Somalis have a serious staring problem

It’s really strange. Like a few quick glances, okay, but I’ve seen Somali people in public almost try to stare into my soul and it’s creepy asf.

I realized just how weird it was yesterday when I was taking my lunch break with a coworker in the cafeteria and this Somali guy sitting at a table by himself was just staring straight at me the whole time like a mf psycho. To the point that my coworker noticed and pointed it out. I mean the dude didn’t even say hi or nothing just staring. Shit is weird


Staff Member
How old was he?

It used to bother me but I now love it if it happens because I don't stare back even when they know I know they are looking at me. You don't give them the satisfaction. It will annoy them. Somalis hate it when you don't look back. They do it to get an acknowledgement from a fellow Somali. Eat your cunto and look like a model while doing so. You not looking back gives them the feeling that they are not worthy. They should either say hi or get lost; no one has time for their self esteem issues.
How old was he?

It used to bother me but I now love it if it happens because I don't stare back even when they know I know they are looking at me. You don't give them the satisfaction. It will annoy them. Somalis hate it when you don't look back. They do it to get an acknowledgement from a fellow Somali. Eat your cunto and look like a model while doing so. You not looking back gives them the feeling that they are not worthy. They should either say hi or get lost; no one has time for their self esteem issues.
You sound like narcissist I surely will have my eyes on you

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Can they still figure out youre from dibada in 2022? The whole market will stop to stare at you.
Sometimes bro but I was staying at boroma mainly last time I was back home and people would hella stare at me even my cousins to would awkwardly stare and I would get triggered but later gotten use to it. Bigger cities like hargeisa not so much esp after I dress down to fit in kkkkk

I had similar problem as well in UAE but with Indians who would just stare at you. I almost fought one until he put his hand up and did the little Indian head nod :heh:
I'm the opposite of a narcissist. I don't even have social media and I keep to myself and my family and a few friends. I cringe when I am praised or given a compliment.


Staff Member
Sometimes bro but I was staying at boroma mainly last time I was back home and people would hella stare at me even my cousins to would awkwardly stare and I would get triggered but later gotten use to it. Bigger cities like hargeisa not so much esp after I dress down to fit in kkkkk

I had similar problem as well in UAE but with Indians who would just stare at you. I almost fought one until he put his hand up and did the little Indian head nod :heh:

Seems like times have changed then. I was in Hargeisa visiting my Sheikhaal family in 2009 and everyone and their bisad was staring. I felt some clans stared more than others. I'm not joking.

Gadabursi love their education but are the ultimate hillbilly. I find those in miygi aren't rude and really stare. They are more dignified people.
I don’t like the over familiarity majority of Somalis have over another. You are quite literally a stranger to me, no different then the Stacy and Tom I ran into at Asda.
When I notice them staring at me, I give them a look that shows I noticed them staring but I VERY QUICKLY look away in a superior dismissive type of way. It really bothers them.


Staff Member
I don’t like the over familiarity majority of Somalis have over another. You are quite literally a stranger to me, no different then the Stacy and Tom I ran into at Asda.

There's a way to handle these kinds of people.

Talk to them if they speak to you but be very vague in conversation while making them an open book. That annoys them more than when they stare but when you don't look back. They will especially be annoyed if this happens for weeks, months or years if you happen to create a low quality "friendship" with them. Somalis' pet peeve are private people. It's fun to play with them. I've done it to many people, including one guy for like a decade now. Any normal person would have cut me off but he's so intrigued but pissed off at the same time.

The ones in the west do it for out of love and the ones back home are curious. When they’re starring at you they’re curious of about how you look and why you’re different from the rest of the crowd.
The Cushitic ooga booga male has a surprising ability to stare deep into your soul without having any thoughts in their head at all.. Theoriest speculate that this action is similar to the "sleep" option on PC's & phones.

Yes it is on but it's also not on, it is as if their subconscious itself just goes into the trash bin in their lamagoodle operating system. The Cushitic ooga booga is totally unaware they are even engaging in this behaviour until it is already too late (reputation ruined). Let us hope a cure will be found for this behavioral pattern.
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The Cushitic ooga booga has a surprising ability to stare deep into your soul without having any thoughts in their head at all.. Theoriest speculate that this action is similar to the "sleep" option on PC's & phones.

Yes it is on but it's also not on, it is as if their subconscious itself just goes into the trash bin in their lamagoodle operating system. The coonshity ooga booga is totally unaware they are even engaging in this behaviour until it is already too late (reputation ruined). Let us hope a cure will be found for this behavioral pattern.
Don’t act like you don’t do it.
I don't really mind when somalis stare, because I know they do it out of cultural curiousity and I'm used to it at this point. The ones that scare me is when cadaan people stare because its not part of their culture so they're just being psycho. they might be looking at you because they hate muslims or because they think you'll make a nice add on to their collection of skulls or human leather