Somalis Are Not Inventive Society


Why can't a Somali for example create a 'protype' of a 'port'. Gather water in an 'big area and make it deep' and show the process needed to turn it into a small port. It all starts with proto-types guys, if you can't demonstrate something in innovation at a 'small scale' your not going to have anyone 'dump' money into scaling your idea. Somalis need to learn innovation and become creators. They can do this without spending millions of dollars by creating proto-types and inviting investors for a prototype demonstration.

@Tukraq and maybe 4head were the only ones in this discussion who actually understood innovation is not knowledge. Innovators are not known as 'skilled people' they have a separate class as inventors. Somalis confuse knowledge with inventions. Somali has a knowledge economy in the diaspora but no innovators and only a few people in this discussion even understood the difference.

Somalis prefer to just talk all day on the phone or cafes just like our stupid ancestors did who wasted time in gabay and poetry which has left nothing for the future generation to build anything from. We need a paradigm shift in Somalia and to teach them your stupid little gossips and chats will leave no mark on the future and get to fkn work and innovate. There is 100s of Somali doctors that is knowledge economy but not a single one has added a medical breakthrough(that is an innovator economy).

We should hold the innovators the highest in Somali society. They are the ones who change societies and add something for it.
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As puntlanders always say 'horta ka soo bilow beeeshinu' which is the same innovator construct used in prototypes when an investor says 'horta prove your product' works before we invest on small scale. Horta ka soo bilow isago 'yar' weeye the idea because we know mathamatics, they know how to scale once it's proven to work, it if it works. So it's true you need to start with your own clans first, first start at small stage. I will be going to my own 'bah dubays' to begin creating a 'funding' program to ensure our kids go to 'innovation' route. I want bah dubays eventually to be the 'innovator' of Somalia or who creates all proto-types for solutions somalis are facing.

I hope one day I open a Bah Dubays Laboratory for Inventors. I will invest in the equipments needed like 'heat tools' and 'cold' tools. Another room for 'liquids' and equipments. Another one for 'raw materials' like our rocks. Tell the students to start innovating, which means this stuff around us in our environment can be used for something, that is an innovator to find out what it can be used for. Seeing 100 students come in in each lab creating something from our environment would be a big add to our society. Imagine one room where their researching fish parts while mixing it with camel parts and creating different liquid products out of it. While another lab is focusing on creating energy in different forms. While another one is focusing on speeding up the processes of trees cuz it's natural problem in Somalia then bah dubays patent it and sells it for millions to somali clans.

If I was going to do something in Somalia, wallahi it would be exactly that. Lay the ground-work for a lab in garowe and invite bah dubays students to 'create' something. Have instructors teach them the basics of science again and make it completely 'research' lab that focuses on solutions to somali problem. Guess what, we would have no competition 'dalka intisa kale', we cud charge watever we want to give them the solutions are our kids produce because i would make sure the academy owns the solution not the 'kid'.

It's better giving these 100 kids in my academy a small salary to survive and say 'produce' something for me to 'sell' that the world lacks. There is a cure for anything in the world the hadith was right about that, you just gotta figure out the 'sequences' and 'processes' of the enviroment.
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If I was in Puntland, I would go straight to that kid in cadaado and bring him to Garowe and say 'create' us tanks, i'll pay the cost and investment but you scale the product you created. I wud then sell it to the puntland government. I am very suprised why somalis didn't create arms factories for things they couldn't buy, this would've given an edge to anyone. U wud think they would create their own weapons when the world banned to sell them any. Caato brought the 'technical innovation' to Somalia. Plus that 'cadaado' kid brought the 'tank' prototype. Yo I wud Hire HG as my weapons scientists lol, shit those niggas probably cud create nukes.

Those HG niggas love destruction right? you love mayhem and chaos right? nothing wrong with that sxb, some humans are like that but I wud say come to bah dubays academy and create extremely dangerous weapons. Id have Isaaqs as my drug lab leaders, those niggas love getting high right? well go ahead create something to get high. That's a big economy the drug business and yes it needs to be used as a weapon of war because the best way to deal with nations outside is to drug their population so they cant raise up an army.

All that alcohol n khat coming from ethiopia, wallahi i wud smash it over that fuckin habashi c*nt head in addis ababa

I wud close all puntland borders to 'drugs' and 'alcohol' these are weapons of wars against a society. It's easy to conquer ppl who are drugged out and to busy getting high or have addictions because their gravings will stop them from being good soldiers for the enemy nation. We learned when british couldn't conquer china, they resorted to 'poison' the chinese with heroin, that's when the world woke up to the revelation that 'drugs' is a poison to kill a society.

Somalis understanding of religion would drastically change if I ever got leadership. Not this silly nice stuff. Everything is potentially a weapon to use against another society. The only poison we have in Puntland is 'khat' and we have 'khat diid' who is fighting hard raggeeedi
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It's so good when a society is poisoned out, it leads to high crime rates, they eventually not safe in their own country because these people wax ay uu naxayan ma jiro, plus their easier to penetrate and get them to turn on their own nation if you funnel in 'weapons' with 'drugs'. They basically start to eat themselves in the inside. I would do that to cadowga puntland. I prefer govt that leads on 'reason and intelligence' not 'morals' iyo 'illahi halaga baqo'.

The other warefare type is to kill inside the people thru 'starvation' but not just burning their farms or like that, but once their starving waxaa kordhayo 'diseases' waa nidaam kale lagu dilo umad, which is what happened to Somalia, they used that tactic on us and we fell for it. But they saved Ethiopia nacala kugu yaale gaalow lol. But I don't blame them, it's easier to secularize christian africans then muslim africans. Secularism isn't a bad thing, we are not benefiting from the arabs today in terms of new knowledge. We are still having the same knowledge we had since 13th century. Wax noo kordhay aanan jirin.

I wud balance Somalia to be secular and western aligned with trade offs on 'knowledge' transfers while keeping the poisonous things out like drugs, alcohol, etc while telling the arabs asalama alaykum lakin wax ka badan kuma darsan lahayn if I ran somalia. It would be just religious salams and we all go our different direction.
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The only benefit we get from arabs is when it's election time and a few millions nothing else to ensure the 'status quo' remains, our knowledge hasn't increased whatsoever, we are still at the 13-19th century level. This has been tried for 15 years they been doing this and Somalia doesn't look any different. It's time somebody comes along and 'cuts the ties'.

Somalis cry when they hear Israel will be diplomatic friend, why? Malaysia and Turkey and Egypt are friends with Israel, why are you talking to Malaysia-Turkey-Egypt then? see how stupid that shit is. They deal with countries who are friends with Israel but then say I can't be friends with Israel. Palestine is 'regional issue' it's not an islamic problem sxb. I don't see anyone who forcing them to convert or breaking their mosques, that's an islamic issue then. This is there problem, not everyone problem is our problem. We or any muslims are not responsible for palestine, they have their own leaders who are responsible for them. Nowadays muslims use the muslim card on everything even if a husband and wife fight they call each other 'apostates' lol. It's silly, I wud end these stupid games once and for all with reason and science.
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1500 years? Mud huts? Germans?
-They had Charlemagne, 13 centuries ago,
-After the fall of the Romans, Germans and other Central Europeans had an Empire ; the Carolingian Empire.
After many civil wars and the destruction of the Empire, Central Europeans created another Empire that last 1000 years: the Holy Roman Empire.
>1500 years ago
>the romans
>Brings up post-Roman times and rulers
nigga how

dense are you:gucciwhat:

Speer, Albert - Inside the Third Reich
Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts ... All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler is making a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these revelations.

What did the Somalis have the past 1500 years? Besides some city-states sultanates in the early 13th century up to the 19th century, we were savages and nomads. We didn't have any written system until the 20th century.

No need to bring down other populations because ours is shit. Let's face it and create a new civilisation that will last a thousand years of glory.
You're a modern revisionist (and idiot but that can change :):)). Im not bringing down anybody did you even read what I wrote? I'm re-telling history and giving perspective to @drosman who thinks that greatness is inherent, and now earned no matter the background of the individual and peoples. You seem to agree with me in your last sentence but your head is too far up your head to think straight and independently.
> English, a bastard language,

Loan words are not a problem but the Somali language has taken so many loan words from anyone who came to our lands that we can't even have a proper language.
English is of Germany descent and latin. They got at least 40% of the language from the French and the rest from Anglo-Saxons who were Germanic.
:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: If it quacks like a duck then it is a duck. You seem to be insulted that I said English is a bastard language, and I didnt even say it as a slight. I view it to be one of it's strenghts.

Does this composition not look utterly bastardized to you?:gaasdrink:
Somali is not even a fixed language, where's the Somali Academic? Just like there's one for the French language.
Become a linguist and create one then instead of expecting it to be an inherent feature.
Our language is taking too many words from others, we don't have a proper state, either any stability. No need to shit on others again, we are better than this.
1. lol
2. It's a shame, inshallah we will create one brother
3. Instead you wanna shit on yourself :childplease:I've met congolese people with more pride than you smh
Slavs were slaves then subhuman then suddenly Nikola Tesla came along.

But nonetheless @drosman you're talking like an ignorant xoolo who thinks the last 100 years are the standard. All the shit you said I'd wager you'd agree apply to Germans, yet a 1500 years ago they were living in mud huts being called savages and everything you're calling Somalis by the Romans.

This is up there with the most idiotic things I’ve read. English is a bastard language with loan words from everywhere and all northern european languages are rife with loan words from mainland europe yet they are at the top in regards to published scientific journals. How does that compute with your logic:ayaanswag:
This guy is a clown with 0 logic wallahi.
Give us an example of a Somali invention.
I didn’t claim.

I’m against most of his reasonings. With language being most influenced, does he not know Swahili is a Arabic Creole language, English is not even English as 96% are loan words from roman, Greek, Latin, German, Dutch, Arabic etc. And so are a lot of languages. If he took his time to actually research he would come to conclusion that Somali is one of the least influenced. He backs his claims up with untrue statements like Somali doesn’t have this word their fire proves we learned it from so and so. Like his claim with having no word for life after death which English and many languages don’t have a word for.

He also backed his claims with things you need government bodies and institutions with a budget for. Like effect of diet and health in rural and cities and most common diseases. He’s make it look like a random Farah can travel the country rural and city. Test their bloods check diseases or things their body lacks and and compare? List down their diets and research different effect on the body and the pros and cons etc.

And Islam as he’s claiming we never contributed in. What does he mean. Islam has nothing to be added to. We have our fair share of Islamic teachers and scholars of Islam. Somalis are the best preservers of the qur’aan with the memorisation. Somalis have travelled to Asia and made made Maldives a Muslim country and parts of Sri Lanka and contributed to the spread of the religion.

With all these and more false ignorant claims he claims we don’t invent. While most inventions are previously invented ideas that have been updated. Like the invention of the car came from the horse carriage. While most ideas come from previous ideas he bets Somalis can’t invent without books or previous ideas. Rarely anyone can
You must be one of those 'proud somali' types, that's the first sign of ignorance when you cannot critically evaluate the flaws of your society and you defend their ignorance through patriotism. Ok answer me this, why haven't we even contributed to religion since we love to focus on religion right in somalia? we have added nothing in terms of islamic knowledge, u never see a somali scholar referenced in history or today. why is that? becuz we don't INVENT ANYTHING, WE DONT HAVE A CULTURE OF INNOVATION, WE FEAR FAILING AS IT'S AGAINST OUR CULTURE TO FAIL. WE ARE SCARED PEOPLE OF WHAT OTHERS SAY, THIS IS WHY WE ARE IN THE DARK AGES AND JUST LEARNERS FOR LIFE.

Are you retarded or what? half of al-Azhar are Somalis. Someone come get this self-hating dog.

