NEWS Somalia and Ethiopia signed an agreement exchanging Khat and Fish.

It’s estimated that 90 percent of adult males in the autonomous region of Somaliland chew khat for mirqaan, the Somali word for its euphoric effect.

Somaliland has a chronic unemployment problem – about 75 percent of its workforce are jobless – although this doesn’t deter people from a monthly khat habit that can cost $300 a month.

Somaliland spends $524m a year – about 30 percent of its gross domestic product – on khat from Ethiopia, said Weli Daud with the Somaliland Ministry of Finance.

Khat has become so enmeshed with Somaliland’s culture and daily life it has become an important tax earner for the government. In 2014, khat sales generated 20 percent of the $152m budget.

Humble yourselves.

It's Buuqland Post they have to write some bullshit on Somaliland with a massive blunder like that from their majeertenia "government", I mean how can you take one of your most valuable resource and sell it - not for money - but KHAT!
If that is true why did Somaliland not make a deal like that - make that make sense!


but that is my honest order and it is the reality. nothing to be ashamed but work on reducing the usage.
I honestly believe Khat is the main reason for Somalia not growing rapidly. Khat has many side effects:

" Khat can cause many side effects including mood changes, increased alertness, excessive talkativeness, hyperactivity, excitement, aggressiveness, anxiety, elevated blood pressure, manic behavior, paranoia, and psychoses. Trouble sleeping (insomnia), loss of energy (malaise), and lack of concentration usually follow. "

All of these impacts will have a detriment on a nation. It's like Alcoholism in Russia.


Bantu Liberation Movement
It's Buuqland Post they have to write some bullshit on Somaliland with a massive blunder like that from their majeertenia "government", I mean how can you take one of your most valuable resource and sell it - not for money - but KHAT!
If this is true, it's way better than paying half a billion in cold hard cash. Fish is a sustainable resource. With a 90% consumption rate, every drug cartel from Myanmar to Mexico would be jealous of Somaliland's customer base.



True Puntlander

so you agree this idea?.
Khat money was going to Ethiopia. In the market fish value is more expensive than khat. So puntland government want to have money instead to sent it to Ethiopia.

Our value jeegaan customers they start paying from puntland cause its cheaper than they bring it from wadajaar border.

So yes we need our money to be used inside country not to give it to Ethiopia.
but that is my honest order and it is the reality. nothing to be ashamed but work on reducing the usage.

If that was the case people in Somaliland (men in general) would have been tricker ready crazy lunatics like folks in Somalia, I mean Khat is like amphetamine..

The alkaloid in khat with the most pharmacologic activity is cathinone, whose chemical structure resembles that of amphetamine. (Figure 1.) It increases the release and inhibits the re-uptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Acute psychomotor effects include feelings of euphoria and excitation, hyperactivity, and manic behavior. Dream-like auditory and visual hallucinations have been described.
If that was the case people in Somaliland (men in general) would have been tricker ready crazy lunatics like folks in Somalia, I mean Khat is like amphetamine..
considerable number of Somalilanders i know tried Khat where not enough people i know from South-central people tried khat. this is my personal observation.
If this is true, it's way better than paying half a billion in cold hard cash. Fish is a sustainable resource. With a 90% consumption rate, every drug cartel from Myanmar to Mexico would be jealous of Somaliland's customer base.


Yeah I'm mean if the xaaraan pirate-gig is no longer possible, you can go for this new xaaraan venture - good luck...

considerable number of Somalilanders i know tried Khat where not enough people i know from South-central people tried khat. this is my personal observation.
I can believe that almost every male in Somaliland has tried jaad, but no way in hell is that 90% figure referring to regular consumption. If that were the case, Somaliland society would have ground to a halt and become totally unproductive. As it is, Somaliland society today is undoubtedly the most successful Somali society in getting the most out of the little it has.

Here in the UK, prior to the ban, I'd say at least 80% of the guys I knew aged 18+ had tried jaad, but only a very, very small number were regular chewers. The fast majority did it once in a blue moon as just a bit of a fun.
I know the situation back home is very different and chewing jaad is more of a social norm. However, even there other than the older generation, it is highly unlikely that you can have the majority of males in a male-dominated society addicted to jaad and not have a society that is totally broken down. Somaliland society is the complete opposite, it is a remarkable success story given its international status, as documented by any objective person that ever visits it.
So apparently It's a trade contract that states they'll export their khat to us, we'll export our fish to them, and we'll get money in exchange, minimizing our trade imbalance.

Still annoying that Khat is legal. I guess Khat is like our alcohol so makes no sense.