Spirulina Algae Farm to curb malnutrition.

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
You're demanding :whew:

kkkk alright, With the pills you usually take 3 a day with your meal. With the powder you can literally just add it to anything, water, protein shake, juice, you can even sprinkle some on you cereal disgusting. Just 1 tbsp should be enough.

Just check the instruction, it should tell you on the package

:bell: :bell:why you indirecting for?


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
How can you stand the awful taste :tocry:

Don't tell me you put it on your cereal lmaoooo

I can tolerate it as long as I mask it with something :manny:

I have it with everything cereal/porridge, tea, juice, coffee, smoothies

Spirulina is amazing (except the taste) I take it as a sub for protein shakes. It has tremendous health benefits and could help curb malnutrition for not only infants but also adults :nvjpqts:

It's very simple to operate a mini pool of Spirulina and mix it into Malawaax or cereals for children
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