Somalis are born to be heterosexuals and keep their natural gender.

I weigh over 90kg and deadlift crazy. I am a boqor and you are badhnaadeed filth. I seen your post. Lost souls like you should workship your human master and leave our precious Somali children alone trying to implant wasakhnimo.

What an achievement, here here. Round of applause anyone? Less fat and more brain cells, please thanks.


Certified Liin Distributor
Ye my wall's been acting sus lately thanks dog and baby for letting me know
Darling, trust me other Somali's don't need me to be me. Somali parents are doing a good job already creating people like me and less of you in time. Thank you very much nonetheless.
I'm a Somali Muslim and I will never accept LGBT and neither will the majority of Somalis. It's haram so stop trying to force your propaganda onto me. :)


Certified Liin Distributor
I remember when I was a kid that grown ups used to make homophobic jokes, nowadays I never hear them anymore.
Are kids homophobic in school? In high school calling someone a faggit was regular banter lmao (if the wrong teacher heard it tho...)
I'm a Somali Muslim and I will never accept LGBT and neither will the majority of Somalis. It's haram so stop trying to force your propaganda onto me. :)

Some people consider Islam as an ideological propaganda that forces itself on others. Darling no one is coming for eggs or sperm cells. No one cares about your fertility. Take several seats and face the mirror of intolerance you have first for yourself and secondly for others.

Thank you for the lack of range you are displaying in your responses.
Some people consider Islam as an ideological propaganda that forces itself on others. Darling no one is coming for eggs or sperm cells. No one cares about your fertility. Take several seats and face the mirror of intolerance you have first for yourself and secondly for others.

Thank you for the lack of range you are displaying in your responses.
Why would I as a Muslim care about what uneducated, gross people say about Islam? The difference is I have faith in Allah unlike you and infidels don't phase me. You're showing your own inferiority complex in being gay and how abnormal and gross it is.

Like I said, I don't care about you being HIV filled but stop trying to shove it down the rest of our throats. :vqbuyv0:


I remember when I was a kid that grown ups used to make homophobic jokes, nowadays I never hear them anymore.
They still are where I am. I’m dying just thinking about it loool. Maybe I’ll post a recording as a thread.
Some of these gay Somalis probably couldn't get in any relationships even haraam ones. That and genuine weirdos who want to catch HIV.

One things for sure, they are all unsightly individuals its no wonder they turned gay.

Poor souls.


Certified Liin Distributor

She’s technically right. Huwa (he) isn’t literal. Allah is neither he or she. He’s just given male pronouns in the text.
No Allah isn't non-binary. The whole notion of an all powerful supernatural being means that you can't apply human reasoning or rationalizations to said being. Gender can't be applied or even brought up in a discussion about God then since it's alien to the idea of God itself.
Why would I as a Muslim care about what uneducated, gross people say about Islam? The difference is I have faith in Allah unlike you and infidels don't phase me. Who said anything about fertility? Lmao that's showing your own inferiority complex in being gay and how abnormal and gross it is.

Like I said, I don't care about you being AIDs filled but stop trying to shove it down the rest of our throats.

You sound insecure to me love. Crackie, seek therapy. I know being a Somali girl can be difficult, lots of issues there. I think you have other battles to fight love. Forget about Aid's, Somali girl's are being degraded through FGM and you are worried about my non-existant AID's LOL OK. Again take several seats if you are trying to continue hegemony and patriarchy for yourself.


No Allah isn't non-binary. The whole notion of an all powerful supernatural being means that you can't apply human reasoning or rationalizations to said being. Gender can't be applied or even brought up in a discussion about God then since it's alien to the idea of God itself.
Non-binary = being outside the gender binary (male or female). I know the word non-binary obviously conjurs LGBT for us, but she’s technically right. God is outside the binary by definition, non-binary. That’s why @Samira is so hilarious to me. She’s on another level lol.
Ooo I love philosophy of religion. That's why some philosophers believe that via negativa should be used to describe God's attributes as it does not limit God's ability to human standard. Nothing got to do with this topic but boy do I miss those lessons.
You sound insecure to me love. Crackie, seek therapy. I know being a Somali girl can be difficult, lots of issues there. I think you have other battles to fight love. Forget about Aid's, Somali girl's are being degraded through FGM and you are worried about my non-existant AID's LOL OK. Again take several seats if you are trying to continue hegemony and patriarchy for yourself.
I'm insecure where? For disagreeing with your HIV propaganda? And nah I love being a Somali girl and wouldn't trade it for anything. I know being gay with HIV is definitely hard though, hopefully prayers for you are working. You bringing up FGM which has nothing to do with this shows how stupid you are.

Lmao i'm the last person on this site to support patriarchy and everyone knows that:drakelaugh::drakelaugh:You're just mad that I don't agree with your LGBT qashin and accusing me of supporting male dominance is your way of attacking me, and that's fine. Trying so hard to change my opinion and it will never work :abuxyga: An LGBT lover talking about seeking therapy lmaoo
I'm insecure where? For disagreeing with your HIV propaganda? And nah I love being a Somali girl and wouldn't trade it for anything. I know being gay with HIV is definitely hard though, hopefully prayers for you are working. You bringing up FGM which has nothing to do with this shows how stupid you are.

Lmao i'm the last person on this site to support patriarchy and everyone knows that:drakelaugh::drakelaugh:You're just mad that I don't agree with your LGBT qashin and accusing me of supporting male dominance is your way of attacking me, and that's fine. Trying so hard to change my opinion and it will never work :abuxyga: An LGBT lover talking about seeking therapy lmaoo

Darling, dearest, honey WE all know life is hard as a Somali girl and woman. Lot's of challenges and issues there. All I am saying is- sweetheart -fight the right battles. This one isn't for you, see ya xx
Darling, dearest, honey WE all know life is hard as a Somali girl and woman. Lot's of challenges and issues there. All I am saying is- sweetheart -fight the right battles. This one isn't for you, see ya xx
Maybe for your misogynistic family but not mine. :) I'm not fighting any battles by stating my opinion so bye.