Somaliland argument on colonial border legally speaking hold no 'legal weight'. If Somaliland is granted secession on colonial borders and simply on that premise, this can open up a can of worms legally speaking. White person can 'reclaim' his slaves based on 'laws of the past'. There is no-where in the AU or UN was there even a 'designated' nation member state seat and even if their was, that is still not legally relevant as laws change and previous laws are no longer laws.
Somaliland is in state of 'vacuum' and should be treated like non state actor since it isn't a 'state' apart of the world, they are not registered anywhere in the UN world order as a territory, sea, land, and people which affords them international rights to represent themselves, trade, open up diplomatic posts as official lines into other countries, conduct in bilateral or multilateral discussions with other member states of the world, purchase security assets, etc. Somaliland needs to realize and stop this madness of not following the world order and nation state order. You can ask for secession no-one is against what you desire, but you need to do it the legal way. You need to step out of the vacuum, respect the nation state of Somalia and it's territorial integrity as given by the UN.
Work within the structures not outside of it because by stepping outside of the world order, you step into NO ORDER cause there is literally nothing there other then UN structure. You should be treated legally speaking no different to hamas, taliban, or so many groups who do not seek their ambitions the legal way and working within the structures. I suggest highly to Somaliland update your constitution that you seek secession and in the mean time will operate as a regional state in order to follow the standard protocols of the world.
Somalia will welcome you back in as regional state which is the 'federal structure' in Somalia and you can then begin discussions with Somalia regarding this secession claim. However speaking to SL, while outside of Somalia is like Speaking to Hamas or Taliban or any non state actor and giving them legitimacy to defy the nation state of Somalia and the world order of standard procedures. There is only one seat in the UN and it clearly says Somalia, if your not in Somalia your literally nowhere else in the world order are you? your not in another nation that is legalized, your just in 'vacuum' like any non state actor is.
I am disgusted the world and Somalia allow this monstrosity to occur as it sets a very bad precedent. I am not against the secession of Somaliland as long as it is done mutually agreeable and thru proper processes like 'referendum' on each of the 5 regions of Somaliland. The only thing we ask is if you do not get 60% majority will in each state, they are not going to join Somaliland as this will violate their democratic will. Awdal/Sool/Sanag/Togdheer in all reality are not joining @Darwiish97 @Kezira . We can perform 'pre polling sample' of 100 ensuring all variables like male/female/young/old/rural/urban are represented in the sample so you see clearly it doesn't matter if we roll it out to 1 million if 100 is showing you 90% NO. We save the world the grief of a pointless referendum while you can use that money to get 'water wells' to Isaaq which is more useful and will help hundreds of families.
I know SL hate me but I am being honest with you, stop living in a vacuum and blaming Somalia, your politics sucks and was crazy to be declared in the first place, you are blaming all Somalis for what your leaders were to stupid or clearly high or clearly out of their mind did. Your leaders need to blame themselves as they do not like working in structures and prefer vacuums of no space. Nidaam is the most important No Nidaam means jungle law, literally. The world will turn into Somalia over night if the UN is undermined and the international law.
Somaliland is in state of 'vacuum' and should be treated like non state actor since it isn't a 'state' apart of the world, they are not registered anywhere in the UN world order as a territory, sea, land, and people which affords them international rights to represent themselves, trade, open up diplomatic posts as official lines into other countries, conduct in bilateral or multilateral discussions with other member states of the world, purchase security assets, etc. Somaliland needs to realize and stop this madness of not following the world order and nation state order. You can ask for secession no-one is against what you desire, but you need to do it the legal way. You need to step out of the vacuum, respect the nation state of Somalia and it's territorial integrity as given by the UN.
Work within the structures not outside of it because by stepping outside of the world order, you step into NO ORDER cause there is literally nothing there other then UN structure. You should be treated legally speaking no different to hamas, taliban, or so many groups who do not seek their ambitions the legal way and working within the structures. I suggest highly to Somaliland update your constitution that you seek secession and in the mean time will operate as a regional state in order to follow the standard protocols of the world.
Somalia will welcome you back in as regional state which is the 'federal structure' in Somalia and you can then begin discussions with Somalia regarding this secession claim. However speaking to SL, while outside of Somalia is like Speaking to Hamas or Taliban or any non state actor and giving them legitimacy to defy the nation state of Somalia and the world order of standard procedures. There is only one seat in the UN and it clearly says Somalia, if your not in Somalia your literally nowhere else in the world order are you? your not in another nation that is legalized, your just in 'vacuum' like any non state actor is.
I am disgusted the world and Somalia allow this monstrosity to occur as it sets a very bad precedent. I am not against the secession of Somaliland as long as it is done mutually agreeable and thru proper processes like 'referendum' on each of the 5 regions of Somaliland. The only thing we ask is if you do not get 60% majority will in each state, they are not going to join Somaliland as this will violate their democratic will. Awdal/Sool/Sanag/Togdheer in all reality are not joining @Darwiish97 @Kezira . We can perform 'pre polling sample' of 100 ensuring all variables like male/female/young/old/rural/urban are represented in the sample so you see clearly it doesn't matter if we roll it out to 1 million if 100 is showing you 90% NO. We save the world the grief of a pointless referendum while you can use that money to get 'water wells' to Isaaq which is more useful and will help hundreds of families.
I know SL hate me but I am being honest with you, stop living in a vacuum and blaming Somalia, your politics sucks and was crazy to be declared in the first place, you are blaming all Somalis for what your leaders were to stupid or clearly high or clearly out of their mind did. Your leaders need to blame themselves as they do not like working in structures and prefer vacuums of no space. Nidaam is the most important No Nidaam means jungle law, literally. The world will turn into Somalia over night if the UN is undermined and the international law.