Syrian man’s family is against him marrying a Somali woman. Is it racism?

Ok she likes that sheikh so much hows that praising saudis or arabs? Even if she did whats the problem? Isnt weird to police the members of a religion you left? Is it because you are not content with your Godless life? Ik you dont hate arabs but you seem very bitter that they are laandheere
I am. They have a lot of unnecessary clout. All arabs, arabized or not follow their ancestral religions native to their lands ie Islam> Arabia, Palestine/ levant > Judaism/ Christianity & to top it off a large % of the world follows those three religions & begs them. They truly are laandheers :kanyehmm:
I am. They have a lot of unnecessary clout. All arabs, arabized or not follow their ancestral religions native to their lands ie Islam> Arabia, Palestine/ levant > Judaism/ Christianity & to top it off a large % of the world follows those three religions & begs them. They truly are laandheers :kanyehmm:
This is just your secular gaalnimo speaking no one follows them despite your belief that ethnicity is the only variable that works in this world.

People follow their religion because they believe it is true


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I am. They have a lot of unnecessary clout. All arabs, arabized or not follow their ancestral religions native to their lands ie Islam> Arabia, Palestine/ levant > Judaism/ Christianity & to top it off a large % of the world follows those three religions & begs them. They truly are laandheers :kanyehmm:
And I love that for them. Sister why do ex muslims have this inferiority complex towards arabs? It reminds me of how envious and spiteful Satan is towards Adam and his children. Just a parallel. Also Islam is the true religion stop the yap about whos following their native ancestral religion thats irrelevant
And I love that for them. Sister why do ex muslims have this inferiority complex towards arabs? It reminds me of how envious and spiteful Satan is towards Adam and his children. Just a parallel. Also Islam is the true religion stop the yap about whos following their native ancestral religion thats irrelevant
Girl bye 😭😭😭 I just mentioned Levantines who consider themselves separate from Arabs yet you’re still focused on Arabs?? For what idk. My issue is with Abrahamics as a whole not just Arabs who are just responsible for Islam. & yea I’m definitely jealous of their ancestors landheernimo
The hijab is not even Arab. The pre-Islamic Arabs were degenerates and did not cover themselves. It was the pious people of the book that in fact covered themselves until they veered off from the right path toward corruption. The prophet (PBUH), sent by Allah to remind the people, came and corrected the Arabians who preferred their jahil culture and customs by showing them the right way to conduct themselves, dress, and everything; it was seen as extremely anti-Arab at the time. You can even see the pagan idols of females having their hair out and being dressed immodestly. That was the Arabian way before Islam. So saying what is fundamentally Islamic as Arab because it expanded from Arabia -- mind you -- customs that were non-Arabian and claiming it is Arab culture, is severely ignorant.

Islam changed the Arabs it was not the Arabs that used their culture to change non-Arabs. If Arab culture ruled we would be degenerates today and none of the Islamic practices that they call "Arab influence" would be present. The only reason why ignorant people confuse Islam with Arab is because it spread from there, that is where Mecca lies and the rest is pure misconceptions and ignorance. Because Islamic practices are what you see, nothing that Arab culture ever invented.

It's so ironic. Islam never came to confirm Arab culture, it rejected it. Why did the Quraish attack the Prophet (PBUH) and persecute the Sahaba? It's because they denounced and challenged the Arabian ways of culture and tradition of their forefathers. It was a complete overturn. But at the same time, Islam was never a deen that comes to just change things for change's sake. Any culture can embrace Islam as long as the cultural practice is not non-Islamic. So saying this is Arabian culture is quite ignorant.

What they see as Islamic culture they call Arab culture, but Islam never originated with Arab culture because it rejected the ignorant cultural ways of the Arabs. That is why I know those people who peddle this Arab culture nonsense are either completely ignorant of these basic facts or they are liars. I think the majority of them are the latter since as I have said in the past, murtads have character problems. They are not honest people. Oh wait, they claimed to be once educated about Islam then left but somehow know nothing about what I mentioned - the most basic Islamic history known even in the secular realm? Lol
Thank you for taking the liberty of writing all of this down for the sake of clarity, I was going to do it myself but I love watching dumb arguments unfold, can't help myself
Perhaps im jus

Yeah im pretty sure his an incel/troll. I find it perplexing people are so invested in people marrying out . Preserve your culture blah blah , we all gonna be dead soon people. Culture isnt going to save you from the hellfire. If people want to marry each other , let them go ahead. Older generations underestimate the evill that comes about when marriage is withheld without a just cause. Imo race is not a reason .
marriage being made difficult and there being a focus on school while studying is not prevented by marriage might genuinely be a cause of zina bc of which those who commit it in the west commit it.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Girl bye 😭😭😭 I just mentioned Levantines who consider themselves separate from Arabs yet you’re still focused on Arabs?? For what idk. My issue is with Abrahamics as a whole not just Arabs who are just responsible for Islam. & yea I’m definitely jealous of their ancestors landheernimo
They all look the same wa dameer iyo labadiis dhagood to me. Also islam wasn’t in levant it was in the heartland of arabia the land of hijaz so yes me bringing up arabs is very relevant habibti. Work on the jealousy part be proud enough of who Allah made you then you wont feel inferiority towards arabs
The hijab is not even Arab. The pre-Islamic Arabs were degenerates and did not cover themselves. It was the pious people of the book that in fact covered themselves until they veered off from the right path toward corruption. The prophet (PBUH), sent by Allah to remind the people, came and corrected the Arabians who preferred their jahil culture and customs by showing them the right way to conduct themselves, dress, and everything; it was seen as extremely anti-Arab at the time. You can even see the pagan idols of females having their hair out and being dressed immodestly. That was the Arabian way before Islam. So saying what is fundamentally Islamic as Arab because it expanded from Arabia -- mind you -- customs that were non-Arabian and claiming it is Arab culture, is severely ignorant.

Islam changed the Arabs it was not the Arabs that used their culture to change non-Arabs. If Arab culture ruled we would be degenerates today and none of the Islamic practices that they call "Arab influence" would be present. The only reason why ignorant people confuse Islam with Arab is because it spread from there, that is where Mecca lies and the rest is pure misconceptions and ignorance. Because Islamic practices are what you see, nothing that Arab culture ever invented.

It's so ironic. Islam never came to confirm Arab culture, it rejected it. Why did the Quraish attack the Prophet (PBUH) and persecute the Sahaba? It's because they denounced and challenged the Arabian ways of culture and tradition of their forefathers. It was a complete overturn. But at the same time, Islam was never a deen that comes to just change things for change's sake. Any culture can embrace Islam as long as the cultural practice is not non-Islamic. So saying this is Arabian culture is quite ignorant.

What they see as Islamic culture they call Arab culture, but Islam never originated with Arab culture because it rejected the ignorant cultural ways of the Arabs. That is why I know those people who peddle this Arab culture nonsense are either completely ignorant of these basic facts or they are liars. I think the majority of them are the latter since as I have said in the past, murtads have character problems. They are not honest people. Oh wait, they claimed to be once educated about Islam then left but somehow know nothing about what I mentioned - the most basic Islamic history known even in the secular realm? Lol

havent read the entire thread yet but you're absolutely correct. People who say Hijab/niqab is Arab either dont know the deen and most likely do not know what constitutes the correct hijab at all.

Hijab/Niqab was definitely known in Somalia, maybe not as widespread, but ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ
knowledge has increased!


pic from 1931 (hid hands and face cuz thats still awrah according to the opinion I follow, yes theres a difference of opinion but one states in obligatory and the other states it's Sunnah Mu'akaddah, i.e. confirmed sunnah)


pic from 1910(blotted faces of what I presume to be men out of fear for tasweer)


this pic is 1968 same reasons as before.
View attachment 326196
havent read the entire thread yet but you're absolutely correct. People who say Hijab/niqab is Arab either dont know the deen and most likely do not know what constitutes the correct hijab at all.

Hijab/Niqab was definitely known in Somalia, maybe not as widespread, but ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ
knowledge has increased!

View attachment 326188
pic from 1931 (hid hands and face cuz thats still awrah according to the opinion I follow, yes theres a difference of opinion but one states in obligatory and the other states it's Sunnah Mu'akaddah, i.e. confirmed sunnah)

View attachment 326197
pic from 1910(blotted faces of what I presume to be men out of fear for tasweer)

View attachment 326199
this pic is 1968 same reasons as before.
Yeah, the ones who think Somalis did not use it to cover themselves are mistaken. There is a practice of some girls before marriage (before physical maturity/pre-pubescent) that did not have on hijab but you could not find a woman of marriage age that did not cover their hair. Every single Western man who came to our shores called us "fanatical" Muslims who had strong beliefs to the point it scared them. That did not come out of nowhere since those men usually were world travelers and were in contact with other Muslims, so they knew how Muslims were, and still considered Somalis to be strong adherents in light of that relative measure for the ignorant outsider.
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Yeah, the ones who think Somalis did not use it to cover themselves are mistaken. There is a practice of some girls before marriage (before physical maturity/pre-pubescent) that did not have on hijab but you could not find a woman of marriage age that did not cover their hair. Every single Western man who came to our shores called us "fanatical" Muslims who had strong beliefs to the point it scared them. That did not come out of nowhere since those men usually were world travelers and were in contact with other Muslims, so they knew how Muslims were, and still considered Somalis to be strong adherents in light of that relative measure for the ignorant outsider.
had we not been we'd have certainly seen a sizeable christian population in Somalia. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ we were protected from that.

Again remember folk, (I haven't read the thread yet but I'm assuming arab hate is involved) the arab hate to kufr pipeline is real.

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ
I was protected from that by my Lord. there was a time where I was such a wadani ignorant kid who wanted to "purify" the somali language from Arabic words lol. never went down the thinking islam is an Arab religion hole thats involved in the pipeline though.

I'll respond to some more things in the thread later
Only gulf Arabs are true Arabs, even within gulf Arabs it’s a known fact Bahrainis, Emaratis, Kuwaitis, etc assimilated a lot of Persians. Real Arabs imo are mainly in Saudi Arabia.
Virtually all khaleejis are assimilated Arabs not just the ajam. The original Arabs are the Nabateans who were mostly based in what’s modern day Jordan and northern Saudi
@Laiis If Islam is an Arab religion, then what did prophets and messengers like Moses and Jesus preach about? Do you expect that they were preaching another religion? 😂 Islam has existed since Adam and before the Arabs, so this is a false argument. Arabs also live in other places, not just in the Gulf states, and we cannot yet acknowledge their Arabism. Rather, there are Arab Arabs and Arabized Arabs. The issue is not closed, and Arabs exist outside the “Gulf countries.”
ابن تيمية
‏" أن لسانهم كان اللغة العربية، انهم من أبناء العرب ومساكنهم كانت بأرض العرب، وهي جزيرة العرب التي من بحر القلزم الى بحر البصرة، ومن أقصى حجر باليمن، إلى أوائل الشام، بحيث كانت تدخل اليمن في دارهم ولا تدخل فيها الشام "
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The language of the Quran is a dead language. Nobody speaks it. The "dialects" spoken by modern Arabs are completely different languages than the language of the Quran.

So saying that Islam belongs to some racist Syrian family because the language they speak is distantly related to the language the Quran happens to be in is.... well, it's just dumb.

Nobody is triggered, we are just annoyed that you keep parroting the same words over and over again after they've been debunked repeatedly.
The dialects spoken by modern Arabs aren’t different languages. I have to stop you there although I agree with your message. Arabic is for everyone. Most Arabs understand the Quraan and Modern Standard Arabic isn’t too far off as non Arabic speakers like to insist.


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