Syrians being accused of looting in earthquake struck Turkey! Racial tensions building!


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
From my personal observations alot the newer generation think theyre extermists, and the general consensous is that they are dirty, untrustworthy and just a plague to their country since they immigarted in large numbers. Turkish people are very protective of their country lol
Syrians are miskeen people. Also,they do contribute to society,e.g, Steve Jobs was half Syrian. They haven't had historical beef with turkey so this hatred is irrational.


Spoilers Queen
Syrians are miskeen people. Also,they do contribute to society,e.g, Steve Jobs was half Syrian. They haven't had historical beef with turkey so this hatred is irrational.
Yeah i think that too syrians are lowkey the miskeen bunch out of the arabs. They dont rlly bother anybody.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Syrians are miskeen people. Also,they do contribute to society,e.g, Steve Jobs was half Syrian. They haven't had historical beef with turkey so this hatred is irrational.
Ottoman Turks mistreated the Arabs but again Arabs mistreated everyone when they had power.
Alot of these Turks are dying to be accepted by the West/Europe and don’t want to be associated with the Middle East, Islam or Arabs. Low self esteem and inferiority complex is a b!tch
I went to Turkey before, there are a lot of Syrians there. I think they're just trying to get a better life after escaping the war. It's pretty sad what they're going through ngl

