The Celebration of Mawlid in Light of the Shafi’i School

Mawlid is part of our culture @Omar del Sur and his wahabbi friends can go f*ck themselves with the bullshit salafi ideology they acquired after the war and that is plaging the somali people today with a backward mentality that promotes greed and arab cultural domination. I know u guys will be pissed as i say this, but thats the truth once oil money runs out the resources wahabbi scholars and the poor somali boys they abducted in the 80's will be rejected and the oil they rely on will run out and then we shall see how long this ideology of hate and evil lasts

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ
Mawlid is part of our culture @Omar del Sur and his wahabbi friends can go f*ck themselves with the bullshit salafi ideology they acquired after the war and that is plaging the somali people today with a backward mentality that promotes greed and arab cultural domination. I know u guys will be pissed as i say this, but thats the truth once oil money runs out the resources wahabbi scholars and the poor somali boys they abducted in the 80's will be rejected and the oil they rely on will run out and then we shall see how long this ideology of hate and evil lasts
Who's culture? Also alot of the sources salafis state are in the sahihs
Who's culture? Also alot of the sources salafis state are in the sahihs
salafism is new bro no amount of brainwashing and destruction of muslim holy sites in arabia will take away this fact. Salafis are brainwashed people led by scummy sheikhs paid by daddy al - saud using oil money and empowered by western support to make muslims from brave noble and competent people to violent arab bedouin cultural followers. Salafism causes materialism in islam and that is what makes muslims weak and disfucntional, look at the turks , although i think they went abit extreme with secularism they are more educated and advanced than the countries that decided to follow sheikh garweyn , if u follow these kind of people ull always be behind the gaalo.

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ
salafism is new bro no amount of brainwashing and destruction of muslim holy sites in arabia will take away this fact. Salafis are brainwashed people led by scummy sheikhs paid by daddy al - saud using oil money and empowered by western support to make muslims from brave noble and competent people to violent arab bedouin cultural followers. Salafism causes materialism in islam and that is what makes muslims weak and disfucntional, look at the turks , although i think they went abit extreme with secularism they are more educated and advanced than the countries that decided to follow sheikh garweyn , if u follow these kind of people ull always be behind the gaalo.
Salafism isn't new it means "the past" and what that means is that they follow the sunnah and after that the 3 later generations of muslims. The destruction of muslim holy sites has nothing to do with Salafism, it''s just wrongdoings of ignorant people. "Scummy sheikhs?" Now you are just accusing people, there are good sheikhs and bad ones you shouldn't generalize. Also no one follows Arab bedouin cultural traditions this is just a lie on your side. How does Salafism cause materialism? Allah loves the wealthy person who remembers him a lot. Honestly if I had to chose between poverity and richness for a muslim country I would choose the former as wealth only destroys. Especially the example you put like Turkey this is the same country that had an LGBTQ+ protest Astagfirullah. Also religion is decreasing in that country, whilst materialism is increasing. They are the people who praise a man that removed the Hijab of women.

if u follow these kind of people ull always be behind the gaalo.

The Prophet was poor and he ate dates with water for 3 months straight does this mean he was walking behind the Romans and the Persians?

I think ur just mad because Salafism wants to establish truth and remove bidah from the religion.You should know that Islam is perfect and it has no room for new matters. So how can you say that celebrating the birthday of the Nabi is our culture?

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours (i.e. Islam) that is not part of it, will have it rejected."
Salafism isn't new it means "the past" and what that means is that they follow the sunnah and after that the 3 later generations of muslims. The destruction of muslim holy sites has nothing to do with Salafism, it''s just wrongdoings of ignorant people. "Scummy sheikhs?" Now you are just accusing people, there are good sheikhs and bad ones you shouldn't generalize. Also no one follows Arab bedouin cultural traditions this is just a lie on your side. How does Salafism cause materialism? Allah loves the wealthy person who remembers him a lot. Honestly if I had to chose between poverity and richness for a muslim country I would choose the former as wealth only destroys. Especially the example you put like Turkey this is the same country that had an LGBTQ+ protest Astagfirullah. Also religion is decreasing in that country, whilst materialism is increasing. They are the people who praise a man that removed the Hijab of women.

The Prophet was poor and he ate dates with water for 3 months straight does this mean he was walking behind the Romans and the Persians?

I think ur just mad because Salafism wants to establish truth and remove bidah from the religion.You should know that Islam is perfect and it has no room for new matters. So how can you say that celebrating the birthday of the Nabi is our culture?
lol , all ill say brother is when the oil money runs out the greedy salafi will perish into history.

Also its a very very new ideology it took root in the arab bedouin desert in 1700's , started by Abd Al wahabb, before then somalis and other muslims around the world were mostly secular in nature and practiced islam with an emphasis on nabi amaan , salafis are new, they were shunned and rejected by most muslims during their start , but when the british helped them mine oil they gained power, the british bastards saw the long term benefits of radicalising muslims around the world, so they heavilly funded salafism. Salafism is what is killing local muslim clture around the world and is imprisoning people in bedouin traditions , this causes many of our youth to look to alternatives and they either end up in other sects of islam or unfortunately leave the religion, i dont care how many times you defend this sick sect and its scummy sheikhs ill tell u this never in my life have i met a person moe greedy than a salafi , sufis are mostly very generous humble and patriotic, salafis are the opposite. Alhamdullilah i was raised in an ahlu sunnah family. Turks are a bunch of self hating pricks so dont compare them to the more traditional sufis, but still turks are the extreme version of sufism yet they dont go around bombing people.
also holy sites were destroyed by decree from the saudi government, the ones who funded your sheikh to preach this to you
Salafism isn't new it means "the past" and what that means is that they follow the sunnah and after that the 3 later generations of muslims. The destruction of muslim holy sites has nothing to do with Salafism, it''s just wrongdoings of ignorant people. "Scummy sheikhs?" Now you are just accusing people, there are good sheikhs and bad ones you shouldn't generalize. Also no one follows Arab bedouin cultural traditions this is just a lie on your side. How does Salafism cause materialism? Allah loves the wealthy person who remembers him a lot. Honestly if I had to chose between poverity and richness for a muslim country I would choose the former as wealth only destroys. Especially the example you put like Turkey this is the same country that had an LGBTQ+ protest Astagfirullah. Also religion is decreasing in that country, whilst materialism is increasing. They are the people who praise a man that removed the Hijab of women.

The Prophet was poor and he ate dates with water for 3 months straight does this mean he was walking behind the Romans and the Persians?

I think ur just mad because Salafism wants to establish truth and remove bidah from the religion.You should know that Islam is perfect and it has no room for new matters. So how can you say that celebrating the birthday of the Nabi is our culture?
the way islam is going brother with the rigid version you are promoting many of your youth will slowly start hating it, im sorry but thats the truth, sufism is the only hope, right now salafis might dominate but when oil funding runs out the scholars will start bickering and more extrem versions will take root and many moderate slafis like you will follow them


I am NOT a federal agent
sufism is the only hope
Quran and sunnah is the only hope.
salfis follow it very strictly. most of their rulings are directly from Quran and sunnah. don't fall for the traps of shaytaan we should not water down are deen to be more pleasing in the eyes of the kuffar. Read Quran translations and hadiths then see for yourself that sufism is not a part of original islam. The prophet (peace and blessings upon him) Did not participate in sufi dhikr or celebrate his birthday nor did he venerate saints. And his companions did not do that either. We have to look at the evidence and not bring new matters into the religion.

Quran and sunnah is the only hope.
salfis follow it very strictly. most of their rulings are directly from Quran and sunnah. don't fall for the traps of shaytaan we should not water down are deen to be more pleasing in the eyes of the kuffar. Read Quran translations and hadiths then see for yourself that sufism is not a part of original islam. The prophet (peace and blessings upon him) Did not participate in sufi dhikr or celebrate his birthday nor did he venerate saints. And his companions did not do that either. We have to look at the evidence and not bring new matters into the religion.
Salafism is new very new, how can it overthrow an ancient creed, nabi amaam was here for 800 yrs while salafism and its very extreme and questionable interpretations of hadith and sunnah are 1700's. Also mawlid has different forms yes some are too extreme(talking about the ones who shake and stuff and visit graves), but they have their ways and we should respect that although it may or may not be permissible, you should not start shunning them or try harming them .... that is what we are thought which is in opposite to your views. Also dikr has different forms.

Sufis also follow the quran and sunnah and are no different to salafis but are more non- domanitating and un oppressive in their views while salafis today especially somali sheikhs that you follow heavily, insult and degrade sufis, if u go to islamic somali centers it is filled with unwelcoming talks whenever a sufi enters and he has to leave quickly , that shows you how dominating and backward this is. Also somali islamic centers really hate anything related to somali culture and values and are fanboys of arab bedouin cultural ways. Even if u mention that we should have somali traditional clothes be made a curriculum like other immigrant language and culture schools, then you are told its haram, salafi mosques are also the most qabilist and unbearable now granted this is mainly due to how somalis are, but in the context of salafi ways it shows that salafis can bring out the worst in people.

Also it is heavily funded by western nations to change the image of islam and also to radicalise muslims to the point they utterly destroy their culture for a more arab oriented one and if they decide to listen to cultural non instrument music or wear cultural clothes they are called haram and are shunned.
If u look at it even from salafi perspective u will see that the extreme version of sufis are more welcoming than your local salafi dugsi macalin. You became salafi thanks to the civil war and the institution has gained power thanks to our refugee status and the many somali nomads and poor men taken during the civil war by the saudis and then unleashed upon somali society as sheikhs at a time of war and weakness.

Salafism thanks to oil money also has captured the minds of young men and women aound the muslim world especially from weak formerly sufi countries that dont have strong governments to resist it. you wont find salafism in senegal or turkey (although turks are european wannabes)


Salafism is new very new, how can it overthrow an ancient creed, nabi amaam was here for 800 yrs while salafism and its very extreme and questionable interpretations of hadith and sunnah are 1700's. Also mawlid has different forms yes some are too extreme(talking about the ones who shake and stuff and visit graves), but they have their ways and we should respect that although it may or may not be permissible, you should not start shunning them or try harming them .... that is what we are thought which is in opposite to your views. Also dikr has different forms.

Sufis also follow the quran and sunnah and are no different to salafis but are more non- domanitating and un oppressive in their views while salafis today especially somali sheikhs that you follow heavily, insult and degrade sufis, if u go to islamic somali centers it is filled with unwelcoming talks whenever a sufi enters and he has to leave quickly , that shows you how dominating and backward this is. Also somali islamic centers really hate anything related to somali culture and values and are fanboys of arab bedouin cultural ways. Even if u mention that we should have somali traditional clothes be made a curriculum like other immigrant language and culture schools, then you are told its haram, salafi mosques are also the most qabilist and unbearable now granted this is mainly due to how somalis are, but in the context of salafi ways it shows that salafis can bring out the worst in people.

Also it is heavily funded by western nations to change the image of islam and also to radicalise muslims to the point they utterly destroy their culture for a more arab oriented one and if they decide to listen to cultural non instrument music or wear cultural clothes they are called haram and are shunned.
If u look at it even from salafi perspective u will see that the extreme version of sufis are more welcoming than your local salafi dugsi macalin. You became salafi thanks to the civil war and the institution has gained power thanks to our refugee status and the many somali nomads and poor men taken during the civil war by the saudis and then unleashed upon somali society as sheikhs at a time of war and weakness.

Salafism thanks to oil money also has captured the minds of young men and women aound the muslim world especially from weak formerly sufi countries that dont have strong governments to resist it. you wont find salafism in senegal or turkey (although turks are european wannabes)
sufi babble. mawlid celebration waa started by ubaydi shia gaalo. you are proud of incorporating dhaqan of shia heretics. uff.


I am NOT a federal agent
Salafism is new very new, how can it overthrow an ancient creed, nabi amaam was here for 800 yrs while salafism and its very extreme and questionable interpretations of hadith and sunnah are 1700's. Also mawlid has different forms yes some are too extreme(talking about the ones who shake and stuff and visit graves), but they have their ways and we should respect that although it may or may not be permissible, you should not start shunning them or try harming them .... that is what we are thought which is in opposite to your views. Also dikr has different forms.

Sufis also follow the quran and sunnah and are no different to salafis but are more non- domanitating and un oppressive in their views while salafis today especially somali sheikhs that you follow heavily, insult and degrade sufis, if u go to islamic somali centers it is filled with unwelcoming talks whenever a sufi enters and he has to leave quickly , that shows you how dominating and backward this is. Also somali islamic centers really hate anything related to somali culture and values and are fanboys of arab bedouin cultural ways. Even if u mention that we should have somali traditional clothes be made a curriculum like other immigrant language and culture schools, then you are told its haram, salafi mosques are also the most qabilist and unbearable now granted this is mainly due to how somalis are, but in the context of salafi ways it shows that salafis can bring out the worst in people.

Also it is heavily funded by western nations to change the image of islam and also to radicalise muslims to the point they utterly destroy their culture for a more arab oriented one and if they decide to listen to cultural non instrument music or wear cultural clothes they are called haram and are shunned.
If u look at it even from salafi perspective u will see that the extreme version of sufis are more welcoming than your local salafi dugsi macalin. You became salafi thanks to the civil war and the institution has gained power thanks to our refugee status and the many somali nomads and poor men taken during the civil war by the saudis and then unleashed upon somali society as sheikhs at a time of war and weakness.

Salafism thanks to oil money also has captured the minds of young men and women aound the muslim world especially from weak formerly sufi countries that dont have strong governments to resist it. you wont find salafism in senegal or turkey (although turks are european wannabes)
give an ayah of quran or 1 sahih hadith that supports sufi practices.
I think you are refering to Wahhabism. Also give me your proof that Sufism is the correct way.
simple. we dont destroy monuments and graves of companions like your salafi/wahabbi scholars, also your question is very broad and i can also ask the same to you, and as i mentioned most of the world was sufi at one point or another . Even when wahabbism started at 1800s and gained root in 20th century it was shunned and considered heretical for its rigid and utter violent interpretation of islam. Another proof is that if u go to wahabi mosques which most somalis go to, you will find most of the time they spew anti non-muslim nonsense and are constantly about violence death destruction and utter hatred of anything that they consider un islamic, sufis want to let go of worldy matter and follow in the path of allah and the prophet, while wahabbis care more for world domination and violence than legitimate kindess to non muslims to bring them into islam which actually 24% that enter islam leave islam if they are brought in by whabbi scholars while if a sufi brings a person in as i have seen in nairobi and also the US that person stays muslim till he dies as he finds the sufi way more kind and non violent, that is the proof. All you guys have is Oil money and i will keep saying that until you get it in your heads.
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give an ayah of quran or 1 sahih hadith that supports sufi practices.
you dont need a hadith to praise the prophet through dikr and folow his ways , the sahih hadiths are used by all sufis but unlike salafis we dont go around taking the quran literally to the letter and causing destruction without undestanding it more.
are yoy denying mawlid started from shia heretic in egypt? the fatimids were arabs. so you admit to adopting foreign arab dhaqan
how the hell is mawlid shia war waxan bal eeg, u salafis keep spewing that bs when mawlid was prevelant since the times of Ali hell it was even formalised by the abbasids the fatimids justy adde new stuff , mawlid simply means honoring the prophet your creed wahabism is literally arab dhaqan, i mean they literally advocate direct and to the book transaltions of the quran......

i mean look at how somalis are ....... bro dont tell me you cant see this


I am NOT a federal agent
you dont need a hadith to praise the prophet through dikr and folow his ways , the sahih hadiths are used by all sufis but unlike salafis we dont go around taking the quran literally to the letter and causing destruction without undestanding it more.
We follow what is in the quran and hadiths. The quran is kitabun mubin (clear book) Anyone with a translation knows what is going on. inshallah may we all be guided ameen.