Did he lie though looolWhat he said has pissed off a lot of people.
Warsangeli problemz loool@Juuqbuuqluuq somewhere crying he isn't included
@Juuqbuuqluuq somewhere crying he isn't included
Cleaning out habar tol jecel girls miya looolMay 18th is statutory holiday for Somaliland. But we're so wadani in buhoodle we do civil duty May 18 maalinta nadaafada so we clean the whole town![]()
Cleaning out habar tol jecel girls miya loool
Importing habar tol jecl girls to win and dine miya as i wear out the rest of xalimo nation with false hope looolWe represent on May 18. laascaanood kashidantahay
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Saylici that old rascalView attachment 72054
Try cisse royale girlz too waryaWe represent on May 18. laascaanood kashidantahay
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Saylici that old rascalView attachment 72054
No such thing just jeganta and reason that project will fall and failHe got arrested tonight. So much for "Muh democracy"
Deg Deg:Ciidanka Somaliland Oo Hada Xabsiga Dhigay Dhakool Iyo Jidh Dil loo Geestay.
Hargaysa{ khaatumonews }Ciidamada booliska maamulka Somaliland ayaa caawa xabsiga u taxaabey xildhibaan Maxamed Axmed Dhakool oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somaliland.
Xildhibaanka ayaa shalay warbaahinta ka sheegay in maalinta 18-May ay tahay maalin u gaar ah beesha SNM.
Xildhibaan Dhakool ayaa ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Somaliland ee kasoo jeeda gobolka Sool.
Sidoo kale wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in maleeshiyaadka snm ee xidhay dhakool ay jidh dil u geesten xiligii ay qabanaayen.
That is why never cross tribal lines ever especially those who hate youServes him right. He said 18 May was a dark day and a day for the guerilla SNM.
Turns out he was right and tonight is at the mercy of the same guerilla.
Serves him right. He said 18 May was a dark day and a day for the guerilla SNM.
Turns out he was right and tonight is at the mercy of the same guerilla.
Cadans should cut all the fundingAccording to the mickey mouse constitution of Sland region a MP can't be arrested without losing his membership in the parliament first. So they are in a breach of their so called constitution.