Why can't a Somali for example create a 'protype' of a 'port'. Gather water in an 'big area and make it deep' and show the process needed to turn it into a small port. It all starts with proto-types guys, if you can't demonstrate something in innovation at a 'small scale' your not going to have anyone 'dump' money into scaling your idea. Somalis need to learn innovation and become creators. They can do this without spending millions of dollars by creating proto-types and inviting investors for a prototype demonstration.
@Tukraq and maybe 4head were the only ones in this discussion who actually understood innovation is not knowledge. Innovators are not known as 'skilled people' they have a separate class as inventors. Somalis confuse knowledge with inventions. Somali has a knowledge economy in the diaspora but no innovators and only a few people in this discussion even understood the difference.
Somalis prefer to just talk all day on the phone or cafes just like our stupid ancestors did who wasted time in gabay and poetry which has left nothing for the future generation to build anything from. We need a paradigm shift in Somalia and to teach them your stupid little gossips and chats will leave no mark on the future and get to fkn work and innovate. There is 100s of Somali doctors that is knowledge economy but not a single one has added a medical breakthrough(that is an innovator economy).
We should hold the innovators the highest in Somali society. They are the ones who change societies and add something for it.
@Tukraq and maybe 4head were the only ones in this discussion who actually understood innovation is not knowledge. Innovators are not known as 'skilled people' they have a separate class as inventors. Somalis confuse knowledge with inventions. Somali has a knowledge economy in the diaspora but no innovators and only a few people in this discussion even understood the difference.
Somalis prefer to just talk all day on the phone or cafes just like our stupid ancestors did who wasted time in gabay and poetry which has left nothing for the future generation to build anything from. We need a paradigm shift in Somalia and to teach them your stupid little gossips and chats will leave no mark on the future and get to fkn work and innovate. There is 100s of Somali doctors that is knowledge economy but not a single one has added a medical breakthrough(that is an innovator economy).
We should hold the innovators the highest in Somali society. They are the ones who change societies and add something for it.
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