Somalis Girls Discuss Being Dark Skinned in the Somali Community.

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I hate African american women for starting this thing. In African videos now if the women isn't very dark they start complaining. If they are they do dumb hashtags. I was watching a music video with a mid brown African girl and the insecure AA women were ranting how the woman wasn't dark enough compared to the artist. Very annoying. If you don't find one of them attractive, it has to be colorism, even if the girl is ugly.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
They're right. Somali Girls have it hard being dark-skin, Somali guys have it easier being dark-skin. The older generation of Somalis view dark-skin Somali girls as "ugly" when I see alot of beautiful dark-skin Somali girls. Somali girls have it harder getting married being dark-skin and it's because Somalis love Arab and Caadan features so much it's sickening. That "Diana" shit is disgusting.

Old-school Somalis basically saw dark-skin on a man as manly or some shit like that and paler men were seen as girly and stupid, but paler skin was favored in women while dark-skin was looked down upon in their case. That's how my grams put it anyway.
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