Somali women, SJW, BLM feminist says we were enslaved by Arabs

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
That indeed is a game changer sxb. From now on all of Southern Arabia belongs to SomaliWeyne. Southern arabians aka Mehris are lost Cushites.
The only place we should focus on expanding if Europe/NA collapses is westward into Habesha/Oromo territory and southwest into Madow land.

f*ck Arabia we have Bari if you want deserts

Madara x

Sleep soundly
I guess this is backlash to the asswipes who hail not being enslaved as some kind of proof of inherent might rather than fortune, circumstances and alliances. But two wrongs do not make a right.

As far as i'm concerned, i'm a proponent of this team 'backlash'.

All i hear is 'we are better than these bantus' and 'were better than these AA's'. And that's some fucked up shit.

Hopefully these arab-loving and aryan-loving somalis will realize that its wrong to say that your'e better than any black person who got enslaved. Especially now that they realize that its possible that they themselves were enslaved.

Humble your my people. Black power.

Long live the dervish dream:fittytousand:

Madara x

Sleep soundly
Youve caught me:manny:

What I'm actually trying to convey by that is during our period of expansion, we from our presumed homeland in the North and along city states on the Indian ocean coast, to new lands in the South and West. View attachment 11878

The earliest mention of Somalis were the Hawiyya in Merka and along the nile of Mogadishu (Shebelle) in 1150-something by al-Idrisi. Considering the closeness to the already established Mogadishu, we can presume this was before or during our expansion period.

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It is known we clashed with Xabashi, Oromos, Nilotics and other populations. Our expasion was followed by sultanates like Adal and Ajuraan that forever established the land to be that of the Somali nomad and fought of aggressive Oromos. But still at this points (1600-1700s) we didn't hold nearly as much land as we do today. With our expansion soutwards into what is now NFD and our expansion westwards into what is now K5, we captured much more land and created settlements. The organized nomad with clan support easily pushed away any population.

It is believed actually that the Rahanweiin farmers in Southern lushous Somalia learned the trade from Oromos before chasing them away lol.

Even the Europeans admired our expansion skills

To think we could have had most of Kenya and be expanding into Tanzania now:jcoleno:

Some more tidbits to feed your ego :hemad:

And did you know Somalis nomads have reached the border of Tanzania:gladbron: In 2014 the Masaai people publicly called for the Kenyan Govt to stop Somali herders encroaching their territory in Kajiado, which is at the border to Tanzania.

I'm meaning modern Somali territory, as you can see from this map. Too bad it's already outdated:hemad:

But yeah this is the result of our expansion:lawd:

Once again, you get another award for a beautiful presentation of information.:mjlol:

But i must say i'm :damn:. Cuz you basically said that we colonized the territories that we currently call our homeland and chased the people who lived there away.

:ivers:Did i understand what your saying here? Or am i misunderstanding you?
You for real?

I answered you on this already

Bantus from the black South on the Mogadishu market in 1609.

So Bantus rebelled as slaves in 696 but didn't become slaves until 1900s?

Bantus were used heavily, but the trade itself only became more detailed, noted and most importantly hugely more popular in the 1800s when Omanis controlling Zanzibar.

It was during the 1800s that Arabs especially wanted slaves as they were becoming states entering the period of Industrialization.

The trade existed for long, but only then became hugely popular.

Did you actually read what you posted...What you posted is from the book "Slavery in the Arab World" and the author says
“By the beginning of the fifteenth century, the East Coast had achieved a modest degree of urban growth. Along the coastal strip between the Kilwa group of islands and Mogadishu, some thirty-seven twons managed to develop and maintain a degree of prosperity and urbanity. Because they were more conscious of their differences than what they shared in common, they were never able to unite into a single confederate or state. Several of these towns, notably Kilwa and Mogadishu [two different towns] and to a lesser extent, Mombasa, prospered. Islam, which managed to take hold on the coast in the thirteenth century, was the religion that people of these towns professed. [That means the majority of them embraced Islam]. When Ibn Battuta came to the coast in 1331, he chose to visit Kilwa and Mogadishu [Again two different towns]. He could not help observe the piety of its inhabitants.

No less significant, Ibn Battuta was made aware of the large number of slavers that made up their populations. The sultan of Kilwa [This is not a Somali town, it’s a Swahili one], he noted, carried out frequent raids in search of slaves. So plenty were they that he presented twenty of them as a gift to an indigent fakir from Yemen. Both Kilwa and Mogadishu, in fact, owed part of their prosperity to the slaving activities carried on by their [individual] sultans.”

I never denied Somalia had slaves…so I really don’t even know why you’re talking about that. Just because someone had slaves, doesn’t mean Somalis weren’t sold. It’s called the “Arab” slave trade, not the “Somali” slave trade.

Another author talks about this book as well and I've included it. She says that the guy from the book you posted Muray Gordon, talks about how slaves were taken not only from Somalia, but Sudan, Egypt, and Ethiopia.

slavery in the arab world.jpg Fullscreen capture 1192017 22739 AM.bmp.jpg the mysterious.jpg Fullscreen capture 1192017 23149 AM.bmp.jpg
Are you a Somali Bantu?
No, not at all, although for some reason why Somalis take DNA tests, they say "South Eastern Bantu" Idk what that means.
Not this fucking shit again.


Before, 23andme used to also not have the Cushitic genome, but they did more testing and suddenly Somalis on there went from 50% european to 99% east african. And now recently they did more testing on specifically Somalis/Cushites to make more detailed DNA results.

A somali currently
note Cushitic is a subgroup within East Africa at the moment

These are ALL SOMALIS. Heres some other East Africans to give you some context.


Xabashi (who are actually fully mixed with Arab)


Kenyan Luo




Somalis ARE NOT HALF BREED MUTTS. WE ARE PURE SOMALI CUSHITES. End of story. When more testing on our genome is done, a Cushitic result will be displayed and Somalis will be pure Cushitic with Oromos second.

First of all, why are you screaming? lol It's going to be okay, don't raise your blood pressure. And they have Somali DNA, one girl that I posted took the DNA test 4 months ago.

But let me ask you something...explain the history behind the word "Cush" or "Cushite" I think that'd be a really interesting topic. Some people used 23 and me and another used My Ancestry by the way...


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
No, not at all, although for some reason when Somalis take DNA tests, the DNA test says "South Eastern Bantu" or "Sub Saharan Africa"

Just wondering, what are your thoughts on the location of The Land of Punt since you have a history degree?
Somali Guilt the new White guilt :icon lol:

I have never seen a group of people take so much pride in such an awful history.

I have plenty of African friends, and these are very conscious people, I always argue away it was the Berber and their offsprings in Djibouti/Zeila that practiced this and these people claim Arab ancestry and are not indigenous Somali's

Luckily they back up my theory and claim Hashemite ancestry or Jaberti when they stupidly go to their forums to brag about this after they are asked, speaking of this, I never encountered a HAG engaging in this, in fact this made me curious now.

@Boqor Geeljire252

War ninyahow did you ever hear any history of us trading slaves or using them? Until recently, we didn't have any bantu's or Madow's that I knew off in our region.


Eebow those Madow's in Jowhar, does mudulood have any history of enslaving them that you know off?

I don't know. But i know other Mudulood like Wacdaan and moobleen had slaves
Hi! There's no "true" certainty about the location of the That Land of Punt. And this explains why Scholars have been debating about the location of Punt for decades because for every theory, there is something else to discredit it so the debate continues. I personally think it was in the horn of Africa, but it's debated amongst scholars still to this day.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Hi! There's no "true" certainty about the location of the That Land of Punt. And this explains why Scholars have been debating about the location of Punt for decades because for every theory, there is something else to discredit it so the debate continues. I personally think it was in the horn of Africa, but it's debated amongst scholars still to this day.

Some artifacts were found in Somalia that could be related to the Land of Punt.


Do you think it is possible that some ancient cities are buried deep in the deserts?
If Punt is found in Somalia that could give Somalia an economic boost with tourism.
I don't know. But i know other Mudulood like Wacdaan and moobleen had slaves

Firstly, just because you haven't heard about it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. There's a lot of Muslims who don't know what's happening in Somalia.
Arabs barely documented their doings because Slavery was so entrenched in their culture. It's not even an "exact" estimate on the amounts taken. But if you think Arabs didn't enslave Somalis after Somalis converted to Islam just because they became Muslim then you'd need to explain how and why Arab until this day are using and abusing and exploiting Somalis, forcing them into manual labor,

This is from 2016

The first picture is from the book Trafficking in Persons Report (10th Ed.)

This article also talks about it

And this article talks about how “Somali men are subjected to conditions of forced labor as herdsmen and menial workers in the Gulf states, while children are reportedly smuggled to Saudi Arabia through Yemen and then placed into forced begging”

Arabs treat Somalis horribly, today and much of it goes unnoticed by the rest of the Muslim world because the "ummah" doesn't truly care about Black Muslims. That's why no one talks about all the tragedies that are happening in Somalia, everyone just talks about Syria and Palestine and don't get me wrong, we can talk about those issues, but why leave out Black Muslim issues? That happens all the time, there's so much going on in Somalia and Somalis are treated horribly by Arabs, getting called "abeed" yet it all goes relatively unnoticed. And also I’m still salty at the fact that Somaliland closed their boarders on other Somalis, wth? Let’s get it together…

Somalis are being used today, when Somalis are fully Muslim, what makes you think they weren't using Somalis when the Arab Slave Trade in East Africa first started...Again, Arabs referred to Somalis by using the term "Habesha", that's why not a single piece of Islamic/Arabic text has the word "Somali" I posted a picture that talks about how East Africans were referred to as "Habesha" and that location was referred to as the Land of Barbar or Berber.

In the book Slavery and manumission: British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf by Jerzy Zdanowski, he says "Berbera" because that was one of the terms it was called.

Another thing that is explained in the book "Red Sea from Byzantium to Caliphate" is the fact that Arabs never said "Somali" or "Somalia"

"Frankincense is also known to have been grown in Somalia from early times, though does not feature prominently in the Arabic narrative sources. Agapius (d. 941-2), for instance, perhaps hints at the production of frankincense when he writes of Ethiopia's 'aromatic plants' ('aqaqir). 238 Similarly, al-Istakhri states that the Ethiopians "live scattered on the coastal region opposite Aden. All frankincense (bakhur)... comes from their country." 239 The Arabic kail al-bakhur does indeed translate as 'all the frankincense,' yet this may be a copyist's error for kail bakhur meaning 'every (type) of frankincense.' This could even be translated more loosely as 'every (type) of incense,' which might make more sense given the references to opercula, ambergris and frankincense produced in Ethiopia."

Frankincense is known for being in Somalia however, Arabs never said Somalia, they said Ethiopia because Somalia as a country did not exist, it was engulfed in term the "Land of Barbar"

Look at a map, if you look at the physical boundaries of what they decided to give Somalia, Somalis spill outside of those physical boundaries and are pretty spread out throughout East Africa (Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, etc). This means Somalis were all throughout East Africa and not limited to one location. I never said Somalia didn't have slaves...just about EVERY society had slaves...In the Book Slavery and Manumission" British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf by Jerzy Zdanowski, he says the "Berbera" to describe the origin when he says "Somali" who were being sold.

Fullscreen capture 1192017 10315 AM.bmp.jpg book-001.jpg byzantium to caliphate.jpg Fullscreen capture 12272016 63459 PM.bmp.jpg black slaves.jpg Fullscreen capture 1192017 122532 AM.bmp.jpg the mysterious.jpg Fullscreen capture 1192017 23149 AM.bmp.jpg Slavery and manumission.jpg Fullscreen capture 1152017 103106 PM.bmp.jpg
I wouldn't use faulty and incomplete DNA tests to back up your claim that we are mixed. Its known that ancestry does not have any grouping that's specific to east africa. 23andme is a little bit better in that regard.

Have you taken a genetics course before? DNA has been jumping across continents in Africa for centuries, so I really don't understand why Somalis are so hurt if DNA tests say something, tbh I don't even use DNA tests because if you've taken a DNA course, you'd know they're not as reliable, but the only reason why I've brought it up is because Somalis like to bring up DNA to say "we're pure" when no one is a pure race. If we think about it in terms of how the Quran told us human came about, from Adam and Hawa, DNA is irrelevant and not a single person is "pure" because that's not really how DNA's recorded by several sources that Arabs/Persian/Hindis have gone to East Africa. Look at the proximity...even in the Prophet's time, Arabs had constant contact with Ethiopians. "Somalia" or "Somali" is never mentioned in a single piece of Arab literature or hadiths at all.

World map (India Somalia).jpg
Some artifacts were found in Somalia that could be related to the Land of Punt.


Do you think it is possible that some ancient cities are buried deep in the deserts?
If Punt is found in Somalia that could give Somalia an economic boost with tourism.

Oh yeah, definitely I think people would want to visit more! I know there are still excavation digs happening in Somaliland. I think the reason why there's still a debate happening about where exactly Punt Land is, is because there are similar artifacts and pyramids found in places in East Africa/Arab Peninsula. Have you ever read about Akhenaten? He was really interesting to learn about because it's theorized that he was Muslim, but more specifically a Prophet, in the sense that he accepted tawheed and tried to bring it to his people.
Firstly, just because you haven't heard about it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. There's a lot of Muslims who don't know what's happening in Somalia.
Arabs barely documented their doings because Slavery was so entrenched in their culture. It's not even an "exact" estimate on the amounts taken. But if you think Arabs didn't enslave Somalis after Somalis converted to Islam just because they became Muslim then you'd need to explain how and why Arab until this day are using and abusing and exploiting Somalis, forcing them into manual labor,

This is from 2016

The first picture is from the book Trafficking in Persons Report (10th Ed.)

This article also talks about it

And this article talks about how “Somali men are subjected to conditions of forced labor as herdsmen and menial workers in the Gulf states, while children are reportedly smuggled to Saudi Arabia through Yemen and then placed into forced begging”

Arabs treat Somalis horribly, today and much of it goes unnoticed by the rest of the Muslim world because the "ummah" doesn't truly care about Black Muslims. That's why no one talks about all the tragedies that are happening in Somalia, everyone just talks about Syria and Palestine and don't get me wrong, we can talk about those issues, but why leave out Black Muslim issues? That happens all the time, there's so much going on in Somalia and Somalis are treated horribly by Arabs, getting called "abeed" yet it all goes relatively unnoticed. And also I’m still salty at the fact that Somaliland closed their boarders on other Somalis, wth? Let’s get it together…

Somalis are being used today, when Somalis are fully Muslim, what makes you think they weren't using Somalis when the Arab Slave Trade in East Africa first started...Again, Arabs referred to Somalis by using the term "Habesha", that's why not a single piece of Islamic/Arabic text has the word "Somali" I posted a picture that talks about how East Africans were referred to as "Habesha" and that location was referred to as the Land of Barbar or Berber.

In the book Slavery and manumission: British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf by Jerzy Zdanowski, he says "Berbera" because that was one of the terms it was called.

Another thing that is explained in the book "Red Sea from Byzantium to Caliphate" is the fact that Arabs never said "Somali" or "Somalia"

"Frankincense is also known to have been grown in Somalia from early times, though does not feature prominently in the Arabic narrative sources. Agapius (d. 941-2), for instance, perhaps hints at the production of frankincense when he writes of Ethiopia's 'aromatic plants' ('aqaqir). 238 Similarly, al-Istakhri states that the Ethiopians "live scattered on the coastal region opposite Aden. All frankincense (bakhur)... comes from their country." 239 The Arabic kail al-bakhur does indeed translate as 'all the frankincense,' yet this may be a copyist's error for kail bakhur meaning 'every (type) of frankincense.' This could even be translated more loosely as 'every (type) of incense,' which might make more sense given the references to opercula, ambergris and frankincense produced in Ethiopia."

Frankincense is known for being in Somalia however, Arabs never said Somalia, they said Ethiopia because Somalia as a country did not exist, it was engulfed in term the "Land of Barbar"

Look at a map, if you look at the physical boundaries of what they decided to give Somalia, Somalis spill outside of those physical boundaries and are pretty spread out throughout East Africa (Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, etc). This means Somalis were all throughout East Africa and not limited to one location. I never said Somalia didn't have slaves...just about EVERY society had slaves...In the Book Slavery and Manumission" British Policy in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf by Jerzy Zdanowski, he says the "Berbera" to describe the origin when he says "Somali" who were being sold.

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Wtf Did u actually read. I Said i dont know whether Abgaals had slaves or not. But i do know our cousins wacdaan and mobleen had slaves
DNA has been jumping across continents in Africa for centuries, so I really don't understand why Somalis are so hurt if DNA tests say something, tbh I don't even use DNA tests because if you've taken a DNA course, you'd know they're not as reliable, but the only reason why I've brought it up is because Somalis like to bring up DNA to say "we're pure" when no one is a pure race. If we think about it in terms of how the Quran told us human came about, from Adam and Hawa, DNA is irrelevant and not a single person is "pure" because that's not really how DNA's recorded by several sources that Arabs/Persian/Hindis have gone to East Africa. Look at the proximity...even in the Prophet's time, Arabs had constant contact with Ethiopians. "Somalia" or "Somali" is never mentioned in a single piece of Arab literature or hadiths at all.

All I said in my post, is to not take DNA tests seriously and I'm glad that you agree with me on that aspect.

If we think about it in terms of how the Quran told us human came about, from Adam and Hawa,

Please don't use religious or spiritual texts as proof. The religion is there to guide me to heaven not to make claims on what or who is "pure".

Yes of course arabs/persians/hindis have travelled to somalia and somalis to arabia/persia/India but that doesn't mean there has been a wave of mass migration of these peoples to settle in Somalia, that is how you get a changing ethnic demographic. Only the Barawnis, reer Xamar have significant admixture of these peoples, and that is only because they are made up of the few merchants that had decided to settle in Somalia.

I am not emotionally invested in this argument, but I can see how other Somalis can get "butt hurt" because you put the cart before the horse. You have already formed your conclusion, and are trying to prove that. Rather than letting the evidence form your conclusion.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
the amount of time and effort put into trying to prove that somalis were slaves...its borderline pathological walahi

even if you end up being right, what happens? you'll feel less insecure at BLM rallies? +30% triggering when u hear the n word?
the amount of time and effort put into trying to prove that somalis were slaves...its borderline pathological walahi

even if you end up being right, what happens? you'll feel less insecure at BLM rallies? +30% triggering when u hear the n word?

I don't understand how can someone "rational"spend countless hours reading like 100s of books just to prove that her ancestors were enslaved. I think besides her affinity for BLM, she is also doing this to justify her atheism, by saying look Arabs enslaved us, so we shouldn't be Muslims. This is a weird fetish.
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