Somali Secular Family Only Allowed In



Secularist we are one family, it doesn't matter which region or clan we come from, we stand for the rights of all irrespective of identity politics like the islamists or clannist, this can be our new unitying force not 'anti colonial' like the past nor 'anti ethiopia' like siyad, they always need an 'enemy' these identity based governments or the self implode, but governments based on freedom, don't need enemies, their ppl cherish they are free and hopefully we will do the same our peoples. Let's also talk becuz your my political family, i will always vote for u even against my own clan who are islamist, this will tear apart somali tribalism, we will be down values now and this achieves our great age of cooperation where all clans defend each other human rights.



Make Hobyo Great Again

Secularist we are one family, it doesn't matter which region or clan we come from, we stand for the rights of all irrespective of identity politics like the islamists or clannist, this can be our new unitying force not 'anti colonial' like the past nor 'anti ethiopia' like siyad, they always need an 'enemy' these identity based governments or the self implode, but governments based on freedom, don't need enemies, their ppl cherish they are free and hopefully we will do the same our peoples. Let's also talk becuz your my political family, i will always vote for u even against my own clan who are islamist, this will tear apart somali tribalism, we will be down values now and this achieves our great age of cooperation where all clans defend each other human rights.

Did someone hack the doctor's account?!


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
@DR OSMAN please don't claim us. You're disgracing our name. Spread your evil secular degeneracy elsewhere.


@Somali emirate of punt you said u want to debate me waryaa? wallahi i will debate u any time, anywhere, where-ever u seek to show u a nation should be based on human rights not on identity politics, a nation should give minority rights full equal rights to the mainstream. A state shouldn't represe a religion, for religion is personal matter between an individual and god. A state should protect the freedoms each human has and equalize them based on this.

Listen sxb secularism is pretty much unstoppable like slavery abolishment was unstoppable, adigu siyasadada waa muslim aniguna human rights, isku misaan manahin niyahow, u fight for an idea, i fight for protecting all people freedom, how is that the same or equal to your idea of protecting an interest group(islam)? the constitution already says men and women are equal, where-as the islam teaches a woman is half a man notice u equalized the genders but u won't equalize all human rights u picking n choosing what is acceptable and not.

At least I am not enforcing my non religious views on religious people. Am I passing laws saying that no-one can practise religion, am i saying u need to be a non religious person in order to be president. Am I say no religion can be preached outside like u say nothing but Islam can be preached in public. Never forget I stand for xaquuqul insaan u stand for xaaququl muslim, there is huge difference, u r not a govt of the people, your a govt of an identity only.

This will be your down fall like all identity based govts of the past, because u r taking the rights of those who are not muslim to be just as free, equal as other citizens. U can't regulate morality because morality is a choice, if u cud regulate it, allah would've make all believers and destroyed disbelief, u need to learn to co-exist with others, i am sick of people coming around selecting an identity and playin identity politics and creating a state for it, it's backward shit.
You sound retarded, i am pretty certain that you're mentally challenged.

You can barley string a sentence together taking long pauses most likely you want to emulate those so called secular "intellectuals" who are far from intellectual.
@Somali emirate of punt you said u want to debate me waryaa? wallahi i will debate u any time, anywhere, where-ever u seek to show u a nation should be based on human rights not on identity politics, a nation should give minority rights full equal rights to the mainstream. A state shouldn't represe a religion, for religion is personal matter between an individual and god. A state should protect the freedoms each human has and equalize them based on this.

Listen sxb secularism is pretty much unstoppable like slavery abolishment was unstoppable, adigu siyasadada waa muslim aniguna human rights, isku misaan manahin niyahow, u fight for an idea, i fight for protecting all people freedom, how is that the same or equal to your idea of protecting an interest group(islam)? the constitution already says men and women are equal, where-as the islam teaches a woman is half a man notice u equalized the genders but u won't equalize all human rights u picking n choosing what is acceptable and not.

At least I am not enforcing my non religious views on religious people. Am I passing laws saying that no-one can practise religion, am i saying u need to be a non religious person in order to be president. Am I say no religion can be preached outside like u say nothing but Islam can be preached in public. Never forget I stand for xaquuqul insaan u stand for xaaququl muslim, there is huge difference, u r not a govt of the people, your a govt of an identity only.

This will be your down fall like all identity based govts of the past, because u r taking the rights of those who are not muslim to be just as free, equal as other citizens. U can't regulate morality because morality is a choice, if u cud regulate it, allah would've make all believers and destroyed disbelief, u need to learn to co-exist with others, i am sick of people coming around selecting an identity and playin identity politics and creating a state for it, it's backward shit.
Let’s set the time and place.


@Somali emirate of punt remember this before u jump for a debate with me.

1. Federalism ensures regions don't collapse from a central govt and powers are separated
2. Secularism will ensure all citizens enjoy the same standard of human rights and freedoms that equality allows
3.Democracy will decide which party Somalis prefer a more secular party that strives to achieve human right goals of it's citizens, protect their freedom, see them as equal with no advantage or an Islamist who wants to play god thru shariah law and remove non muslim rights and even certain personal liberties like homosexuality, alcohol,.

Where u want this debate
@Somali emirate of punt remember this before u jump for a debate with me.

1. Federalism ensures regions don't collapse from a central govt and powers are separated
2. Secularism will ensure all citizens enjoy the same standard of human rights and freedoms that equality allows
3.Democracy will decide which party Somalis prefer a more secular party that strives to achieve human right goals of it's citizens, protect their freedom, see them as equal with no advantage or an Islamist who wants to play god thru shariah law and remove non muslim rights and even certain personal liberties like homosexuality, alcohol,.

Where u want this debate
On a YouTube”Somali speakers”.


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