Somalis who wants relationship with Israel

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Their hatred for Arabs will make them commit this terrible sin.
How can they call for diplomatic ties with Israel when we all see how the zionist dogs behaves?


Their hatred for Arabs will make them commit this terrible sin.
How can they call for diplomatic ties with Israel when we all see how the zionist dogs behaves?
We don’t need relationships with them right now anyways:manny: but maybe in the future if benificial for us, otherwise they can hit the road


Islamic Fanfiction Writer


they are self hating muslims. anyone who preaches any type of support for the apartheid state of israel needs to seek knowledge. are we not commanded not to make friends or to associate with the oppressors of the muslims. how can you give money to a state that will than use that money to buy weapons to kill muslims kids. its sad walahi the hate for arabs is turning these goofs into retards. i would rather see somalia go down the drain than to support someone who would kill innocent muslims for sport
Having diplomatic ties with another nation doesn't mean you are their friend or agree with their politics. You can learn much better your enemies if you keep them close.


I personally don't support Israel but the arabs were having ties with Ethiopia while they were oppressing Muslims. In-fact Yemen even sided with Ethiopia. There is no religion in politics, it's only about how you can benefit your nation. Can we benefit from Israel? not at this stage in our infancy but in the future and if we actually have a functioning state, possibly yes. It depends on a case by case basis.

I don't think we should have any foreign relations, we are not at that stage yet. People will look at Somalia and say 'what do I get by being friends with you' and there really is nothing of importance besides their location.
they are self hating muslims. anyone who preaches any type of support for the apartheid state of israel needs to seek knowledge. are we not commanded not to make friends or to associate with the oppressors of the muslims. how can you give money to a state that will than use that money to buy weapons to kill muslims kids. its sad walahi the hate for arabs is turning these goofs into retards. i would rather see somalia go down the drain than to support someone who would kill innocent muslims for sport
Tbh look at all the Arab countries that hate Arab countries and support their genocide and israel. Palestinians are the lowest class of Arabs and no one cares about them. Why can't we have relations with Israel? Could we not make deals with hem like all the other Arab tribes have? Let's be honest this is a tough world and the Palestinians are the midgaans of the Arab family.

We will only fight with them when the ummah fixes up otherwise they can stay resilient like we were for years without assistance from anyone.



It's all so tiresome
This the kind of thinking that gets our politicians to do stupid shit like siding with the Saudis over Canada or against Qatar.

Nothing to do with religion just cuckery.

Make up your own mind on who would be a better partner for us... the Arabs who'd rather dance on our ashes or Israel that doesn't have any geopolitical interests in Somalia and has the leverage to help us.

Also we can learn a lot from them.

While the Saudis were building useless skyscrapers with their trillions the Israelis were turning their deserts into farms with their own labour.

A pious Orthodox Jew is more of a man of God to me than those fake Saudi and Emiratis royals.
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I have no proof, only whispers
they are self hating muslims. anyone who preaches any type of support for the apartheid state of israel needs to seek knowledge. are we not commanded not to make friends or to associate with the oppressors of the muslims. how can you give money to a state that will than use that money to buy weapons to kill muslims kids. its sad walahi the hate for arabs is turning these goofs into retards. i would rather see somalia go down the drain than to support someone who would kill innocent muslims for sport

Arabs kill other Muslims at a far higher rate than any Israeli has. Somalia should take help wherever it comes from.


Make Hobyo Great Again
they are self hating muslims. anyone who preaches any type of support for the apartheid state of israel needs to seek knowledge. are we not commanded not to make friends or to associate with the oppressors of the muslims. how can you give money to a state that will than use that money to buy weapons to kill muslims kids. its sad walahi the hate for arabs is turning these goofs into retards. i would rather see somalia go down the drain than to support someone who would kill innocent muslims for sport
I wish people kept that same energy for China. Instead, they forcefully convert millions of Muslims in concentration camps and Farmajo rewards them with our entire coastline. Not a peep from reer muh Falestine.
I wish people kept that same energy for China. Instead, they forcefully convert millions of Muslims in concentration camps and Farmajo rewards them with our entire coastline. Not a peep from reer muh Falestine.
exactly the hypocrisy, what about Somalia when arabs sided with Ethiopia over us? Saudi Arabia was part of the reason why we also failed they were against USSR which we were friends with at the time although they did not expect the damage to be that severe.


Make Hobyo Great Again
exactly the hypocrisy, what about Somalia when arabs sided with Ethiopia over us? Saudi Arabia was part of the reason why we also failed they were against USSR which we were friends with at the time although they did not expect the damage to be that severe.
These people are very quiet when Saudi Arabia bans our livestock exports and limits our hajj visas, not to mention how much they support our enemies including terrorists.

I actually support the struggle of reer Palestine as a matter of principle but the disproportionate attention they receive compared to Muslims suffering in China, Burma, Central Africa, etc. drives me and many others to turn against them to balance the scales.

When you have all levels of government in agreement that it's wrong to work with Israel but okay to work with China, you know that you have a very deep rooted problem.


I wish people kept that same energy for China. Instead, they forcefully convert millions of Muslims in concentration camps and Farmajo rewards them with our entire coastline. Not a peep from reer muh Falestine.
i spoke about this a million times actually. china is as bad as them. those camps are degrading and sad. a muslim is a muslim before my eyes. i dont put nationality before deen which is haram


exactly the hypocrisy, what about Somalia when arabs sided with Ethiopia over us? Saudi Arabia was part of the reason why we also failed they were against USSR which we were friends with at the time although they did not expect the damage to be that severe.
abowe if a arab rapes a somali girl are you going to retaliate by raping an innocent arab girl. dont put nationality before your deen. be muslim first abowe. i beg you. the stuff you guys are saying could be harming you in the sight of allah. muslims are being killed all over the world. do you think the murderers of the muslims care about your nationality. the enemy of the palastinians are the enemy of the somalis. i dont care if arab countries help ethiopia. what does that have to do with the arab citizens. your forgeting in certain arab countries if you speak out against them you will get killed or imprisoned.


abowe if a arab rapes a somali girl are you going to retaliate by raping an innocent arab girl. dont put nationality before your deen. be muslim first abowe. i beg you. the stuff you guys are saying could be harming you in the sight of allah. muslims are being killed all over the world. do you think the murderers of the muslims care about your nationality. the enemy of the palastinians are the enemy of the somalis. i dont care if arab countries help ethiopia. what does that have to do with the arab citizens. your forgeting in certain arab countries if you speak out against them you will get killed or imprisoned.

The biggest form of Jahiliyah is 'identity' politics, aligning with people based on religion, nationality, tribalism, or any sort of backward system. You should work with those who work with you regardless where they are from.

There is no problem we can pray with the arabs but we should have our own foreign policy like malaysia does and turkey and any civilized nation. I noticed the poor countries around the world are poor because they don't have their 'policies' they inherit it from west or arabs. It makes them never progress because another nation will not have your people interest in their hearts.
Thing is we have relations with China and look how they treat Muslims, but open relations with israel would be a security risk imo


The biggest form of Jahiliyah is 'identity' politics, aligning with people based on religion, nationality, tribalism, or any sort of backward system. You should work with those who work with you regardless where they are from.

There is no problem we can pray with the arabs but we should have our own foreign policy like malaysia does and turkey and any civilized nation. I noticed the poor countries around the world are poor because they don't have their 'policies' they inherit it from west or arabs. It makes them never progress because another nation will not have your people interest in their hearts.
thats not what i said. barely any muslim countries do business with israel in the open. so why should we. we can be the kings of africa if we just focused on trading with africa instead of wasting time begging. so basicly you dont want the muslim ummah to be one. you want them seperate which goes against the interest of the muslims.
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