Somali Queen vaccinates Emirati economic migrant


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Being hijab less isn’t a badge of honor it’s actually the hijab that is the badge of honor and sign of refinement
Emirates wasn't even a country in 1954 :dead:
Also most of Somalis budget during the 70's was from aid
the 2nd part of what you said is a that's a lie sxb. Somali Republic had a strong export market for SSA and even third world standards.
Really? I'm pretty sure the USSR funded most projects
Many of the projects such as schools, hospital, parks etc were funded via livestock exports tax and port fees. The USSR funded us with weapons and port/army base reconstruction. The Somali gov was extremely secretive when it came to real numbers they gave to international institutions. This why so many cadaans were shocked by how developed Somalia was at the time compared to other SSA countries when they visited. We were near self sufficient in food and other various things. The Somali economy wasn't a communist-socialist one at all, but a mixed system like the Chinese have now.

Here is a comparison between today and the 70's and 80's.
@DR OSMAN a lot of statistics like GDP, esp. in Africa cannot be trusted for around the time period but in this case let's say it was true. Jon Snow and other Europeans who visited Somalia at the time can attest it was better off than other in SSA, which made them believe the Somali Gov at the time was defrauding the intl. community. I have a feeling the old government lied to Westerns inorder to get more aid, which is understandable. The current GDP is nothing to brag out. There is no manufacturing, there are no locally made products made. Majority of whatever is left that contributes to todays "Somali" economy is livestock export from PL. I will compare some things of todays "Somalia" with Siyaad's Somali Republic.

1. Somalia's current GDP is 79-80% foreign aid and remittance. Here is proof. Thank you @Thegoodshepherd for sharing this. Even with the cheap Chinese and western imports model, no is really making money. It's still all mostly foreign aid and remittance.
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2. Somalia under Siyaad was able to avoid the largest famine and drought in the HoA - in 1974-76 MILLIONS of Ethiopians died while Somalis were evacuated and saved. There was also a mass effort to fight desertification that worked when even westerners said it was an impossible task

3. Somalia's economy was semi-planned and allowed for capitalism and trade. Land was never taken from people, livestock was not taken from people, it was the contrary, these things were subsides and encouraged to help increase production and led to more taxes being collected. Only things such as the country's resources were partly state-owned. According to this Somalia was 44 instead of 8, putting above Ethiopia, Nigeria and many others at the time. This system was not "socialism" or "communism" as people like to believe it. It was something close to the Chinese system of today, a mixed bag where a party rules by force but is efficient. It was align and conform or be destroyed. An iron fist rule that prioritize state's well being over others. This is one of the reasons I am not fond of his rule.

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4. Again here is another example of adjusting for inflation, we were way better off in port use and management. For example Siyaad gave a 10 year lease of partial use of a the port that was built in Berbera. The lease was for the American military, in which each year the paid a substantial amount of money. The port itself was sold for a measly $120 million for 30 years by Siylano and the FGS to the UAE in 2014, now for comparison, like I said we adjust for inflation, the port was making $100 million ALONE from American military use, if we add regular import/export/docking etc for businesses that would add another 40-50 million a year. After delcaring their ""independence"..why didn't Issaqs use the port in 30 years and have it contribute to their economy like Siyaad did??? They waited nearly 30 years to just sell it to the UAE for pennies. This is mind blowing
I talked about it in this thread and did the math in the post below ↓

5. POVERTY was lower than all other SSA African countries. This is what Siyaads game plan was, it was to turn Somalia into a food producing nation capable of feeding itself and becoming an export in food. It was initially working from my understanding.
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@Dualke I will post more about the Somali economy when I get a chance. I am reading old books/studies and comparing many sources together to see how better off we were. We could learn from the ways the fast paced development of the early 70's were implemented. It was actually pretty incredible what Somalis could do when they all worked together for a common goal.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You're taking things too serious, I'm not going to joke with u again
Don't worry. I removed you from my suspect list.
Dick Wolf Police GIF by Wolf Entertainment


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