Somaliland Political Argument Holds No Legal Merit


Somaliland argument on colonial border legally speaking hold no 'legal weight'. If Somaliland is granted secession on colonial borders and simply on that premise, this can open up a can of worms legally speaking. White person can 'reclaim' his slaves based on 'laws of the past'. There is no-where in the AU or UN was there even a 'designated' nation member state seat and even if their was, that is still not legally relevant as laws change and previous laws are no longer laws.

Somaliland is in state of 'vacuum' and should be treated like non state actor since it isn't a 'state' apart of the world, they are not registered anywhere in the UN world order as a territory, sea, land, and people which affords them international rights to represent themselves, trade, open up diplomatic posts as official lines into other countries, conduct in bilateral or multilateral discussions with other member states of the world, purchase security assets, etc. Somaliland needs to realize and stop this madness of not following the world order and nation state order. You can ask for secession no-one is against what you desire, but you need to do it the legal way. You need to step out of the vacuum, respect the nation state of Somalia and it's territorial integrity as given by the UN.

Work within the structures not outside of it because by stepping outside of the world order, you step into NO ORDER cause there is literally nothing there other then UN structure. You should be treated legally speaking no different to hamas, taliban, or so many groups who do not seek their ambitions the legal way and working within the structures. I suggest highly to Somaliland update your constitution that you seek secession and in the mean time will operate as a regional state in order to follow the standard protocols of the world.

Somalia will welcome you back in as regional state which is the 'federal structure' in Somalia and you can then begin discussions with Somalia regarding this secession claim. However speaking to SL, while outside of Somalia is like Speaking to Hamas or Taliban or any non state actor and giving them legitimacy to defy the nation state of Somalia and the world order of standard procedures. There is only one seat in the UN and it clearly says Somalia, if your not in Somalia your literally nowhere else in the world order are you? your not in another nation that is legalized, your just in 'vacuum' like any non state actor is.

I am disgusted the world and Somalia allow this monstrosity to occur as it sets a very bad precedent. I am not against the secession of Somaliland as long as it is done mutually agreeable and thru proper processes like 'referendum' on each of the 5 regions of Somaliland. The only thing we ask is if you do not get 60% majority will in each state, they are not going to join Somaliland as this will violate their democratic will. Awdal/Sool/Sanag/Togdheer in all reality are not joining @Darwiish97 @Kezira . We can perform 'pre polling sample' of 100 ensuring all variables like male/female/young/old/rural/urban are represented in the sample so you see clearly it doesn't matter if we roll it out to 1 million if 100 is showing you 90% NO. We save the world the grief of a pointless referendum while you can use that money to get 'water wells' to Isaaq which is more useful and will help hundreds of families.

I know SL hate me but I am being honest with you, stop living in a vacuum and blaming Somalia, your politics sucks and was crazy to be declared in the first place, you are blaming all Somalis for what your leaders were to stupid or clearly high or clearly out of their mind did. Your leaders need to blame themselves as they do not like working in structures and prefer vacuums of no space. Nidaam is the most important No Nidaam means jungle law, literally. The world will turn into Somalia over night if the UN is undermined and the international law.


PL is different to SL. It did go thru the legal way. It established itself and then established the SFG. We established a constitution and PL is recognized as member state. In-fact they included SL which was totally wrong as it was in 'vacuum' and outside nation state and the world order in general. PL purpose is simple we want Somalia UN member state federalized into 'parts' we can do that, many nations have federalism. We are not asking for another seat in the UN like Somaliland. There is to much geopolitical considerations to take into account and also local.

It's not fair a nation of 10 million has 5 nations in the world order, it gives them a distinct advantage in the assembly and it could cause many nations to feel the system is no longer reliable and cud cause a collapse of the world order in general and it's gonna make the world like Somalia. Trade stops, security is gone, big nations swallow up smaller countries. All for what? because you want to be nation state? it's not worth pissing other nations over.

Puntlander just wants more 'state rights' less 'federal power'. This is conservative principle even in America. We want more decisions made at the state level since it's closer to the people then at the federal level. Yes I will admit it's for TRIBAL REASON. We don't trust Hawiye and never will after 91, we will co-exist and cooperate but TRUST is gone. We must accept this and stop creating some sort of 'false image' about ourselves. Lets agree to develop and move on from forcing each other we may even like each other more by having less to do with each other.
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There is saying I remember

Trust is a fragile thing. Easy to break, easy to lose and one of the hardest things to ever get back

Our trust broke in 91, do not ask us to love each other and forget, cause we surely are not going to forget, it's impossible to forget once breached. It doesn't recover sxb, your trying to ask someone to trust you, this is impossible, it doesn't happen after it's been breached. U shouldn't ask for the impossible to happen cause we will still sit here in humanitarian level state we are in the world as they sit there and wonder what is wrong with these niggas are they going to try to force each other on themselves, or keep apart and let the wounds heal. I am suprised Somalis will sit there in vacuum and dark nation for 100 years untill they get what they want a Somalia how it used to be, he doesn't care if he dies, poor, the worst scum of the world, he won't even question maybe this is unachievable lets just not waste more time.

Their not good business ppl i dont think nimankasi, how can u keep reinvesting in failed business strategies thats what the south does damn. Somalia is company, it died in 91, in 2004 it was restructured and there is board members who seem hell bent on going back to failed business model that's hamar. Shirkadani waa federal hada adeer. Saamiley bay gabta, la gabsada. Somalia used to be sole run company, now it's fuckin corporation. Why wud u want to company when u can be corporation of share holders. We can pull our our shares in the corporation not in a company u dumb f*ck if we see hamar die the HQ, the branches will be alive.

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Somalia only exist on paper. Even Puntland function more like an independent state than Somalia.

Somali government is more like government of Mogadishu. Would be better to split the country and let the regions develop, and leave the rest behind.
There is saying I remember

Our trust broke in 91, do not ask us to love each other and forget, cause we surely are not going to forget, it's impossible to forget once breached. It doesn't recover sxb, your trying to ask someone to trust you, this is impossible, it doesn't happen after it's been breached. U shouldn't ask for the impossible to happen cause we will still sit here in humanitarian level state we are in the world as they sit there and wonder what is wrong with these niggas are they going to try to force each other on themselves, or keep apart and let the wounds heal. I am suprised Somalis will sit there in vacuum and dark nation for 100 years untill they get what they want a Somalia how it used to be, he doesn't care if he dies, poor, the worst scum of the world, he won't even question maybe this is unachievable lets just not waste more time.

Their not good business ppl i dont think nimankasi, how can u keep reinvesting in failed business strategies thats what the south does damn. Somalia is company, it died in 91, in 2004 it was restructured and there is board members who seem hell bent on going back to failed business model that's hamar. Shirkadani waa federal hada adeer. Saamiley bay gabta, la gabsada. Somalia used to be sole run company, now it's fuckin corporation. Why wud u want to company when u can be corporation of share holders. We can pull our our shares in the corporation not in a company u dumb f*ck if we see hamar die the HQ, the branches will be alive.


Somaliland argument on colonial border legally speaking hold no 'legal weight'. If Somaliland is granted secession on colonial borders and simply on that premise, this can open up a can of worms legally speaking. White person can 'reclaim' his slaves based on 'laws of the past'. There is no-where in the AU or UN was there even a 'designated' nation member state seat and even if their was, that is still not legally relevant as laws change and previous laws are no longer laws.

Somaliland is in state of 'vacuum' and should be treated like non state actor since it isn't a 'state' apart of the world, they are not registered anywhere in the UN world order as a territory, sea, land, and people which affords them international rights to represent themselves, trade, open up diplomatic posts as official lines into other countries, conduct in bilateral or multilateral discussions with other member states of the world, purchase security assets, etc. Somaliland needs to realize and stop this madness of not following the world order and nation state order. You can ask for secession no-one is against what you desire, but you need to do it the legal way. You need to step out of the vacuum, respect the nation state of Somalia and it's territorial integrity as given by the UN.

Work within the structures not outside of it because by stepping outside of the world order, you step into NO ORDER cause there is literally nothing there other then UN structure. You should be treated legally speaking no different to hamas, taliban, or so many groups who do not seek their ambitions the legal way and working within the structures. I suggest highly to Somaliland update your constitution that you seek secession and in the mean time will operate as a regional state in order to follow the standard protocols of the world.

Somalia will welcome you back in as regional state which is the 'federal structure' in Somalia and you can then begin discussions with Somalia regarding this secession claim. However speaking to SL, while outside of Somalia is like Speaking to Hamas or Taliban or any non state actor and giving them legitimacy to defy the nation state of Somalia and the world order of standard procedures. There is only one seat in the UN and it clearly says Somalia, if your not in Somalia your literally nowhere else in the world order are you? your not in another nation that is legalized, your just in 'vacuum' like any non state actor is.

I am disgusted the world and Somalia allow this monstrosity to occur as it sets a very bad precedent. I am not against the secession of Somaliland as long as it is done mutually agreeable and thru proper processes like 'referendum' on each of the 5 regions of Somaliland. The only thing we ask is if you do not get 60% majority will in each state, they are not going to join Somaliland as this will violate their democratic will. Awdal/Sool/Sanag/Togdheer in all reality are not joining @Darwiish97 @Kezira . We can perform 'pre polling sample' of 100 ensuring all variables like male/female/young/old/rural/urban are represented in the sample so you see clearly it doesn't matter if we roll it out to 1 million if 100 is showing you 90% NO. We save the world the grief of a pointless referendum while you can use that money to get 'water wells' to Isaaq which is more useful and will help hundreds of families.

I know SL hate me but I am being honest with you, stop living in a vacuum and blaming Somalia, your politics sucks and was crazy to be declared in the first place, you are blaming all Somalis for what your leaders were to stupid or clearly high or clearly out of their mind did. Your leaders need to blame themselves as they do not like working in structures and prefer vacuums of no space. Nidaam is the most important No Nidaam means jungle law, literally. The world will turn into Somalia over night if the UN is undermined and the international law.

it would create a mess if 8 provinces voted individually as part of a referendum. Furthermore, it should be conducted nationwide in SL. However, if the 3rd time there is a majority who want independent it will not be accepted by Konfurta.


it would create a mess if 8 provinces voted individually as part of a referendum. Furthermore, it should be conducted nationwide in SL. However, if the 3rd time there is a majority who want independent it will not be accepted by Konfurta.

When Australia 'federated' it's 6 colonies, each state had to have a majority yes to join their country. This is simple logic, you can't ask a state to join you because you said so, if that is the case, Somalia can say the same to you and say you part and parcel of Somalia and we deny your rights. They needed 50% above in each state, one state refused to join and they left them out till they finally 'accepted' and achieved a majority. Plus NZ was a colony at the time and pulled out of Australia and became it's own nation.

The majority needs be 60% in all 5 states and then u get your Somaliland. If there is no 60% we will still be nice to you, the states who were in favor can leave on the condition the UN votes for it also so we are not disturbing the world order as they have a right to accept you in the world community as hargeisa/berbera having same rights as nations who are larger, stronger, and have similar vote isn't fair on the world system.

What else cud u want other then that unless you are just looking for trouble or other agenda and motives or are truly lost politically and trying to save face that your fucking mess and basket case. I know what Isaaq problem is, it's not politics, you just don't like other tribes bro, you don't measure up academically, economically, militarily, you feel like langaab. I never see your people saying anything 'smart' their full of emotion and just rant for 30 years and don't have the brains to think of a new way, it's like their quite happy.

All I ever see them is being rebels or hating NIDAAM and never proposing anything better which means NO ORDER and back to chaos, I see it in their debate style, i see it in here, i see it everywhere about them. U don't propose nothing sxb u just propose opposition and then we all call into a fucking vacuum and have nothing. U need to admit sometimes if people are better then you so you can update yourself.

You need to act logical, do not deny the rights of Sool/Sanag/Toghdheer/Awdal or else your rights will be denied also. It's just a simple tit for tat response, the result is you remain in the vacuum and in all honesty bro, it doesn't bother Somalia one bit, your not a nation your in a vacuum, your hurting yourself and then arguing your hurting me. We know you have no leverage but think you can convince us you do but we tell you deep down please don't waste your time thinking you can out-smart us, trick us, be sly and try to play word games about whatever nonsense.
When Australia 'federated' it's 6 colonies, each state had to have a majority yes to join their country. This is simple logic, you can't ask a state to join you because you said so, if that is the case, Somalia can say the same to you and say you part and parcel of Somalia and we deny your rights. They needed 50% above in each state, one state refused to join and they left them out till they finally 'accepted' and achieved a majority.

The majority needs be 60% in all 5 states and then u get your Somaliland. If there is no 60% we will still be nice to you, the states who were in favor can leave on the condition the UN votes for it also so we are not disturbing the world order as they have a right to accept you in the world community as hargeisa/berbera having same rights as nations who are larger, stronger, and have similar vote isn't fair on the world system.

What else cud u want other then that unless you are just looking for trouble or other agenda and motives or are truly lost politically and trying to save face that your fucking mess and basket case. I know what Isaaq problem is, it's not politics, you just don't like other tribes bro, you don't measure up academically, economically, militarily, you feel like langaab. I never see your people saying anything 'smart' their full of emotion and just rant for 30 years and don't have the brains to think of a new way, it's like their quite happy.

All I ever see them is being rebels or hating NIDAAM and never proposing anything better which means NO ORDER and back to chaos, I see it in their debate style, i see it in here, i see it everywhere about them. U don't propose nothing sxb u just propose opposition and then we all call into a fucking vacuum and have nothing. U need to admit sometimes if people are better then you so you can update yourself.

You need to act logical, do not deny the rights of Sool/Sanag/Toghdheer/Awdal or else your rights will be denied also. It's just a simple tit for tat response, the result is you remain in the vacuum and in all honesty bro, it doesn't bother Somalia one bit, your not a nation your in a vacuum, your hurting yourself and then arguing your hurting me. We know you have no leverage but think you can convince us you do but we tell you deep down please don't waste your time thinking you can out-smart us, trick us, be sly and try to play word games about whatever nonsense.

I don't see the point of a 3rd referendum if the greater likelihood of the anticipation would be that SL will not be accepted. Furthermore, you know that as well because there are influential Somali nationalists who are quite frankly Hasid when it comes to the issue whether or not SL should or shouldn't succeed. In addition, im originally from that geographical region and so are my forefathers, and to be quite frank I have more of a say than those lackeys in xamar.


I don't see the point of a 3rd referendum if the greater likelihood of the anticipation would be that SL will not be accepted. Furthermore, you know that as well because there are influential Somali nationalists who are quite frankly Hasid when it comes to the issue whether or not SL should or shouldn't succeed. In addition, im originally from that geographical region and so are my forefathers, and to be quite frank I have more of a say than those lackeys in xamar.

Well in Australia referendum NZ pulled out and there was no referendum carried out. So we will need to ask Awdal/Sool/Sanag/Togdheer do they even want to 'entertain' a referendum first on the independence of Somaliland, because they have a right not to even entertain a vote. We can do 'sample' rates of 100 over different segments to satisfy the hargeisa elite your trying to 'impose' one city over the rest. We can then provide them an alternative, you can leave and who-ever wants to join you. We will again perform a sample rate of hargeisa/berbera but this time the question is nation-hood with only your 'two cities' and see the result. We are not going to referendum all SL. We will operate on Nidaam.

1st Step - Ask each state if they want to hold a referendum and if not they are automatically Somalia.

2nd Step - If a state respond they want a referendum, we perform a sample rate of 100 across different segments of that society so it broadly represents their community. We will analyze the result if it is worthy for referendum. This is called 'pre sampling' and the purpose is, there is no point going wide with a referendum when the community failed the sampling that is representative of their broad demographics. We will then it's better we spent that money on you for 'water' in hargeisa then waste a referendum on it when we know the 'outlook' from the pre-polls

3rd Step - If any region does indeed want secession and we do see it in the pre-polls that there is 60% and more desire to be independent. We will then roll out a 'referendum' on that state and if it still shows this is the case. We will inform them they will be going 'alone' whatever regions they are but most likely it's hargeisa/berbera so they need to then decide if they want to be state on two cities and if they still say yes.

We will pass it to the UN who then can vote on it so Somalia isn't disturbing the world order as they have a right to know also as they are apart of the same world we are. Their may be some nations who may not be pleased with this for whatever reason and in all honesty I don't see it as fair that 10 million ppl have so many states in the world as it effects assembly votes on international matters and can cause frictions and loss of respect for the UN. I mean imagine me and my clan sitting in the UN with the world, it's total abuse of the world order, what's next, me and my 'family' kkkkkkkk u see the system becomes undermined and can lead to an eventual collapse and then it's somalia all over the world. Don't cry when all these countries have nothing to respect or honor and invade u and rape u and kill u like the good old days when there was no world order


@Younes Osman the best strategy you should use in my opinion as SL. Loosen the Federation to the point Mogadishu is Ceremonial like Brussels. If this comes from you, we can use that as an argument point on Mogadishu that Hargeisa won't join the federation unless Mogadishu looks like ceremonial capital like Brussels and the regions are 'strongly independent'. You can do it if you wanted but u don't. A Federal govt that only has Federal territory Jurisdiction of Mogadishu or the Capital must relocate if they want strong federal govt. Just put that two on the table, watch them shut up.
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Did he just casually state that when the 5 somali regions become independent sovereign nations. The world order would collapse wahahahahahahahaha. I thought that he already sunk to a new low, and now this. Well fellas the DR has officially found a new crazy low.


Did he jyst casualca say that when the 5 somali regions become independent sovereign nations. The world order would collapse wahahahahahahahaha. I thought that he already sunk to a new low, and now this. Well fellas the DR has officially found a new crazy low.

You don't know world order, it's about voting power u dumb f*ck in the UN, the more nations in there the more voting power they get and can disturb nations. But I forgive u your ali saleman, stick to bizness. Some nations get veto power due to their global impact in security, trade, diplomatic. But those member states are aligned in 'camps' and 'idealogies' and a-lot are neutral UP FOR SALE. They are very careful who enters the UN as it can undermine the system cuz everyone will start to carve borders and get more votes to hurt other nations and the system collapses cuz it's pointless like hamar parliament bay noqon noone will abide by it and then it's VACUUM of NO order. It's already losing credibility the UN, it cant afford to lose more. Now go away diaspora i actually work in govt department, you live in your own ali saleman world
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
You don't know world order, it's about voting power u dumb f*ck in the UN, the more nations in there the more voting power they get and can disturb nations. But I forgive u your ali saleman, stick to bizness. Some nations get veto power due to their global impact in security, trade, diplomatic. But those member states are aligned in 'camps' and 'idealogies' and a-lot are neutral UP FOR SALE

Even in the scenario that somalis would end up with 5 countries. We would still be short on votes. The west literally votes toghether, the arabs vote togheter and god knows how many countries they got.

You are stuck in a circle, i can read it in your essays. Try to logically without emotions look at the issue at hand. It will help you break through the barrier of the circle.

P.S get the idea out of your head of selling Hawiye organs before you end up at a government intelligence agency office. You are literally openly discussing ways to sell their organs it is not only disgusting but also severely against our humanly morals, culture and deen.


Even in the scenario that somalis would end up with 5 countries. We would still be short on votes. The west literally votes toghether, the arabs vote togheter and god knows how many countries they got.

You are stuck in a circle, i can read it in your essays. Try to logically without emotions look at the issue at hand. It will help you break through the barrier of the circle.

P.S get the idea out of your head of selling Hawiye organs before you end up at a government intelligence agency office. You are literally openly discussing ways to sell their organs it is not only disgusting but also severely against our humanly morals, culture and deen.

It seems like you like the business model as your ALI SALEMAN. U see 3000 fresh supplied hawiye organs can net u 20 billion in a single year. Multiply this over the duration of the war, your in the range of Bill Gates. Look at this nigga mocking me for suggesting a perfectly legal trade, that's highly lucrative, saving USEFUL lives in the west who the world depends on, religiously acceptable. Are u saying Islam bans donor selling to the world? Their already dead waryaa, because another hawiye killed him. I am just saying let's recycle the nigga and put a 'price tag' on him on the world market and we can finally be called a nation that has expensive product the world wants. 1 million dollar for a heart, half a million for liver, and 250k for kidney. Niyahow, why u upset? I am just talking about business model. What else u suggest as good business model that beats those returns? tell me one aar. Tell me one that u can make 20 billion in on year, just one industry ii sheeg, u cant can u. I know you already setting up shop in hamar right cuz the supplies are never ending kkkkk and u know what i said was right FINALLY HAWIYE DALKISA WAX BUU TARAY ITS QUANTIFABLE TO 1.7 MILLION PRICE TAG, WE CAN NOW FINALLY SAY WAX BUU DALKANI KU DARSADAY OO BURBUR AHAYN. U LIKE IT SXB DONT LIKE U KNOW ITS ECONOMICALLY SOUND, U KNOW THE DEMAND IS HIGH IN THE WEST WITH WAITING LIST, U KNOW HAWIYE IS ON THE FLOOR, BAL SOO GURBI OO KELYAHA KALA BAX MA CEEB BA

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
It seems like you like the business model as your ALI SALEMAN. U see 3000 fresh supplied hawiye organs can net u 20 billion in a single year. Multiply this over the duration of the war, your in the range of Bill Gates. Look at this nigga mocking me for suggesting a perfectly legal trade, that's highly lucrative, saving USEFUL lives in the west who the world depends on, religiously acceptable. Are u saying Islam bans donor selling to the world? Their already dead waryaa, because another hawiye killed him. I am just saying let's recycle the nigga and put a 'price tag' on him on the world market and we can finally be called a nation that has expensive product the world wants. 1 million dollar for a heart, half a million for liver, and 250k for kidney. Niyahow, why u upset? I am just talking about business model. What else u suggest as good business model that beats those returns? tell me one aar. Tell me one that u can make 20 billion in on year, just one industry ii sheeg, u cant can u. I know you already setting up shop in hamar right cuz the supplies are never ending kkkkk and u know what i said was right FINALLY HAWIYE DALKISA WAX BUU TARAY ITS QUANTIFABLE TO 1.7 MILLION PRICE TAG, WE CAN NOW FINALLY SAY WAX BUU DALKANI KU DARSADAY OO BURBUR AHAYN. U LIKE IT SXB DONT LIKE U KNOW ITS ECONOMICALLY SOUND, U KNOW THE DEMAND IS HIGH IN THE WEST WITH WAITING LIST, U KNOW HAWIYE IS ON THE FLOOR, BAL SOO GURBI OO KELYAHA KALA BAX MA CEEB BA

It would only create a criminal industry around it. Selling organs ain't it buddy.

A educated working hawiye in Somalia is what we want not his/her organs.

Try this perspective the population is our produce, we can educate them and they will work on revenue. Let them study everything we need from doctors to soldiers to the sky as it is the limit.

With a educated work force you can create a first world nation. For this to work we need to be all onboard as equals not as hebel tribes is higher that the other. We need to work on state levels. State a produces more revenue that state z. What you are suggesting is not even done by the most evil dictators in human history.


It would only create a criminal industry around it. Selling organs ain't it buddy.

A educated working hawiye in Somalia is what we want not his/her organs.

Try this perspective the population is our produce, we can educate them and they will work on revenue. Let them study everything we need from doctors to soldiers to the sky as it is the limit.

With a educated work force you can create a first world nation. For this to work we need to be all onboard as equals not as hebel tribes is higher that the other. We need to work on state levels. State a produces more revenue that state z. What you are suggesting is not even done by the most evil dictators in human history.

There is no 'nidaam' in Mogadishu. To get what u said needs 'structures'. That's why 1 construction company can complete a house in 12 weeks here, he has 'nidaam' and he follows it. In Somalia it takes a year to complete the same house.

That means the one somali man 1 house a year and aussie man can produce 5 houses. This is still not accrate because only 4-5 people work on housing cause it's so simple. In Somalia it's 20-50 kkkkk. It literally takes u 50 ppl to build a house in one GDP year sxb. You see the shock I am in? While it takes 5 ppl to complete the same house in 12 weeks. No competition whatsoever.

Your 50 ppl quantified over GDP year would need to bring 200 Somalis to match the output of 5 Australian Males. I hate u sxb, thats why i dont wanna embarass myself to compete, I want body parts so they can say u finally came with something of value u african cunts, just like ur ancestors knew the truth their bodies as slaves were valuable not their cambulo brain. White just look at what u have and market rate for it and say nigga finally produced something and he did quickly so he pushed out more in GDP year.

Sxb wat about our agriculture farmers, u can imagine how they laffing at us kkkkk final price tag for the year and how many ppl farming? maybe 2000 people. He looks at your mangos, bananas, and price tags it and said it took 2000 of them niggas to do what 2 aussie farmers PRODUCED IN A YEAR. While he goes to another sector 'technology' nah he aint here the nigga 'he can barely read' kkkkk, medicine developer nopeeeeee, ACADEMIA MAYBE? CANT EVEN UNDERSTAND IMPARTIALITY, OBJECTIVITY, ANALYSIS, HIS MIND IS FKD. He looks at our factory and says he is just producing bottles of water its 1 dollar price tag, while we r talking AI and price tag is 100k per item kkkkk. Allah ceebta is qari time weeye and then i come to somalia and see them actually BOASTING


@Diaspora ambassador GDP IS TIME/EFFORT/PRODUCT VALUE. It's quite simple, it's calculated on each year and price tag is put on it. This determines how productive u were in the financial year. 50 PPL to do one house duration of 1 year and the final value is 50k. Abaha was. I wanna kill u, I wanna slap u, I wanna get u to open up hawiye organ farms and finally add a product to the world where we are LEADING. We don't have structures, governance, culture, economic policies, data xitaa ma haysano to understand where we can direct them for the best final product in a year. All I see is farming/fish/livestocks. At least camel is worth something 1k in market place. But it's nowhere near a car or smart phone or laptop or pc. That's why I want our GOVT to go to the market place and find what is most expensive product and steer economically our 'segment' towards it. If we can't do it, find the second most valuable product, and if we still cant do it, the THIRD most valuable. Do not send us to farms constantly waryaa, your ppl lives never improve becaause the product is worth nothing globally, they remain poor. If u want ppl out of poverty your GDP product has to be high value in the market so the workers are paid better its simple as that, the product determines the salary of workers. Factory workers are cheap, Farmers cheap. The reason is market value of product is CHEAP, their isnt much to go around waryaa and that means LESS TAXES and thats why your third world country as your govt cant fund services and then becomes like a typical african nation and is given ECONOMIC AID KKKKK meaning BREAD BASKET. Why? ur not planning u economy, your doing what others do. Ur not mathamatically calculating time/effort/product value against the financial year and measuring growth each year. U want to aim for 50-100% growth each year, it will get slower as time goes on when u fill up your economy then u will begin the process of 'recession' and u start again
Bro puntland and Somaliland will never be on the same level. The Somali republic is Mogadishu and Hargeisa. This is the African Union fact finding mission.

This is what international law says about Somaliland Somalia union to form Somali republic.

This is why Mogadishu can cut off your aid in puntland but cannot cut off mine. There are 2 shabelle on the national emblems that represent Somaliland and Somalia as two of shanta Somaliyeed that formed this union. You are a degmo under Mogadishu. Hargeisa has its day 26th June 1960. Mogadishu has its day 1st July 1960. Djibouti City has its day 27th of June 1977. Stop trying to brand build your tribal enclave.
Bro puntland and Somaliland will never be on the same level. The Somali republic is Mogadishu and Hargeisa. This is the African Union fact finding mission.

This is what international law says about Somaliland Somalia union to form Somali republic.

This is why Mogadishu can cut off your aid in puntland but cannot cut off mine. There are 2 shabelle on the national emblems that represent Somaliland and Somalia as two of shanta Somaliyeed that formed this union. You are a degmo under Mogadishu. Hargeisa has its day 26th June 1960. Mogadishu has its day 1st July 1960. Djibouti City has its day 27th of June 1977. Stop trying to brand build your tribal enclave.

18th May is a day we never forget


Bro puntland and Somaliland will never be on the same level. The Somali republic is Mogadishu and Hargeisa. This is the African Union fact finding mission.

This is what international law says about Somaliland Somalia union to form Somali republic.

This is why Mogadishu can cut off your aid in puntland but cannot cut off mine. There are 2 shabelle on the national emblems that represent Somaliland and Somalia as two of shanta Somaliyeed that formed this union. You are a degmo under Mogadishu. Hargeisa has its day 26th June 1960. Mogadishu has its day 1st July 1960. Djibouti City has its day 27th of June 1977. Stop trying to brand build your tribal enclave.

This is the mind-set that hurts Isaaq and keeps them losing to MJ and extends their inferiority complex. What is the reality on the ground? sxb there is emerging regional govts is the reality, somalia federal constitution is the reality, somalia federal capital is the reality. The structure is 'official' and even designated as the UN like that. I am talking about now, your skimming thru ancient documents finding just one dude to support u but ignoring the reality on the ground, so u end up in 'vacuum' and MJ just keeps powering on and the cuqdad increaess.

No wonder ur economic planning sucks, u dont understand to keep within the REALITY of the world which is the STRUCTURE. If i I found myself in the structure you said MOG/HARGEISA and PL a degmo and we gave 100% power to IRIR, I wud sit there and say 'alhamdulilah' nidaam wuxu dhaama nidaam la'an and still grow within your structure bro. See I aint ever going into NO vacuum this is the worst situation, I would be hurting myself kkkkk. That's why darod waited for irir to form a govt kkkk, u dumb f*ck dont u get it, we just want to grow, i will control u either way economically, academically, i will study where ur weakness is and send my ppl to focus on there. I know ur weakness is the brain sxb. WAR NOO TALIYA IRIR YOU CANT MA KEENI KARTAN SYSTEM SOMALI DEEQO ADMIT IT, THATS WHY U SEPARATED AND KILLED EACH OTHER. IRIR IS VACUUM BRO, EVEN ISAAQ IS A VACUUM N SOMALILAND

