The African Great Lakes


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
So close, yet so beautiful. I cant believe the place we call home is actually just a few hundred miles from this


Random unrelated question how likely is it to displace the 300 million bantus living here and resettle the land with somalis? I mean we breed like rabbits to begin with it wouldn’t take that long to populate it all, this is considering at some
Point we’re powerful enough to do that:cosbyhmm:
So close, yet so beautiful. I cant believe the hellhole we call home is actually just a few hundred miles from thisView attachment 178579
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Random unrelated question how likely is it to displace the 300 million bantus living here and resettle the land with somalis? I mean we breed like rabbits to begin with it wouldn’t take that long to populate it all, this is considering at some
Point we’re powerful enough to do that:cosbyhmm:
Don’t call Somalia hellhole warya! It might be a sh!thole sometimes but it’s never a hellhole. And it’s not even that much of a sh!thole these days.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Don’t call Somalia hellhole warya! It might be a sh!thole sometimes but it’s never a hellhole. And it’s not even that much of a sh!thole these days.
I think he means most of somali lands being dry as hell. Its kinda a shit hole compared to them luscious grennery


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Only way is if we improve our health care system and education so children can turned into functional members and contributers of somali society
Or we wait for the west to collapse and world war 3 to start and take advantage of the situation, summon a somali genghis khan and conquer the Great Lakes and the Ethiopian highlands :cosbyhmm:
theres some oromo group in the marsabit region of kenya. that area also neighbours lake turkana. just sayin' :NNSS:


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
theres some oromo group in the marsabit region of kenya. that area also neighbours lake turkana. just sayin' :NNSS:
The oromos in that region are borana and gabra which along with being heavily mixed with somali, also have somali clans within them with some of the gabra speaking af somali. These people reach deep into kenya from lake Turkana to near mount kenya, just saying:hillarybiz:


the sea
we can take the rendille that live near Lake turkana and introduce them to the ways of somaliweyn


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
we can take the rendille that live near Lake turkana and introduce them to the ways of somaliweyn
They’re hardly Muslim, most are waaqist and Christian. It’s a shame wallahi marsabit is a beautiful town


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Wallahi, Geeljires need to shut up. At least we still have the two rivers and regions like the Nugaal valley or Cal Madow in the northeast and the greener hinterland areas of the northwest. Most of the lands inhabited by Afars is the Danakil Desert, the hottest place on Earth:

It’s gonna take land and resources to bring Somalia back to life, why waste so much energy making our land look like there’s when instead we can just take it from them barbarian style. Just food for thought, conquering land from others isn’t a new thing


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It’s gonna take land and resources to bring Somalia back to life, why waste so much energy making our land look like there’s when instead we can just take it from them barbarian style. Just food for thought, conquering land from others isn’t a new thing


Walaal, those days are over. We have world powers with nukes and incredibly gigantic, sci-fi level armed militaries. Look at how much of a fiasco it caused for a world power like Russia to annex little Crimea and there they at least had some ethnic claim. We'd be finished in a fortnight if we tried to conquer The Great Lakes even if Somalia had the current equivalent of the military might it used to. Invading bloody Ethiopia for our own land was part of what landed us in our current predicament. I know yous trolling but damn!



Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah

Walaal, those days are over. We have world powers with nukes and incredibly gigantic, sci-fi level armed militaries. Look at how much of a fiasco it caused for a world power like Russia to annex little Crimea and there they at least had some ethnic claim. We'd be finished in a fortnight if we tried to conquer The Great Lakes even if Somalia had the current equivalent of the military might it used to. Invading bloody Ethiopia for our own land was part of what landed us in our current predicament. I know yous trolling but damn!

Guess we’re just gonna have to wait for world war 3, we will conquer the entire African continent once
our saviours china is finished with america


Ironic that all that was settled by Cushitic people, originally. South and East Cushites really fumbled the bag.

They were mainly pastoralists and not good farmers. Farmers tend to win out in the long run.

This is why Amharas are so laandheer and Afars are laangaab.