Taliban ban all women from university


I think all of University should be banned, its a freemasonic invention and has no benefit other than fleecing students with a useless degree. Where do you think the term “degree” came from other than 33 degrees of masonry.

Its the biggest scam in history and a useless paper proves little to nothing. Dont forget Western NGOs use Universities as an avenue to spread their filthy agendas by granting them funding, logistics etc.

They especially pollute the minds of women with nonsensical topics such as “maritial rape” and other foreign concepts.

They are quite wise to ban it actually, as they are the breeding grounds for social engineering. But they should also equally ban it for men.
Yeah Universities are a hotbed for leftist revolutionaries around the world.
I think their is a certain wisdom behind their marriage as Aisha was the source of a great many ahadith, more so then the rest of the his wives.
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This has nothing to do with Westerners bro, directly speaking. Some of the folk in these forum are caught between two worlds regarding their understanding of what is right and wrong morally speaking; the societal morals of the society they were raised in which has become relatively dominant globally due to historical Western imperial dominance (physical and ideological), and their own sociocultural/ religious background.

I don't think it has much to do with saving face but their own rejection of social practices they view as being 'paedophilic', 'misogynistic'. This would not be an issue if these practices were alien to their own socioreligious background but they encounter an ideological conundrum when the faith/ancestral society that they subscribe to is in contradiction with their bespoke value system hence why they lash out against you even though what you have spoken us the truth in this thread. Easier to shoot the messenger than challenge the message with reasoned debate.

I have noticed a similar trend in other controversial subjects such as concubinage. I was laughing inside at the mental gymnastics some folk were engaging in to rationalise religious concubinage to themselves; they were using words like 'consent', how will a captured woman whose tribe or nation has been defeated/enslaved be asked for consent by her enslaver during a sexual encounter?:draketf:

By my own admission, I am not the most religious person out there but I ain't completely ignorant of the Deen hence why I accept it as it is. The delusion and confusion displayed by some folk stems from an inability to accept or find an accommodation between one's own moral compass and the Deen hence the attacks on you and others who quote Islamic facts that they find hard to digest. This type of cognitive dissonance can possibly lead to Kufr hence why folk like @Abu Ash’ari adopt an 'apologist' stance regarding some matters.
Assalamu-alaikum @anonimo, can you explain what apologist stance I took regarding some matters?

Garaad diinle

 
There is nothing much i can add in reagar to this topic since muslim brothers did already more than enough and clearly stated the islamic stands on this matter. The prophet ﷺ marriage was valid and even the slander hungry mushirikin didn't condem or criticize our prophet ﷺ for his marriage. For crying out loud our mother the mother of the mu'minin ashia رضي الله عنها was married before the prophet ﷺ. This means that marrages such as our prophet ﷺ was macrouf meaning known and didn't go against the cultural norms of it's time.

In regard to marriage age if i recall, correct me if i'm wrong there is no such thing as an appropriate marrage age. In other words marrage age could very well be a cultural quirk that ranges from physically able up to whatever age there is.

Garaad diinle

 
Islam is being singled out and demonized but in reality it's the most sound and well alignd with the human nature and instinct. For example what do you know about the age of consent in other country. I don't need to get into the nitty gritty details here of what consent means i think you'll already know. Here are some examples.




Garaad diinle

 
Now what do you know about how it used to be before our so called modern view on the age of consent. Perhabas i can treat you to an exquisite gourmet artical well suitet for the palate of folks
with the moral high ground and holier than thou mentality.



Garaad diinle

 
France decided the age of consent in 2021 they dicided on the age of 13 when they are physically able while telling muslims to marry at the age of 18.


Garaad diinle

 
I'm only getting started it gets even worse, do you even know what is happining in germany france and the usa.There is innocent people as young as 5 month old that get attacked. The real countries that are committing crimes are attacking islam. Here is some news of underage crimes.


Garaad diinle

 
Have you heard of alfred kinsey and his book sexual behavior in the human male. Have you hear about his experimen on 5 month old and even 1 month old.

Surely it should be opposite? Men are supposedly providers and STEM is what provides the most money.

A man studying Philosophy defeats the purpose of what he is meant to bring to the table, which is solely employment.

Men who aren’t very academic or aren’t into stem should be be forced to apprenticeship from the age of 14. They should be banned from university and should be trained to be in the work force.

Your silly rationale for stripping women of the choice to educate themselves on an array of topics can be equally applied to men. In fact, it makes more sense.
Why not round all men up and put them into concentration camps while your at it :stevej:


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Dugsi in Somalia was historically co-ed. There was no separation between boys and girls at dugsi in the past. Separating boys and girls when they are growing up plays a part in creating Saudi and Pashtun style misogyny. Men simply don't think of women as fellow humans.

Imagine having never interacted with teenage girls growing up, how fucked up would you be when interacting with women later in life?
When I went to dugsi in America and multiple dugsis a no, the teacher sat with the boys but a curtain separated the girls and they read from behind the curtains also the same tradition prevails

Ive seen similar arrangements in Somalia when I visited early recently

Co-Ed education is a failed experiment, the fall off in rigiorusness in education especially for men which are more inclined to be distracted, is in part because of girls in the classroom especially not dressed modesty , that’s a chemical bomb for boys that just hit puberty
Muslim men cannot continue blaming the West for creating the narrative that they’re misogynistic.

Don’t be telling these gaals that Islam gives women ‘rights’ and then proceed to not give women their ‘rights’.

I say this, because in most apart from a few Muslim countries, women are denied many basic things we take for granted in the West. It isn’t just education and it isn’t just Afghanistan, but this is the worst of it and it’s a nightmare.

It is what it is.

Exactly. Also, most Afghan men agree with the Taliban and their rule, the whole narrative of the citizens being held hostage as Taliban subsumed the country was bullshit. Men would rather starve and live a shitty life if they can still keep their boots on womens necks. It is what it is.
Not necessarily. Its just that alshabaab is the most politically organized group in the country. The rest of them ( like Afghanistan) have gotten too comfortable living off of corrupted tax money and having their petty deals with foreign companies. They are being protected by Americans and AMISOM while having homes in Kenya. There is barely a coherent political movement in the country.

I looove your profile picture. Do you know the source?


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