The Danish language is even difficult for Danish children to understand

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någon :)

Danska språket svårt att förstå för danska barn
Det är inte bara vi i Sverige som lite för ofta får erkänna oss besegrade när det gäller att förstå talad danska. Även danska barn får allt svårare att lära sig sitt språk. Det visar en tvärspråklig studie om ordförståelse hos 8–15 månader gamla barn, kan vi läsa i senaste numret av Språktidningen. Ett svenskt 15-månadersbarn förstår cirka 130 ord, ett danskt cirka 80. En förklaring är att talad danska har många vokalljud och få konsonantljud, som dessutom tenderar att bli färre. Och det är konsonanterna som hjälper små barn att skilja på ord.

Nu räcker det inte med många konsonanter för att ett språk ska överleva. Språktidningen berättar också om världens mest konsonanttäta språk, ubychiskan, med 82 konsonantljud och blott två vokalljud. Trots det dog språket ut 1992 när dess siste talare lämnade jordelivet.

It's not just us in Sweden that, too often, we can admit ourselves defeated when it comes to understanding spoken Danish. Even Danish children are getting harder to learn their language. It shows a cross-language study on word understanding of 8-15 months old children, we can read in the latest issue of Language Newspaper. A Swedish 15-month-old understands about 130 words, a Danish about 80. One explanation is that spoken Danish has many vocal sounds and few consonant sounds, which tend to be fewer. And it's consonants that help young children to divide words.

Now many consonants are not enough for a language to survive. The language magazine also tells about the world's most consonant-tight language, Ubyean, with 82 consonant sounds and only two vocal sounds. Nevertheless, the language appeared in 1992 when its last speaker left the earth's life.



What's the discrimination between af Jinni languages. They all sound the same to me. You Swedes seem to have a superiority complex.


någon :)
What's the discrimination between af Jinni languages. They all sound the same to me. You Swedes seem to have a superiority complex.

There's no discrimination, we just make fun of each other. AF Jinni languages? put some respeck on it. :gucciwhat:
I wonder how you sound with your East London accent. :bell:
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Malcolm X

The price of freedom is death
Danish children are also behind on mathematics since the numbering system makes no sense

The reason why I suck at counting :mjcry:
What's the discrimination between af Jinni languages. They all sound the same to me. You Swedes seem to have a superiority complex.
Swedish is normal. Norwegian is drunken Swedish and Danish is drunken norwegian with a potato in your throat. NOT the same. :ufdup:


Scandinavians have a massive inferiority complex when it comes to English. Most Europeans are proud of their national languages, but the Dutch and Scandinavians wouldn't mind abolishing their own language for English.
Studying language use to be part of my hobby.

And Danish Is not very hard. I can speak a quiet a lot. I highly suggest you start learning a lot of vocabulary then start watching kids show :nvjpqts:

It will help you understand all the basic.
This will make transitioning to an Afroasiatic language easier imo.

within 100 years they will be speaking a mix of Cushitic and Semitic. Mark my words ladies and gentlemen. "The die is cast":axvmm9o:


This will make transitioning to an Afroasiatic language easier imo.

within 100 years they will be speaking a mix of Cushitic and Semitic. Mark my words ladies and gentlemen. "The die is cast":axvmm9o:

Nah, Arabic is not a threat at all.

If they are ever going to language shift, it is going to be to English. Almost all Master's programs at Scandinavian universities are only offered in English. They don't respect their own language.


någon :)
Nah, Arabic is not a threat at all.

If they are ever going to language shift, it is going to be to English. Almost all Master's programs at Scandinavian universities are only offered in English. They don't respect their own language.
With part of Switzerland are you from?, & what do you speak there ?
Nah, Arabic is not a threat at all.

If they are ever going to language shift, it is going to be to English. Almost all Master's programs at Scandinavian universities are only offered in English. They don't respect their own language.

War I wanted to hype up the white genocide narrative for our lurking Caucasian cousins. waad igu ciyaartay.
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