Somalia: Clan wars over power will end soon.


I hope you're right but knowing my kinsmen, clan fighting will never stop even if the nation were to magically become rich tomorrow. It's part of our culture and DNA unfortunately

That's what it feels like.

The next round of battles will be to get rid of corrupt officials and fight for transparency in public office

one man one vote with majority rule minority rights and with clear demarcation of grazing lands will solve most of our problems

to many people are claiming to many things. look at this map it might seem funny but this is what causes all these issues we are seeing today. online fake news is fueling the wars of today.

one man one vote with majority rule minority rights and with clear demarcation of grazing lands will solve most of our problems

to many people are claiming to many things. look at this map it might seem funny but this is what causes all these issues we are seeing today. online fake news is fueling the wars of today.

Where is Harti before I thank your post


The only way it will end is when SNA get's strong enough to round up all the trouble makers, confiscate their weapons and put anyone that participates in these endless clan wars in jail. Insha'allah that will be soon :)
I don’t usually take the qabiil back and forth too seriously. Trust me I talk to a lot of people who go back and forth to Somalia from Mps to NGO workers. Today everybody’s for sale in Somalia, and qabiil is only used by corrupt politicians, or bitter diaspora who feel they were ran out of Somalia because of clan x’s mistakes. I say that to say in a 1 man 1 vote scenario shacab will vote with their conscience.


King Of NSFW
The only way it will end is when SNA get's strong enough to round up all the trouble makers, confiscate their weapons and put anyone that participates in these endless clan wars in jail. Insha'allah that will be soon :)
Nigga the SNA you worship so much participate in these clan wars 90% of the time :what:


Veni Vidi Vici
If one man one vote works, and people vote by own accord : We all know one tribe will act cocky
Another will go berserk
Some will get discrimiated

Will not look nice at all
@ PuntiteQueen is your account compromised?

Kacaanist are the last group left on my shit list.

Screenshot 2020-04-07 at 23.24.10.png


The only way it will end is when SNA get's strong enough to round up all the trouble makers, confiscate their weapons and put anyone that participates in these endless clan wars in jail. Insha'allah that will be soon :)
The last time SNA was used like way it led to the Civil War and anarchy when are people gonna learn force to solve problems does not work and haven't worked since 1969.