Surname system should be based on clan.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
During siad bare time clan identity was supresed but what happend qabyaal went through the roof. Instead of hiding clan identity we should embrase it publicaly . So as to way of combating qabyaald. Countries like midle east adopt tribe names as surname. Koreans adpt clan names as surname. Like kim jong un.
Somalis should do the same .
But we should bring clan name first than u name than u fathers name.
For example
.1 Hawiye warsame gacal.
2 Darood warsame gacal
3 dir warsame gacal.
4 raxanweyn warsame gacal.
Should be vise verse.
1 warsame gacal hawiye.
2 warsame gacal darood.
3 warsame gacal raxanweyn.
4 warsame gacal dir.
@Step a side . @convincation @The Midlands . @Themusketeer @Jungle @DR OSMAN.
@bidenkulaha . @mohamedismail .
Arab haven't gotten any less qabilist they far worse than us, this ain't good idea
Arab haven't gotten any less qabilist they far worse than us, this ain't good idea
Bro kkkkk i want this kkkk walhi all hawiyes will welcome u will be suprised how proud will lets say. Someone name be.
hawiye warsame gacal.
Clan should come first since that is my real father identity.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Bro kkkkk i want this kkkk walhi all hawiyes will welcome u will be suprised how proud will lets say. Someone name be.
hawiye warsame gacal.
Clan should come first since that is my real father identity.
nobody will identify with the larger qabil name but their sub sub sub clan and alot of sub clans names sound Arabic asf and will further the arabisation, it's tricky but I think Somalis ain't like arabs after peaceful years without needing to fight over wells for food and education they will forget qabil I think
@bidenkulaha . What do u thin instead of hawiye we adopt sub clans.
Like .
Madarkacis warsame gacal.
Heridiid warsame gacal.
Mudulood warsame gacal.
Xawadle warsame gacal .
Majerteen warsame gac.
Mareexaan warsame gacal.
I think that can be cool since u are more specific.
nobody will identify with the larger qabil name but their sub clan and alot of sub clans names sound Arabic asf and will further the arabisation, it's tricky but I think Somalis ain't like arabs after peaceful years without needing to fight over wells for food and education they will forget qabil I think
Read my last reply
That was the tricky part I was talking about some nigga gonna make themselves after their reer name forget sub sub sub clan kkkk
Yeah i see u bri the clan is to part at major part like hawiye darood and sub clan like murusade majerteen dhulbahante.
At sub clan like dhubahante unuty and identity to the group is ver strong but at level darood its weak u see my point even hawiye is weak


It’s ridiculous for the whole country to have only 4 surnames. Make it your lowest subclan so there will be variety. That means Makaahiil, Wacbuudhan, Cumar Maxamuud wouldn’t be enough but one or two levels below that
It’s ridiculous for the whole country to have only 4 surnames. Make it your lowest subclan so there will be variety. That means Makaahiil, Wacbuudhan, Cumar Maxamuud wouldn’t be enough but one or two levels below that
Heck noe bro sub clan should be enough. Mudulood.
Madarkacis. Majerteen . Like that more than enough.
I dont think u as ogaden will have problem ogaden as u surname. I am murusade. I want my surname as heridiid kkk like that i am fine bro
Bro that is only baaq for dagaal pple tends ro over use it . Personaly i like herdiid name compared to murusade i dont why but it feels more masculine when u say heridiid instead if murisade which sounds more feminine 🤣🤣🤣
Yeh but people generally call us 3&9. No one knows Heradiid. Also Murusade real name is Mursal.
Permant under class is only for non ethnic somalis bro 😂😂🤣🤣.
Also for me i only view somalis as five groups .
1 hawiye.
2 darood.
3 dir .
4 raxanweyn
5 gabooye.
The rest like reer aw xasan should identify as hawiye. Carab salax should identify as darood so we remove this nonsense of 4.5 only 5 clans are somalis than use that for national id🤣🤣

Imagine 5-10 million Somalis with one surname. Wareerka adunka :whoo:

War heblayo maxaa lagu magac daraa? Darood. Andiguna? Darood. Darood ma wuxuu noqday Khan-ka Soomaaliyeed, mise Lee-ga Soomaliyeed? Would be hilarious, but impractical:cryinglaughsmiley:

On the flip-side, most Somali men share the same 10-ish common names. So it wouldn't be any different.