Talking stage

Moreover---Find ways to get answers without asking outright, if you get my drift. Never ask leading questions or let a man find out what answers you actually want to hear.


halal and earthy
Find out how he views women. Ask him who his female role models are or which women he admires- you will notice what kinda traits he admires in a woman which will be the same he wants in you. Finances- as in does he want you to pay the bills. Family- find out what you can about his family. Finances and family are the two things that pose problems. Here is a list of more things to ask

TYSM. This list >>> So far we've agreed on everything and he ticks all of my boxes but some of these questions are too tier and imma definitely ask them during our next meeting
I’d say even before all of that is sexual attraction which is the basis of all marriage, then the other stuff if your not sexually attracted to the guy it might work out for a bit but it will lead to trouble for the both of you. Resentment from you and Time wasted from the both of y’all.