women. They're sharing their actual views and not trolling.

At least this is how I see it play out.
These brothers are incredibly bias and will analyze every point of sentence women make, especially if a concept isn’t in line with their world views.

it is obvious that brothers have been waiting for these girls to slip up some how. The very premise of this podcast goes against these men’s sexist ideals as it is a podcast for women by women, it is about giving women a space to converse and talk about their views, it is a space in which women talk about experiences others can learn from and the worst in their eyes is that this podcast feels empowering for young women ect. Women driving the narrative for each other is worst for them, but obviously they couldn’t use the deen off the bat, but that is essentially the crux of the issue.

The same thing near enough happened with Honest Tea talk in which men were trying to attack them about the whole polygamy debacle.It didn’t/ couldn’t go far as those women had said nothing that goes against any fiqh rulings. It was clear as day that these men were trying to attack because the very idea of women talking, setting the narrative that doesn’t benefit them is a sin in their eyes.
Ive listened to you and your right the males leading the charge are doing it in a horrible manner and creating hate.

No doubt the podcast may have good intentions and ive seen many sisters say they have benefitted from it. But i cant ignore what that one episode was and it very much shown their flaws and where the podcast goes wrong even if it was 1 in million.
I’m going to listen to that podcast and give you an actual review of it and compare it to what these trolls are saying. I just know it will be night and day.

they tried to do that with the Honest Tea talk YouTube podcast when they were talking about polygamy. It didn’t go far because technically these women didn’t say anything haram in the slightest, but there were a few brothers that lowkey tried to accuse them of Kufr. Shocking really and shows how limited their understanding of Islam is. Both Imam Shafi and Imam Hanbali believed that monogamy is better than polygamy. That is a certified view of TWO official madhabs, yet a group of women who made it very clear in their show that polygamy practiced properly is 100% halal but would prefer polygamy is near enough Kufr?

That is the level of nitpicking successful Muslim women podcasters are dealing with. They will be accused of Kufr and other terrible insults Authobillah.
These brothers are incredibly bias and will analyze every point of sentence women make, especially if a concept isn’t in line with their world views.

it is obvious that brothers have been waiting for these girls to slip up some how. The very premise of this podcast goes against these men’s sexist ideals as it is a podcast for women by women, it is about giving women a space to converse and talk about their views, it is a space in which women talk about experiences others can learn from and the worst in their eyes is that this podcast feels empowering for young women ect. Women driving the narrative for each other is worst for them, but obviously they couldn’t use the deen off the bat, but that is essentially the crux of the issue.

The same thing near enough happened with Honest Tea talk in which men were trying to attack them about the whole polygamy debacle.It didn’t/ couldn’t go far as those women had said nothing that goes against any fiqh rulings. It was clear as day that these men were trying to attack because the very idea of women talking, setting the narrative that doesn’t benefit them is a sin in their eyes.

I agree. Do you think they're aware of their own bias and do it intentionally? My view was that they're unaware of their own bias and feel entitled to their criticisms.
I agree. Do you think they're aware of their own bias and do it intentionally? My view was that they're unaware of their own bias and feel entitled to their criticisms.
They are very much aware. I’ve seen the twitter accounts of the so called ‘brothers’ that are attacking the podcast. If you read their posts, they do little to hide their disdain for women, constantly try to post the views of fringe Sheikhs throughout the centuries that may have had wayward views of women that isn’t even mainstream in Islam. Constantly try to roll back any rights that women have that may even be supported by the main Madhabs ect. Constantly call women ‘feminist’ for having views that benefit women ect. Usually they’ll argue on the TL about topics such as Mehr, women cooking and cleaning and polygamy. These are fiqh issues that aren’t set in stone. A woman wanting a polygamy clause isn’t feminist, it is very much a part of our religion. A woman saying that cooking and cleaning isn’t a religious obligation isn’t feminist. In fact 3 of the 4 madhabs also believe this and Mehr is a topic that a fiancé and his bride to be and family talk about. Yet, these ‘brothers’ will have black and white views that only benefit them and will attack sisters and trying to insinuate they are kufr for going against their views.

I think it is clear as day that they know they don’t respect women. Because they say it and will joke about the inferiority of women and how most of us are supposedly destined for hell.
I’m going to listen to that podcast and give you an actual review of it and compare it to what these trolls are saying. I just know it will be night and day.

they tried to do that with the Honest Tea talk YouTube podcast when they were talking about polygamy. It didn’t go far because technically these women didn’t say anything haram in the slightest, but there were a few brothers that lowkey tried to accuse them of Kufr. Shocking really and shows how limited their understanding of Islam is. Both Imam Shafi and Imam Hanbali believed that monogamy is better than polygamy. That is a certified view of TWO official madhabs, yet a group of women who made it very clear in their show that polygamy practiced properly is 100% halal but would prefer polygamy is near enough Kufr?

That is the level of nitpicking successful Muslim women podcasters are dealing with. They will be accused of Kufr and other terrible insults Authobillah.
The honest tea talk criticism was fairly correct i understand preferring to have a monogamy relationship than polygamy there's nothing wrong with it. But how the sisters spoke in such hate of polygamy was the issue they never went deep into when polygamy is done the wrong way but in fact the idea of polygamy was spiritual abuse and one sister said something like. " why has something allah allowed brought me so much pain" and Something about females arnt property when talking about polygamy by the african lady.

Once again they may have good intentions but why do they think everything allah has willed may or may not bring hardship why did they go after scholars and made it seem like what the sheikhs preach are immoral by drawing a line. That was the issue u cant attack people with no proof especially a large mass. they were very not specific and spoke on wide range of things which they shouldnt as they used no hadiths or verses to back their point

The kufr claim was crazy tbf
Tbf idc if they are successful or the amount of clout this is something i dont care about

Its more of the fact they have influence and can change the minds of young impressionable viewers. I wouldn't want my daughter listening to a podcast who removes accountability and pushes negative thoughts and connotation to something allah has allowed.

Their unclear approach with barely any Islamic references is the issue. They speak more on emotions and trauma than objective facts and evidences.

Idk much male podcasts who do this please list if you do.
They are very much aware. I’ve seen the twitter accounts of the so called ‘brothers’ that are attacking the podcast. If you read their posts, they do little to hide their disdain for women, constantly try to post the views of fringe Sheikhs throughout the centuries that may have had wayward views of women that isn’t even mainstream in Islam. Constantly try to roll back any rights that women have that may even be supported by the main Madhabs ect. Constantly call women ‘feminist’ for having views that benefit women ect. Usually they’ll argue on the TL about topics such as Mehr, women cooking and cleaning and polygamy. These are fiqh issues that aren’t set in stone. A woman wanting a polygamy clause isn’t feminist, it is very much a part of our religion. A woman saying that cooking and cleaning isn’t a religious obligation isn’t feminist. In fact 3 of the 4 madhabs also believe this and Mehr is a topic that a fiancé and his bride to be and family talk about. Yet, these ‘brothers’ will have black and white views that only benefit them and will attack sisters and trying to insinuate they are kufr for going against their views.

I think it is clear as day that they know they don’t respect women. Because they say it and will joke about the inferiority of women and how most of us are supposedly destined for hell.

I would've just labelled them all trolls, especially the ones who make the most outlandish and incendiary posts. Some of them definitely are. I guess you mean a good number of them seriously believe what they post (and aren't just trolling) as well as being aware of their prejudice? I can't even wrap my head around that, lol.
Tbf idc if they are successful or the amount of clout this is something i dont care about

Its more of the fact they have influence and can change the minds of young impressionable viewers. I wouldn't want my daughter listening to a podcast who removes accountability and pushes negative thoughts and connotation to something allah has allowed.

There's nothing wrong with holding people with influence in our community accountable. In fact, we should. The issue is how do we go about it? This witch hunt style that's so common nowadays? Or perhaps the Islamic approach of giving genuine naseehah?
There's nothing wrong with holding people with influence in our community accountable. In fact, we should. The issue is how do we go about it? This witch hunt style that's so common nowadays? Or perhaps the Islamic approach of giving genuine naseehah?

I don't think there's much they can improve they will always fall into mistakes of having lack of knowledge unless they have advisor or someone who looks over the podcast l

Theres a clear demand and gap and its understandable if females would rather listen to their own gender inshallah a perfect person comes along and fills that void
You guys listen to a story where a 15 year old girl is grabbed, coerced and had to cover up her bruises from an adult man and your main take away she is a ?

All of y'all are rapst.

Not surprising because Somali men promote the rape of infants and children. Wicked people.
I agree. Do you think they're aware of their own bias and do it intentionally? My view was that they're unaware of their own bias and feel entitled to their criticisms.

Well one of the main contributors is a guy who pays for prostitutes in south Anerica and encourages other Somalis too. Even includes video of him committing zina. Not to mention lying on the Twitter space pretending to be an ex husband. And obviouksy not praying their slash just so they can back bit for hours.

So lemme ask you do you think they're coming from a genuine place?

Also it's interesting how outdated this forum is with this podcast from a year ago when this week there's a video of around six being raped by a Somali man, shot like a o to distillate the average Somali pedo.
You guys listen to a story where a 15 year old girl is grabbed, coerced and had to cover up her bruises from an adult man and your main take away she is a ?

All of y'all are rapst.

Not surprising because Somali men promote the rape of infants and children. Wicked people.
Well one of the main contributors is a guy who pays for prostitutes in south Anerica and encourages other Somalis too. Even includes video of him committing zina. Not to mention lying on the Twitter space pretending to be an ex husband. And obviouksy not praying their slash just so they can back bit for hours.

So lemme ask you do you think they're coming from a genuine place?

Also it's interesting how outdated this forum is with this podcast from a year ago when this week there's a video of around six being raped by a Somali man, shot like a o to distillate the average Somali pedo.
You need to start taking testosterone inhibitors ASAP


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Since reading @Qeelbax and @Farahslayer info on the story.

The issue about the young girl is different than reported. She was straight up abused into giving consent.

Naaah, the way some of you made it look like it was consensual and she regretted it. I can’t believe I fell for it.

those trolls/troll whatever guys who started this are pathetic. one day they’re pretending to be zionists, next day race realists, next day they’re super religious. aspurgus/sonofcimmeria is the most pathetic of all. i know you browse here: evola is so 2016 & BAP is a j^w who can’t write. grow up. embarrassing group who are obsessed with somali women.
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