Somalia should be a secular country

Whatever you stated if it was true, they wouldn't have accepted islam as fast as they did.
heard of that one too which they rule and somalis over throw them when somalis start moving to the place now called SL, there isn't good evidence but the elders do believe they use to rule those areas. could be possible that they were outcast because of religion, but more research needs to be done. there is many things that are possible.

My dad use to tell about this mountain that has what somalis use to worship before they become Muslim, might go and see. it might already been studied maybe IDK
The typical somali folklore is that the madhibaan clan did questionably things like eating dead animals. The more reasonable opinion is they didn't accept islam & We even had 1 whole clan outcast into Kenya knows as rendile (reer deen leh) today .

& islam wasn't monolithic aswell people mixed it heavily & introduced bidah due lack of knowledge, but understandable information wasnt as easy accessible at that time.
Somalis had many sufi's ,Sufis are knoe for their mystic such as dancing as a way of worship or even grave worship .
Thats why al Shabaab bombs tombs in Somalia 🤣


📍outer space
The more reasonable opinion is they didn't accept islam & We even had 1 whole clan outcast into Kenya knows as rendile (reer deen leh) today .
Rendille diverged from Somalis before islam.


Source: Sam Languages.pdf

Somali split from Rendille 1790- 2228 years ago.


The typical somali folklore is that the madhibaan clan did questionably things like eating dead animals. The more reasonable opinion is they didn't accept islam & We even had 1 whole clan outcast into Kenya knows as rendile (reer deen leh) today .

& islam wasn't monolithic aswell people mixed it heavily & introduced bidah due lack of knowledge, but understandable information wasnt as easy accessible at that time.
Somalis had many sufi's ,Sufis are knoe for their mystic such as dancing as a way of worship or even grave worship .
Thats why al Shabaab bombs tombs in Somalia 🤣
I dont about the rendile.
that's one of the thing i question, did Somalis accept Islam for business or other relate things.

AL-Shabaab want people to respect their belief and don't wanna respect others belief LMAO, hope they all get what they deserve and that's death
I dont about the rendile.
that's one of the thing i question, did Somalis accept Islam for business or other relate things.

AL-Shabaab want people to respect their belief and don't wanna respect others belief LMAO, hope they all get what they deserve and that's death
Google about rendile they live in Kenya today & have a cool story
Horners accepted islam when the companions of the prophet fled to ethiopa & some Horners already accepted then later on many companions spread the deen trough migration & settling from there we got that "we are arab" myth" some believe darood & isaac were arab & related to the prophet some even claim the men Somalia is named after samaale was from Yemen & related to the prophet. Either way some somalis became muslims & spread the deen in everywhere in somali territory at 1 point even to the Maldives

Al Shabaab & their supporters are the biggest hypocrites & cowards wlh
Literally an oxymoron.

Somali culture was more arabised a century ago than it is today.

Reviving old Somali culture means bringing back more Arab influence.

Shutup pops we trying to get rid of niggas booty clapping for these A-rabs. You speaking facts tho, niggas centuries ago were all about empire building and that means excepting a uniformed religion provided by said empire.


It is what it is
Lol no, we can revive our culture without become a secular nation, we need a new ministry to help keep our culture intact, call it "Wasaarada Dhaqameed" or something
that sounds so cool :ohhhdamn:

This is how you know these "get rid of Arab influence" know nothing about Somalia....

Screen Shot 2021-08-03 at 11.12.31 am.png

You know we also have Somali heritage institutes and a multi-governmental organisation based on preserving the Somali language and culture???



It is what it is
Shutup pops we trying to get rid of niggas booty clapping for these A-rabs. You speaking facts tho, niggas centuries ago were all about empire building and that means excepting a uniformed religion provided by said empire.

100 years ago, your awoowe either spoke Arabic, wrote in Arabic or wrote Somali in the Arabic script.

By going back to old Somali culture, you literally want Somalia to become like North Sudan.

Lol dont hold your breath yarey, Somalia will always be a muslim nation. Empires have tried to change that and failed, but i would encourage you to go and try that in Jowhar😂
I would take Islam anytime over Backward Waaq.
Islam connected Somalia to the muslim world, protecting us from foreign invasion (the Ottomans helped us a lot) and giving us scientific knowledge.
Islam gave us a solid civilisation back in the days.

This is why we weren't naked while twerking in the forests when the european came (like some civilizations that I won't name).
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