Syrians being accused of looting in earthquake struck Turkey! Racial tensions building!


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I might go to Turkey and snag myself some syrian baddies after i show them my passport and trucking license
On a real note how do they know he difference between Syrians and Turks. They look exactly the same, and a lot of Syrians in Turkey speak flawless Turkish. Not to forget the province of Hatay in Turkey used to be majority Arab historically
On a real note how do they know he difference between Syrians and Turks. They look exactly the same, and a lot of Syrians in Turkey speak flawless Turkish. Not to forget the province of Hatay in Turkey used to be majority Arab historically
Guess they were ID'd when they were caught and their Arab last names came to light.
"Racial tension" nigga they're the same fucking race, just bunch of middle Easterns being xenophobic against each other (again) so why do we care?


Spoilers Queen
Ive never seen a hatred so big towards syrians than no other than turks. The shit i heard from them is crazy.


Spoilers Queen
Why do some turks hate Syrians?
From my personal observations alot the newer generation think theyre extermists, that syrians are a threat to their choices. The general consensous is that they are dirty, untrustworthy people and a plague to their country since they immigrated in large numbers.