Stop looking at arabs as "brothers"

إذا ما عجبك الوضع في البلاد العربية ارجع إلى وطنك الأصل محافظة الصومال يا عبد
who said I live in those shitholes? 😂 العبد الوحيد المنحط هنا هو أنت يععع
Another Arab bashing thread. Does the OP live in the Gulf? The Somalis who use the name of a Somali clan (Madow) as a racial slur aren't in a position to complain about an Arab tiktoker using the abeed term. Practice what you preach first.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Bro Arabs have been Somalis greatest allies since time memorial. If I can think of any ethnicity I'd call my brother after Somalis it would be them

